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Nariquo (DayZ)

Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

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I believe the correct response here is 'you're all idiots'.


If you want to kill people really bad, go find a place that at least has interesting people to fight against. If you don't want to die, immediately survey your surroundings and be careful when moving around. Just because there aren't currently hundreds of zombies doesn't mean you get to let caution go to the wind and prance about while singing german anthems.

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I believe the correct response here is 'you're all idiots'.


If you want to kill people really bad, go find a place that at least has interesting people to fight against. If you don't want to die, immediately survey your surroundings and be careful when moving around. Just because there aren't currently hundreds of zombies doesn't mean you get to let caution go to the wind and prance about while singing german anthems.


Just because I'm prancing about singing german anthems doesn't mean you need to kill me.

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Just because I'm prancing about singing german anthems doesn't mean you need to kill me.

Just because I'm not killing you currently doesn't mean you should stop being cautious.


Also you're singing german anthems, it's enciting my duty as a REAL AMERICAN to grab my desert eagle brand 1911 and shoot you for being even vaguely related to nazis.

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its not combat logging if you didn't hit me.

Hope this is a shitty joke.

Edited by -j3bbah

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translated OP; got kos, tried to do the same, didn't get the needed 'revenge' so make a statement to 'punish' people for making them mad. 

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yeah I play with my friends too, We tried robbing people and they all just logged off. We tried killing them but their bodies disappear before we can completely loot it(or even loot it for that matter)


There's no vehicles and other things yet so this is really the only thing doable in the game yet but it's bugged out. I hope they fix it asap. put a timer on log off and remove the body disappear bug. I can play for 1000 more hours despite the other bugs and alpha

Edited by lyndonguitar

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yeah I play with my friends too, We tried robbing people and they all just logged off. We tried killing them but their bodies disappear before we can completely loot it(or even loot it for that matter)


There's no vehicles and other things yet so this is really the only thing doable in the game yet but it's bugged out. I hope they fix it asap. put a timer on log off and remove the body disappear bug. I can play for 1000 more hours despite the other bugs and alpha


because the log out timer stopped combat logging in the mod am i right? i dunno about you but the combat timer has never stopped me from dropping out of combat in the mod.

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because the log out timer stopped combat logging in the mod am i right? i dunno about you but the combat timer has never stopped me from dropping out of combat in the mod.

I am talking about the standalone (I even said there's no vehicles yet)

Edited by lyndonguitar

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because the log out timer stopped combat logging in the mod am i right? i dunno about you but the combat timer has never stopped me from dropping out of combat in the mod.

There are other methods of handling combat logging, whats that? you just combat logged? Oh, well see you at the shore because you got KILLED because your character remained in game.

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So...... here's the deal guys, "combat logging" frustrates you because you bought day z because you REALLY want to play Call of Duty, but your really bad at it, and your not getting your kills on here either. Yes it's frustrating, I know. I understand that your need to ruin someones day has put you over the edge and now you have to rant on forums.......


Maybe this "combat logging" will be "fixed" with an exit timer or something like that..... but as far as I see it..... it's a part of the game and I'm not the developer/ programmer so I will have to live with it.


As for my own personal experience, I've seen plenty of people stay in game while being held at gunpoint/axepoint...... so "combat logging" is not EVERWHERE.....


Most importantly, if you are unhappy with the game as-is, wait for an update, or just play to bug-test. THIS IS ALPHA. If your ideas are merely just a suggestion on how to fix what YOU feel is a problem, then state them as such, and move on. No need to get all emotional and start crying that things aren't going you way.

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Well in my opinion we have two main groups of people. Some consider it a survival game with Zeds, for others it is a pvp fest.

Well even though, combat logging isnt nice for the pvp folks, disconnecting while faceing a group of ten player hunters with big guns just is completely logical in terms of surviving.

Maybe they should stopp advertising it as being a survival game?

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Well in my opinion we have two main groups of people. Some consider it a survival game with Zeds, for others it is a pvp fest.

Well even though, combat logging isnt nice for the pvp folks, disconnecting while faceing a group of ten player hunters with big guns just is completely logical in terms of surviving.

Maybe they should stopp advertising it as being a survival game?


I think you nailed it.


Game is advertised as survival pvp but in reality pvp is 99%  and survival is 1%. Survival is just marketing trick.


Characters getting actually thirsty and hungry is step in good direction towards survival but I died only once from dehydration when I first played and completly didyn't know how it works.

Now I didyn't died or worried about water or food for 20 in game hours. More survival please.

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Won't someone think of the fresh spawns!!


It's only really bad for new players who think that they can tralalala around the coast grabbing loot because they don't know any better.  When you start out, you need to be crawling from bush to bush, eeking out survival one can of soda at a time.  It's a big freakin map.  How much ground does the OP and his gang think they can cover?  And search every building along the way?  There are a heck of a lot of places to hide now.  I've been playing all day on a server of 30 people and I maybe saw one other player off in the distance at Solniyniy.

Edited by bfisher
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we dont campe we are going from the north cost, the whole cost to balota and back again. and everyone is logging of.

and really. we DID A 10 HOURS search in the north. no one there.

dont care everyone will be shot now, till it is changed. have fun

If no one is in the north, then go to a different server. Stop camping new spawns.

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I see people defending combat loggers, 


I'm going to remove my eyes with a spoon now.




Take my beans good sir.





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So...... here's the deal guys, "combat logging" frustrates you because you bought day z because you REALLY want to play Call of Duty, but your really bad at it, and your not getting your kills on here either. Yes it's frustrating, I know. I understand that your need to ruin someones day has put you over the edge and now you have to rant on forums.......


Maybe this "combat logging" will be "fixed" with an exit timer or something like that..... but as far as I see it..... it's a part of the game and I'm not the developer/ programmer so I will have to live with it.


As for my own personal experience, I've seen plenty of people stay in game while being held at gunpoint/axepoint...... so "combat logging" is not EVERWHERE.....


Most importantly, if you are unhappy with the game as-is, wait for an update, or just play to bug-test. THIS IS ALPHA. If your ideas are merely just a suggestion on how to fix what YOU feel is a problem, then state them as such, and move on. No need to get all emotional and start crying that things aren't going you way.

As I have posted about in the past, the biggest combat loggers ARE the KoSers, usually when we initiate combat, there is no combat logging, when someone else initiates battle with us, as soon as they lose their advantage they combat log.

We have had a 3 vs 3 battle, I got killed out of my group, then we managed to take out one of theirs, the other 2 combat logged.

They initiated combat from north of balota airfield, as we entered south near the barracks, we managed to push up beside the hangers before I died, this was over a good 5-10 minutes, as soon as they lost one of their own, they combat logged.

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The solution is so simple im baffeld as to why it isn't implemented yet.

When you disconnect your character stay in game for 120 seconds. That's it. Its so easy.

You know this is an alpha test not a finished product made solely for your entertainment right?

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So...... here's the deal guys, "combat logging" frustrates you because you bought day z because you REALLY want to play Call of Duty, but your really bad at it, and your not getting your kills on here either. Yes it's frustrating, I know. I understand that your need to ruin someones day has put you over the edge and now you have to rant on forums.......


Maybe this "combat logging" will be "fixed" with an exit timer or something like that..... but as far as I see it..... it's a part of the game and I'm not the developer/ programmer so I will have to live with it.



The "deal" is that there is no point in a survival game where you can just up and quit whenever your survival is threatened.  The game needs spawn camping a-holes.  I mean that's part of the game.  Think of them as rival warlord clans or military trying to contain the infection or desperate survivors or just dumbass psychopaths out to kill people for no reason.  To survive you need to hind and avoid them.


But this combat logging stuff is crap.  All you need to do is run to Balota, cycle through some empty servers and now you've got an M4 with a pack full of ammo and full military gear.  Balota always had an old AK or M16 in the mod.  But it also had a shitload of zombies.  Once the logoff timer and more zombies are implemented, I'm sure the problem will be reduced significantly.

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I can't believe how many people here are justifying combat logging, making excuses and presenting situations that they think justify it.

If you combat log, you are scum, end of story. If you're at NW airfield, or if you're fresh spawned on the beach....if you combat log, you should go back to COD and quit playing this game.

If a bandit shoots me as a fresh spawn, i don't cry about it, i didn't have anything anyway and i'm back in the game in under a minute. If i get holed up in a building surrounded by a party of bandits, I don't combat log, because that ruins a fun experience for both sides. Even when you know the odds are stacked against you, it's still fun trying to get out of the situation. It's these experiences that MAKE THE GAME what it is. If you are the kind of person to combat log at times like this....I am embarrassed for you.


To all you children whinging at "the nasty bandits", go back to playing My Little Pony or some shit, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Edited by defecat0r
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Since the start of SA we were friendly or robbed people but never killed people, even if we lost people.


since 2 day everyone is logging out if they see another group that is no fun anymore. because of that we shoot on sight now till they implement something against combat logging. 


today we were 5 hours at the coast. we engaged 10 people. and 10 people logged of. really only pussies in that game


This is because you're a bunch of well... erm... pricks and too pussy to go to the North urself.

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This is because you're a bunch of well... erm... pricks and too pussy to go to the North urself.

As others have said, the north is kind of a ghost town. With so many military spawns down south there's not really that much reason to go.

I saw this problem in the mod on servers with tons of extra barracks on the coast. It renders 75% of the map obsolete. There should only be low end guns on the coast, giving you a REASON to head north. A military base just above kamenka, and the barracks at balotta are just silly i rekon

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