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No gun at respawn? Impossible for beginners

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I just spent 4hours to try and try again to sneak out, watching for loots. I've not even seen 1 gun. I try to play as the guide says : stay away from the 2 big cities (elekto, and the other one), try to stay in woods, scan the city and find opened buldings.

Okay I fuckin sneak those zombies, but still no gun only ammos. This game is near to impossible for beginners.

Only vets can survive. But I wish those vets never have to play this game for the first time without ONE SINGLE FUCKIN GUN. You should be happy, you experimented players, you played this game in "normal" mode at the beginning, and learn the basics of DayZ with the makarov as first primary weapon. Now all new players has to learn by the HARDCORE mode. You modders team are crazy!!

NO GUN for veteran servers only plz!

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No - just because you can't deal with it, doesn't mean the rest of the player cannot. Learn, adapt, master.

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Okay' date='

I just spent 4hours to try and try again to sneak out, watching for loots. I've not even seen 1 gun. I try to play as the guide says : stay away from the 2 big cities (elekto, and the other one), try to stay in woods, scan the city and find opened buldings.

Okay I fuckin sneak those zombies, but still no gun only ammos. This game is near to impossible for beginners.

Only vets can survive. But I wish those vets never have to play this game for the first time without ONE SINGLE FUCKIN GUN. You should be happy, you experimented players, you played this game in "normal" mode at the beginning, and learn the basics of DayZ with the makarov as first primary weapon. Now all new players has to learn by the HARDCORE mode. You modders team are crazy!!

NO GUN for veteran servers only plz!


Seriously... this is bullshit. Being well-versed with arma 2 and dayz sure helps, but please do not assume that a beginner can't have patience. That is all it requires. Patience while sneaking. Taking your precious time scouting out the zombies ahead and not getting itchy and running because that house looks like it's so far away!

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I know how you feel. It is purely dependant on luck.

Last character I played I found I revovler in the first 20 minutes of play. Unluckly the server crashed and did not save my progess so I lost it.

This character I'm four hours in and I am still yet to find any weapon or really anything of use besides food.

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The amount of time spent sneaking is retarded, but it's sooooo much fun. No starting weapon is pivotal for balance.

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I've died multiple times and each time I went the whole day without dying. However, I never go to big cities.. easy to find small villages and deer stands. You have more then enough starting hunger/thirst to last a long time.

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@Mansen : you're experienced player, so you could learn this game via the previous version. Your argument is invalid.

@chrispow : No way I'm not "running because that house looks like it's so far away" I spent 4 hours to sneak out. Argument is invalid.

NO GUN for veterans server onyl plz!

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Personally, I'm happy with it how it is. Watching videos of the older DayZ where you start with a makarov and the other stuff, it seemed too easy. This gives more of a challenge, and I like spawning without a weapon.

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@Mansen : you're experienced player' date=' so you could learn this game via the previous version. Your argument is invalid.


No my argument is certainly not invalid - the game has tutorials you know. It's based on a military SIMULATION engine. If you can't figure out basic controls I highly suggest that you put off DayZ until you can do so.

If anything I'd argue that your argument is invalid - you haven't spent enough time to adapt to the situation and beaten it. You are not qualified to make any sort of feedback.

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@TheFired3mon I don't want to download a map to locate loots and stuff, I want to discover it by myself, but really... This is near to impossible

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No offence, but it's a survival horror game, not a full feldged shooter, there are plenty of other games to fill that market.

Your priorities are now as they should be, food and water, survival. Your now forced to sneak around looking for the basics rather than spawn, run for the nearest loot point, find a gun and look for something to shoot. Zombies are now something to fear rather than a minor annoyance, nothing like being unable to defend yourself to add atmosphere.

There are planty of other FPS games out there if I feel the need to shoot things... I'm not playing Dayz to just find guns and shoot things.


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@Mansen I know Arma 2, I played it for a while no problem with controls : argument invalid

4 hours to sneak in woods seems legit as a first feedback for a new player.

You played Gun @ respawn version and could learn to this game more easily, your argument is invalid.

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A gun isn't a needed starting item.

Mainly because it is way to easy to get away from zombies chasing you.

In a village or town just run into houses closing doors after you enter them and you will lose agro on the zombies after LOS is lost and hide and stay low for a bit.

In the wilderness just run behind trees to lose LOS.

I can go as far to say I've lost agro on zombies because of glitches. For example I agroed about 20 zombies in the firehouse in electro and ran up the stairs and was able to click though the wall to use the ladder which instantly broke agro on the zombies.

The only reason I have died recently is because other players. Don't you just love getting shot when your unarmed showing no agression?

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@Vasudan : No problem with action, I have a problem with self defense. One error = instant death. Not legit when you know others could learn with one gun at start.

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You don't download a map. It's browser based. But alright, if you don't want to use a crutch, don't complain how hard it is. XD Either way, I'm new, and it's not even near impossible. Sure, guides say stay away from Elektro/Cherno. But if you're a new player, you honestly have nothing to lose. Sneak through the city and loot it. 80% of the time I find good loot. That's when I leave the cities and never look back.

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I make can also not making sense give replay - you play forum much too insted playing of game. You ragequit whine dine on forums not learn gaem by mistakes from learning your experience.

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i'm a noob as well, i started 2days ago.

What i learned so far is...

Stay away from the city unless you need the hospital.

So far i got around 25-35 dead chars and now i finaly got some stuff.

The trick seems to be, to run straight for the forest, loot deer huts and shops in small towns.

Also use a map like the following link.


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The amount of time spent sneaking is retarded' date=' but it's sooooo much fun. No starting weapon is pivotal for balance.


I think it's anything but retarded. If you want to survive--it's the only thing that makes sense! It is also flipping exhausting (lovely) being on edge and terrified the entire time!

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You only need to avoid Elektro and Cherno if you're carrying something of value. When you spawn on the coast I would strongly suggest sneaking around a big city until you have a gun, backpack, knife and matches.

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@Bobicon You really think I didnt try ? They open doors, they climb stairs, ladders... I really tried many and many tactics.

Still I've got 2 times luck : first time he stopped at seeing me, second time he couldn't climb mountain.

@Mansen You had the luck to learn your mistake with one Makarov in the hand, you don't even fuckin know what all beginners feels nowadays

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@TheFired3mon I don't want to download a map to locate loots and stuff' date=' I want to discover it by myself, but really... This is near to impossible


It was research that allowed me to gain the knowledge of where to look for items. You cannot say someone who played before the no-starting-gun patch release does not have a valid argument now. The way the infected move, spawn, hear and see have changed dramatically. My first searching of a loot-containing building post patch mirrored my first searching of a building in my first time in the game. Fortunately that first search nested me a shotgun. I had a very first time player with me who I was showing the ropes.. and after 30 minutes he had an AKM and Mak and I had a M1014 and 1911, only due to knowing where to look, which I only discovered after doing research on the net. If you want to play the game with total immersion, there is no difference to playing now than playing before.. you will still avoid the Z's the same way (it was probably a week of solid play before I even shot at a Z the first time I played.. was too cautious in crawling and sneaking to agro one).

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You only need to avoid Elektro and Cherno if you're carrying something of value. When you spawn on the coast I would strongly suggest sneaking around a big city until you have a gun' date=' backpack, knife and matches.


Exactly. For example, my freshly spawned character. Looted Elektro, got an ALICE Pack, watch, Makarov with like 6 mags, around 3-4 bandages. 2 painkillers, ton of soda, water bottle, some cans of food, crowbar, revolver with one mag, and a ton of Lee Enfield ammo. My next goal is to start heading north, loot barns to hope for a Lee Enfield to make use of the 6 mags that I have, and then loot some of the smaller villages to get a hunting knife so I can sustain myself without cities. OP, just play smart. In the beginning, don't be afraid to loot cities. Get some stuff, then head out. Return if absolutely needed.

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i just downloaded the mod 10hours ago and started to play. Sure its hard the first times (i died 5 times) but now i know the map and i know where i can find stuff. It aint THAT hard <-

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