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No gun at respawn? Impossible for beginners

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I'm in the middle of my first ever spawn in DayZ, and I started with no weapons. I stayed calm, didn't panic, took it slow, and managed to have both an Enfield and a revolver within a half hour. Just because you don't start with a Makarov doesn't mean it's a death sentence. Just means you have to be more cautious.

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I think the problem is that for everyone the first goal is to find weapon and they go into high-risk places that are crawling with infected. First goal should be to actually get food/water and find an easy location where guns can spawn (deer stand).

Still for someone completely new to the mod and who watched prior "Lets play" videos this is completely idiotic and very staggering. The game in combination with all those ARMA II bugs that lead to broken bones/death was quite unforgiving anyway.

Now the luck factor has been increased exponentially because of lowered chance of finding weapons + having a zombie spawn out of nowhere + immediate broken bones + morphine being a 2 hour crawl away.

I do not know what the intention is of taking away sidearm + reducing weapon spawns + removing morphine + limiting morphine spawn areas to hospitals / military. Imo its too much at once and serves no purpose, especially with the clunky / buggy ARMA II underneath.

Generally to me increasing difficulty/challenge level should not equal increasing frustration level.

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As everyone before me has said this is not an FPS it's a survival horror game. I'm new as well & die A LOT just now getting the hang of where things are. In fact right now I'm starving to death holding on to half a hospital (and no I'm not telling you where I am ;) ). Bandages must have some nutritional value right?

The point is if/when I do starve I'm going to start off a new character who will most certainly meet the same (or similar fate). I however am going to have a blast in the process. I think this just may not be your kind of game, and luckily for you it is just that, a game. You do not have to play it, just put down the mouse & back away slowly.

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Second day in DayZ. With practice I have been able to scout and loot just fine. Today I have found a MP5 ( silenced ), pump shotgun, AKM, Enfield, and axe. Man the axe is great! Also matches, hatchet, knife, sardines, cokes and Pepsis. I just had to slowdown my normal game play. It's not Left 4 Dead. It has been a great challenge. :D

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i like it better with no starting weapon. at first i was a bit weary about it, but after a while i realized that i feel more accomplished once my inventory is full because hardly anything was handed to me. the game is hard but completely worth learning. i think the most successful character ive had so far has been since the update with making the zombies more challenging and taking the starting equipment.... also ive noticed that the main DayZ page "Average Life Expectancy" has gone down a few min :) this i like

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Not only that but it emphasizes a new beginning, in a sense. You may have died with an AK last time, sure. But who knows? You may just find a CZ or an M4 in this life, ja?

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I'm caring less and less about no gun at start. Today I shot at someone I thought had a gun, they didnt and I didnt kill them. So instead I gave them my only gun (a markov I could do without anyway lol). Not only did he say thanks but he didnt even shoot me in the back!

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In an effort to consolidate threads that are discussing similar topics, I am closing this one and redirecting your discussion to this thread: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=14214

It's older and has more replies but it will be moved to New Player shortly.

Thank you for understanding.

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