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Nariquo (DayZ)

Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

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Strange its my experience that the same people who roam the coast looking for weak sport that are the bambi spawns are usually the same guys who log out madly when faced with a group or individuals who armed as well as they are and are firing back. Stop crying cause you lost your easy sport shooting unarmed guys on sight and head a little north on a heavy pop server and find some real sport.


Oh but when you do it just remember your crying about combat logging when you go oh shit we out matched and hit the exit button and in turn come back and now cry about KOS players.

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I'm sorry but I fail to see the logic here.  People are avoiding you due to being scared so in turn you give them a reason to be scared and thus avoid you.


Circular logic works because circular logic works?

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To people complaining about combat loggers... Personally I have never combat logged and have only been KoS one time in my two encounters with other players. I have played many hours and I choose to avoid others just for the fact I have no trust in this community. Back on topic, you guys can get pissed all you want about it but as of right now it is a feature in the game. All the complaining in the world will not change this until it is fixed.

Personally I can see why people combat log. I don't necessarily say it is acceptable to do it but there are situations I can see where it's okay. Can you really be mad at someone who's never played before, that's spent a few hours aquiring gear?

People do this because they are playing the way THEY want to play. You cannot bash someone because they arnt playing the way you want to. It is different if someone engages you first and won't finish the fight, but if its guy minding his own business don't get mad when he doesn't want to lose his stuff. He may be taking away from your fun but when you KoS him it's prolly taking away from his fun.

P.S. I've been killed more times by bugs then players... Unfortunately all the sneaking in the world can't hide us from them..

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Cool Story Bro time.  Last year I learned that my Dog is able to combat log.  Yep.  The big headed bastard heard my wife coming home, and bolted out from under my desk... taking my headset right out of the USB port, and crashing my game.  It was almost instantaneous.


This story was as entertaining and relevant to everyone's day as the OP was.  I hope you enjoyed my story.

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Unfortunately you can not have one without the other at moment. If your going to KoS every person you see, people will Combat log (KoS Fresh spawns does not make the game fun or challenging to new players or recently dead players who are going to keep dieing every 5 min thanks to your retarted pussy group). You want people to stop Combat logging then stop KoS every one you see. Very simple really KoS = Combat logging = All player interaction out the window.

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Anti combatlogg and server hopping measures will be implemented.

Meanwhile I congratulate you on being so "creative" by camping and KOSing along the coast.



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Taking a feature from the now closed MMO game Roma Victor.


If you logged off while outside in the wilderness, your avatar was stood there for a minute or two with a log out timer.

If you logged out inside of a building or in a protected zone you disappeared instantly.


So this would give an incentive to use tents, log out in or under shelter.... it adds another layer of that realism while making things... slightly more dangerous and it adds to this base building thing Rocket talked about months back.


If you are "in combat" then your avatar cannot vanish until your out of combat and they need to fix the bug of disappearing bodies... cannot loot dead people if they disappear when they respawn.

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Bandits, the necessary evil to add another layer of realism to the world, the issue is that without forcing people into a situation where they have to fight or flee people will log off, its a fear reflex in order to perserve what they have, dying is counter productive. This goes for the bandits too, saying go here fight the harder people is almost against what bandits do, prey on the weak and fearful because there is a small chance of being taken out yourself. Lets face it, bandits do it for kicks, items or blood... why do it if there is a good chance of dying, no one wants to die.


None of it is lame or game-breaking... natural instinct when the predator calls is to hide in the closet, under the bed... cant do that here, but you can log off... bouncing servers for tactical position is a viable tactic, i don't do it or condone it but its available... quite humerus actually... 3v1 and the 1 gains the intuitive... ALL is fair in love and war.


Server Hopping is bad, will be good to get that stopped, bouncing servers to loot 1 location in multiple instances is a bit of an exploit but meh... everyone is on the make and human nature will out.


Would love to see;

1)Bodies being somewhat persistent

2)a FAIR method of preventing combat logging... when zombies can see through walls at a million yards you could look to log off and end up dead if your body is persistant, perhaps 30 second timer not where your body stays in game but a logoff timer standing still for 20-30 seconds unless you have engaged in combat with another player in which you have a 5min block and if you do log off/alt f4 have it ghost for said 5min


Anyway, when you induce fear people will use whatever is at their disposal to get away or make themselves safe, especially in the era of the consol generation where games are all but impossible to loose; instant gratification and always winning means its hard to cope with loosing in somewhat real games like this... thank god for DayZ

Edited by Spyre9

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we dont campe we are going from the north cost, the whole cost to balota and back again. and everyone is logging of.

and really. we DID A 10 HOURS search in the north. no one there.

dont care everyone will be shot now, till it is changed. have fun


I think you guys would have more fun and get more kill streaks if you went back to Call of Duty.

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I think you guys would have more fun and get more kill streaks if you went back to Call of Duty.

Why does everyone bring up CoD constantly on these forums?

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Its a simple mechanic that hurts the game in the most terrible way. It would be best if they added a logout timer now or some sort of something to stop this from happening. Even if it means rushing it out, any issues someone could have with the fix would not be nearly as bad as the issue caused by combat logging. It is the single most retarded mechanic ever known to man. They plan to fix it, but they really need to fix it asap.


EDIT: Ignore the ignorant crowd of responds to this post, it appears the state of the game is attracting a ton of troll-ism, as i predicted in my on of my posts on day 2. The game is sandbox, and as such anyone should be allowed to do anything, if people take interest in killing fresh-spawns they should be able to do that. There is no honor/dishonor.. Anything goes, so from the moment you spawn you should play as if you are being watched.

It is a sandbox I agree, but it is also a zombie survival game... Killing fresh spawns on the coast doesn't give you any benefits towards the surviving so it should be limited (unless you are a psycho...)

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Since the start of SA we were friendly or robbed people but never killed people, even if we lost people.


since 2 day everyone is logging out if they see another group that is no fun anymore. because of that we shoot on sight now till they implement something against combat logging. 


today we were 5 hours at the coast. we engaged 10 people. and 10 people logged of. really only pussies in that game

5 hours at the coast 5 hours at the coast 5 hours at the coast 5 hours at the coast 5 hours at the coast 5 hours at the coast. 



Welp there is your problem....

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I can't believe how many people here are justifying combat logging, making excuses and presenting situations that they think justify it.

If you combat log, you are scum, end of story. If you're at NW airfield, or if you're fresh spawned on the beach....if you combat log, you should go back to COD and quit playing this game.

If a bandit shoots me as a fresh spawn, i don't cry about it, i didn't have anything anyway and i'm back in the game in under a minute. If i get holed up in a building surrounded by a party of bandits, I don't combat log, because that ruins a fun experience for both sides. Even when you know the odds are stacked against you, it's still fun trying to get out of the situation. It's these experiences that MAKE THE GAME what it is. If you are the kind of person to combat log at times like this....I am embarrassed for you.


To all you children whinging at "the nasty bandits", go back to playing My Little Pony or some shit, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Combat loggers are pussies I agree, but so are you bandit tards who kill unarmed people to boost your very small egos. Also shame on you for pretending to be an adult when your balls haven't dropped yet.

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