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atmaca (DayZ)

Combat Logging/Server Hopping Brainstorm Thread

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So last time I cornered a guy in a room, told him to surrender but he didn't. I was aiming at the door waiting for him to get out. Then I got shot on back of my head. So this guy just logged out, changed server, left the room, left the building and logged in to my server back again; briefly he just teleported on my backside.


We need ideas, good ideas to solve this problem. I don't think a simple log out timer would solve this thing. Then the guy I mentioned can still log out while I was waiting outside and simply avoid that bad situation. I know there are other threads about this issue but I just want to combine all the ideas by putting them in a single thread so developers can read and evaluate ideas better.



Some possible solutions by forum users:


ZedsDeadBaby - Simple Solution to Loot Farming via Server Hopping


ZedsDeadBaby - Spawn Zones


Betweenaduck - Sleeping



Here's my idea, I'm using the format below, you may do the same if you want


  • Player quits the game, instantly goes back to main menu or whatever.
  • After that, player character stays at the same point for 90 seconds.
  • Player character starts the sleep animation, simply lies on the ground on sleeping position.
  • Player character makes snoring noises, this noise can only be head from a close distance like 10 meters.
  • Player characters inventory is accessible just as if he's restrained.
  • Player character is not invincible, therefore he may die just as if he's unconscious.
  • Player character also keep losing blood if he's bleeding. Sickness, cold and all the other effects also go on.
  • If player character dies, the corpse should stay on the ground with all items as it should be.
  • Player can only log back in to the server which he left for 10 minutes. Only after 10 minutes he can change the server.
  • This 10 minute block only happens if the player is on that server for more than 10 minutes and then he logs off.
  • 10 minute server change counter should be shown somewhere on the server screen along with a button to go back to the server you just logged off.


So let me explain why we need these weird mechanics;
  • I don't think player should control the character after he presses exit button so there won't be a timer or anything on screen right then. Players should go to a safe spot before they decide to log off. 
  • Sleep animation is needed so we can notice if the player is logged out or just afk. Also in situations like you see a guy up front and call him to drop his weapons, then he just does nothing, not moving or looking around etc; You wouldn't be able tell if he's disconnecting and will disapper in 90 seconds or just standing still.
  • Considering situations like I mentioned above, snoring or some kind of noise is needed to know if the guy you cornered in a room has just disconnected or waiting you inside and pointing a gun to the door.
  • 10 minute server change restrain is also needed for obvious reasons. This will be the most reasonable solution for teleporters.
  • On the other hand, you may also be trying to find a lag-free server by switching between servers. Therefore the 10 minute block should only happen after you spend 10 minutes or more in a single server.
  • Server change timer will also put more realism so players wont be able to just log off when night comes or weather gets cold when they have no proper gear.


I hope my idea will be helpful and I also expect you all to post your ideas. Please avoid text blocks or simple explanations like "put a 10 minute log off counter" or something. Try to explain you reason and mechanics by details, only then we may find the best solution.


I also hope developers to read all this and come up with the best solution for everyone.



Edited by atmaca
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Simple Solution to Loot Farming via Server Hopping


Combat logging is super easy. We just need a 15 second countdown on logout. I'm pretty sure Dean has said he already has this implemented he just hasn't deployed it fully.


90 seconds is excessive. That's plenty of time for someone to come along and find me even if I was "safe" when I logged out.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Simple Solution to Loot Farming via Server Hopping


Combat logging is super easy. We just need a 15 second countdown on logout. I'm pretty sure Dean has said he already has this implemented he just hasn't deployed it fully.


90 seconds is excessive. That's plenty of time for someone to come along and find me even if I was "safe" when I logged out.


Your idea sounds nice too, I agree most of it. However I still think we need some kind of indicator to see if the player is disconnecting or just standing still. Also for 90 seconds, I believe it's even short considering my fights are extremely slow-paced most of the time and both sides usually wait for minutes in a corner before doing their next move.

Edited by atmaca

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Simple Solution to Loot Farming via Server Hopping


Combat logging is super easy. We just need a 15 second countdown on logout. I'm pretty sure Dean has said he already has this implemented he just hasn't deployed it fully.


90 seconds is excessive. That's plenty of time for someone to come along and find me even if I was "safe" when I logged out.


90 is excessive, 15 is a joke. if you keep it that low any mid-range encounter with little cover will be as retarded as its now, since you can never be sure if your opponent is prone and waiting for you or just behind a tree logging out. 45-60s at least.


imho logging out should cause a medium-loud sound signal as well, so that every participant of the firefight realizes that someone attempts to log out. i do not want to have to rush in like a retard because my enemy might me logging out,

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this has been discussed many times now. use the search function.

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So last time I cornered a guy in a room, told him to surrender but he didn't. I was aiming at the door waiting for him to get out. Then I got shot on back of my head. So this guy just logged out, changed server, left the room, left the building and logged in to my server back again; briefly he just teleported on my backside.


We need ideas, good ideas to solve this problem. I don't think a simple log out timer would solve this thing. Then the guy I mentioned can still log out while I was waiting outside and simply avoid that bad situation. I know there are other threads about this issue but I just want to combine all the ideas by putting them in a single thread so developers can read and evaluate ideas better.


I'm using the format below, you may do the same if you want


Hello. I posted few of my ideas in the differend thread: 




I think combining your suggestions with mine could give us an interesting system for logging out of the game.


What do you think?

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I know rocket already said that there is actually a logout timer, it's just not turned on yet. However a simple logout timer does not solve the problem. In fact it solves nothing at all. People can still hop, combat log or ghost they just have to wait couple seconds in a corner to do so.

I've seen Betweenaduck's sleep idea, it sounds cool too. I remember Ultima Online had a system like that. You had to light a campfire, open a matress to log out safely. Otherwise your character would still present in the wilderness for two minutes. If you think 2 minute is too much, belive me people UO map was so much smaller than dayz map.

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- 30 Second log out timer.
- If you log out before that your character is replaced with an AI that stands in surrender position for 2 minutes in your last location.
If you log out in a popular area you will be teleported out of it +/-1000m away. Rocket has discussed this.

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I know rocket already said that there is actually a logout timer, it's just not turned on yet. However a simple logout timer does not solve the problem. In fact it solves nothing at all. People can still hop, combat log or ghost they just have to wait couple seconds in a corner to do so.

I've seen Betweenaduck's sleep idea, it sounds cool too. I remember Ultima Online had a system like that. You had to light a campfire, open a matress to log out safely. Otherwise your character would still present in the wilderness for two minutes. If you think 2 minute is too much, belive me people UO map was so much smaller than dayz map.


Appreciate that, mate. We know that Rocket tend to listen to the DayZ community. So maybe in time good ideas from this forum will be at least considered by the dev team.

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- 30 Second log out timer.

- If you log out before that your character is replaced with an AI that stands in surrender position for 2 minutes in your last location.



If you log out in a popular area you will be teleported out of it +/-1000m away. Rocket has discussed this.

Even if Rocket agrees with that, its not a solution at all. Imagine you shot a guy in the woods, then he dived into a shack. Now you slooowly approach to the shack as you keep aimimg in case he pops out. This will take a lot more than 30 seconds, probabiy couple minutes. Then when you look in, theres nothing. Now that guy just logged off and coming at you from a random direction, and since couple minutes past, he's probably about to shoot you right now.

How come thats a solution now? Rocket should consider all these situations and make his best to ensure combat logging inabusable on ANY way.

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Oh look this thread with exactly the same suggestions for the 50th time today. Have you even tried to search? There is a system to prevent combat logging and ghosting but its not implemented yet. It will likely be the same system that  used in the mod. A system to prevent loot hopping would be retarded since loot doesn't respawn yet and when it does there will be enough for it to not be worth the wait time.

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Oh look this thread with exactly the same suggestions for the 50th time today. Have you even tried to search? There is a system to prevent combat logging and ghosting but its not implemented yet. It will likely be the same system that used in the mod. A system to prevent loot hopping would be retarded since loot doesn't respawn yet and when it does there will be enough for it to not be worth the wait time.

You're totally missing the point.

I know there is a system to be implemented, what Im saying as far as its revealed it's useless and we need something better.

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Oh look this thread with exactly the same suggestions for the 50th time today. Have you even tried to search? There is a system to prevent combat logging and ghosting but its not implemented yet. It will likely be the same system that used in the mod. A system to prevent loot hopping would be retarded since loot doesn't respawn yet and when it does there will be enough for it to not be worth the wait time.

You're totally missing the point.

I know there is a system to be implemented, what Im saying as far as its revealed it's useless and we need something better.

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I am getting sick of these threads..

Because alpher shut up or stop playing until devs work something out.

Do people really think devs will read these threads and go ahh yeah cool lets do that? ... No they have their own ideas for their own game.

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You're totally missing the point.

I know there is a system to be implemented, what Im saying as far as its revealed it's useless and we need something better.


Missing what point? The one where you made a new thread covering an issue that has been done to death or the one where you are so self-absorbed you think your completely unoriginal idea deserves a special thread all of its own?


You don't like the official statement the great... no, really... good for you. but go post this stuff in one of the million threads with people who share you ideas instead of making a new one for it.

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I am getting sick of these threads..

Because alpher shut up or stop playing until devs work something out.

Do people really think devs will read these threads and go ahh yeah cool lets do that? ... No they have their own ideas for their own game.


I already stopped playing until devs work it out. Also yea I think devs read all some of these, that's what rocked said and done till now. What would you wish us to discuss in in this forum? Guess you didn't notice that here's the exact place to present ideas to devs.



Missing what point? The one where you made a new thread covering an issue that has been done to death or the one where you are so self-absorbed you think your completely unoriginal idea deserves a special thread all of its own?


You don't like the official statement the great... no, really... good for you. but go post this stuff in one of the million threads with people who share you ideas instead of making a new one for it.


Well, I never said my idea was original, nor this topic is about my idea only. Learn to read.


 I know there are other threads about this issue but I just want to combine all the ideas by putting them in a single thread so developers can read and evaluate ideas better.



What I want is to create the best solution for the issue by combining all the good ideas around. Devs won't read all those million topics post by post. I'm creating a topic so at least one dev could see that best solution and say "well this could be done." Read the topic name kiddo.

Edited by atmaca

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What about persistent, server-specific memory? What if each server (or your character file, presumably in an objective database) kept track of your location on itself for, say, five minutes? You log out on one server, log into a second to ghost. When you log back into the first one in your new position, you spawn in your old position anyway.


I wonder how feasible this is.


Also, quite whining about how this is alpha. The forums are here for us to complain about bugs on. That's the whole point. We signed up to report bugs, contribute ideas, and recount experiences. Don't bitch at anyone for doing those things. Well, as long as they're being nice about it.

Edited by Funkmaster Rick
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Eliminate the Hive.

Combat logging means you can't play on that server or with that geared up character until you dare log back into that server. How long will someone reasonable wait for you to return? Who knows, some of us are stubborn.

No way to hop servers for loot.

No way to ghost or to go to an unpopulated server to get into a good position then log into a populated server already set up in a protected position where you can snipe/ambush people. You have to physically move to that position through hostile conditions.

You also end up getting to know the locals which changes the dynamics of the game from, "Who the fuck is that?" *BLAM* to "Oh, is that Wolfy? Hey Wolfy.... don't make me shoot you man."

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They are all pretty easily solved. Rocket has talked about some of these before too so I have no doubts we will see something similar implemented at some point in the alpha.


Combat logging - Players bodies remain in-game for 30 seconds or so after they log out.


Ghosting is also easy with a global hive. If you log out of a server you should not be able to rejoin that server again for say 30 minutes IF you have logged into another server since. Simple tracking of the last, say 5, server IP's, each as a 32bit hash, then current hash and compare. After 30 mins of play on the current server then history list is flushed to conserve space and reset the calculation.


Server Hopping for loot is a variant of the above except it stops you logging into ANY other server for 15 mins if you have joined 3 servers in the last 30 mins or alternatively a timeout timer is doubled every time you switch servers - maybe the first switch has no wait, the second 2 minutes, third 8 minutes etc. 

Edited by SmashT
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They are all pretty easily solved. Rocket has talked about some of these before too so I have no doubts we will see something similar implemented at some point in the alpha.
Combat logging - Players bodies remain in-game for 30 seconds or so after they log out.
Ghosting is also easy with a global hive. If you log out of a server you should not be able to rejoin that server again for say 30 minutes IF you have logged into another server since. Simple tracking of the last, say 5, server IP's, each as a 32bit hash, then current hash and compare. After 30 mins of play on the current server then history list is flushed to conserve space and reset the calculation.
Server Hopping for loot is a variant of the above except it stops you logging into ANY other server for 15 mins if you have joined 3 servers in the last 30 mins or alternatively a timeout timer is doubled every time you switch servers - maybe the first switch has no wait, the second 2 minutes, third 8 minutes etc. This also prevents people from being able to get around the ghosting penalty by joining more than five different servers.


This would solve the issue, 99% of the way. The only thing I'd recommend is a player/bullet radius. If there are any players or shots landing within a certain radius (say, 25m), then the log out timer resets.

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Server Hopping for loot is a variant of the above except it stops you logging into ANY other server for 15 mins if you have joined 3 servers in the last 30 mins or alternatively a timeout timer is doubled every time you switch servers - maybe the first switch has no wait, the second 2 minutes, third 8 minutes etc. 


I dunno, what if you're looking for a daylight server because you don't trust the use of gamma? That's double-dick for me right there. I love night but thanks to gamma exploit, I cannot trust it, My friend has a fussy connection with certain servers. We surf around and look for an early day server AND one that works for him. .

Not sure if this is possible. What if you apply that rule but only if they log out around loot area's once or twice. A certain radius.    

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My god stop already. The only people complaining about combat logging are the ones getting shot in the face just after they do it. Get over it really. 


On a side note there does need to be a 60 second delay for logging off. Even if you are in a safe zone.


My thoughts sorry if a little harsh.

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