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Discussion : KoS Mentality and how to keep it to minimum

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you will never change these kids minds they see only one thing moms CC info and PEE VEE PEE

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When you can build shelters, repair cars, people will calm down.  And yet, regardless, other people will still kill.  Removing it takes something away from the game that the game needs.  Even limiting it does this.  KoS is necessary, or else there'd be 40-man groups on a server just fighting the 3 Zombies that are rumored to be in this place.  I still havent seen one, but I hear them everywhere!  But back to the point, I am brand new, and I love playing games in Alpha Mode to make myself feel like I'm doing something productive while playing a great game.  And for me, with any less KoS, the drama would be removed to too great a degree to enjoy.  Without it I'm just hunting for a rotten apple that will kill me slowly.

Edited by MuddyRaccoon

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When you can build shelters, repair cars, people will calm down.  And yet, regardless, other people will still kill.  Removing it takes something away from the game that the game needs.  Even limiting it does this.  KoS is necessary, or else there'd be 40-man groups on a server just fighting the 3 Zombies that are rumored to be in this place.  I still havent seen one, but I hear them everywhere!  But back to the point, I am brand new, and I love playing games in Alpha Mode to make myself feel like I'm doing something productive while playing a great game.  And for me, with any less KoS, the drama would be removed to too great a degree to enjoy.  Without it I'm just hunting for a rotten apple that will kill me slowly.

 Excuse me?


In the mod you can build shelters, customize cars, find collectibles. ect.  (vanilla/origins/epoch)


And kos was everywhere 

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Get your panties unbunched.  The Standalon is not the mod.  They are taking actions to try to control KoS by making the game more in depth than the mod. 

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you will never change these kids minds they see only one thing moms CC info and PEE VEE PEE


I find this implication humorously depressing, that immature "kids" seek to face off against human enemies with real intelligence, cunning and unpredictably dangerous behavior while the mature "adults" want to fight the stupid, repetitive, boring and predictable zombies.
Why is "PEE VEE EEE" inherently more mature and respectable than "PEE VEE PEE?" My five year old son absolutely loves PvE games. He plays Minecraft on creative mode because he hates dying. If he had to fight other players, he would be frustrated and angry. The kind of frustration and anger that might make someone post something on a forum insulting the maturity of a group of players just because they choose a different activity in an open-world sandbox game.
It would probably be insulting to point out the irony in the fact that you're insulting "kids" while acting like a five-year-old, so I won't point it out. I'll just lay out the facts and let you settle on the conclusion yourself.

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DayZ is not "about this" or "about that."  DayZ simply is. 


There are no rules.  That is the whole point.  If you don't understand that, or don't agree with it, you're playing the wrong game.


It's really that simple.


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Why stop the noble art of KoS?


Because DayZ was not build with intention of just doing that. Why do you think there are handcuffs in the game, item damage, Direct Voice chat implemented? It's there for people to interact with each other and push from there if they want to kill each other or band together. ONCE AGAIN - For all the people here, I've posted FOUR(!) reasons of KoS, and I DIDN'T say that all of them are bad. If person shoots another because of paranoia, there is nothing wrong, the game is survival horror.


In the old Arma 2 days, when the mod just came out, DayZ was amazing. People talked to each other, sometimes they fought each other (My friend has seen a sea of dead player bodies, took a rifle from one of them and killed the sniper that was shooting everyone), the game looked great until it became stupidly over-popular and people from all sorts of games went in it. It was so popular that even now some are still trying to copy it to grab a quick buck. WarZ, Nether - only a couple of games that would've never seen light if DayZ wasn't there. And guess what kind of activity is ALSO popular there? That's right - KoS. Those games were built to have fun, with having KoS in mind as an activity to have "Fun". Basically, beside collecting supplies, you can't do anything else there but KoS.


DayZ does not deserve to have it inhabitated by people that shoot each other "for fun". It isn't a "Competitive MMO open world Shooter with zombies". I got interested in this game because it tries to answer a question : "For how long would you survive if zombie apocalypse happens?", "What would humans turn into during apocalypse?". It isn't supposed to answer this one : "How much powerful weapon you can find and how much people you can kill before you inevitably get killed by another player?"

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I'd be willing to bet that a graph that showed "On-sight-kills" against "Age" would drop off progressively towards the more mature end of the demographic (loosely speaking, that is).


If that were the case, then I reckon that those who prefer Kos and those that preferred Co-op would be at least a bit happier if they just joined age-appropriate servers?



*Waits for shitstorm*

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kos is a part of the game, i will never stop kos'ing, its just how i play the game


I kill because i can.


Plus i wasn't arguing. Just stating a well over used piece of knowledge that stems back to the first days of the mod.

KoSing is simply the easy way to play the game. I have seen many good players interact and communicate with those they come across; if and when the situation becomes hostile the same good players clean out the hostile players that thought they could win by shooting first or making various other hostile moves. There is no skill involved in shooting someone that doesn't know you are there. So combined with "just because I can" "easy" is a reason for KoSing.

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No matter what you do I'm going to shoot in the face the second I see you. If I can't, I won't play the game, neither will anyone else.

You are the most honest person I've ever seen on this issue. Thank you.

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Find a private, whitelisted hive with like-minded people.


Really, that's it, and yeah it's not an option right now.


Fact is you've got one group of people wanting relatively cooperative PvE gameplay, and you've got one group wanting pure PvP in a survivalist zombie apocalypse flavor. So long as the two are forced to play together, the former group is going to be unhappy.

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I got interested in this game because it tries to answer a question : "For how long would you survive if zombie apocalypse happens?", "What would humans turn into during apocalypse?".

That last part "What would humans turn into during apocalypse?" Based off DayZ, everyone will kill on sight and the human race will be done for. 

I agree, DayZ was intended to be more interactive, strategic, and smart than just kos. Hope Dean and his team address some of the kos issues; I believe it's important for the overall health and longevity of the game, if not, a decent part of the player base will leave.

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I like the fact that there are scum bags that kill on sight, if there weren't the game would be boring

I have died 3 times so far and been shot at twice more but I still stick to my guns (or ironically not) and I make it my goal to meet people and help them out, I find that more of a challenge and more rewarding then kos as, let's be honest even those with my mentality still get to kill people, arse holes that shoot first get shot back, without these scum bags dayz would be like a burning man festival with the rare occasional zombiod intermission

Although let it be known that the deepest circles of dayz hell are reserved for spawn campers and betrayers -players that claim to be friendly and might even accept aid or peace offerings to swiftly and literally stab you in the back when an amicable repore has been established, and then to shout obscenities down their mic like an 11 American COD player

To be fair it certainly adds to the tension though :D

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I'd be willing to bet that a graph that showed "On-sight-kills" against "Age" would drop off progressively towards the more mature end of the demographic (loosely speaking, that is).


If that were the case, then I reckon that those who prefer Kos and those that preferred Co-op would be at least a bit happier if they just joined age-appropriate servers?



*Waits for shitstorm*


Would've been a great idea if people that are 18+ were going for mature, survival play, and those under 18 were going for KoS... It just doesn't work like that, unfortunately. I've met (Atleast in mod, as I don't own DayZ yet) countless people that are older than 18 that like killing on sight, and likewise - people younger than 18 that hate killing people for fun and want an immersion over the mindless killing.

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Wait till the game is finished, then find a server that suits your style of play. End of fucking discussion.

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Wait till the game is finished, then find a server that suits your style of play. End of fucking discussion.


"End of fucking discussion.", yes, it isn't targeted at people like you anyway. So stay the hell off from it, please.

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 Based off DayZ, everyone will kill on sight and the human race will be done for. 


Actually the ones yelling "DON'T SHOOT I'M FRIENDLY" are the ones that are done for.

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Actually the ones yelling "DON'T SHOOT I'M FRIENDLY" are the ones that are done for.


Honestly, both are pretty much the dead sentence if we were talking about the real apocalypse. Only the bravest would yell "Don't shoot I'm friendly!"

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No matter what you do I'm going to shoot in the face the second I see you. If I can't, I won't play the game, neither will anyone else.


so if no one can play like you do , no one will play the game? You'er so smart <_<



Wait till the game is finished, then find a server that suits your style of play. End of fucking discussion.



What, lets just wait and stop talking about it? The fact this topic keeps coming up means its need to be discussed , dur


i don't mind reading the same topic over and over to get the current feelings on the subject.



As i mention in most of these thread, the physiological effects of' Mass killer' needs to be simulated in DayZ, it wont stop KOSing nor should it, but it will balance things out. I wont go over them again, research it yourself. A killer killing lots of people for fun would soon be removed in survival and they would not respawn to keep killing, and after a short time some stability of communication would form. This is something that cant be hard wire with rules but with simulated affects, and if dazy can pull that off, they will have created a great game for the right players.

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As I've written many times in similar discussions regarding this topic, the real problem is the lack of Zombies and the threat they pose. I feel it is near impossible to gauge what the game will become when Zombies are an actual threat (obviously they are a WIP). But even the Mod's zombies were sub-par, a small threat if any at all.


I'm talking about how Rocket wants to have like hundreds of Zombies in a city. Making it so you need some companions to wrestle your way into that nearby hospital. Even if those companions are strangers who by happenstance met up prior to entering the city/destination.


It isn't about punishing a play style, or rewarding one. It is about incentive, the incentive to work together out of NEED rather than WANT. Until Zombies are an actual, menacing threat what real point is there in even trusting or communicating with someone? There isn't. I bet you'd find some unlikely alliances in a real Zombie Apocalypse, folks working together who otherwise wouldn't. Not always, but I'd bet it would highly influence relationships between strangers.


You can't address KoS issues truly until we see what happens when the game has enough zombies to make mindless looting and city scavenging a real challenge.

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Right now, i guess there isnt much else to do. The way i'm playing right now is, not killing any unarmed or melee (unless they come at me), and if you have a gun and are around key areas you are definately looking for a fight. Mind you, i think i'll give Dayz a rest for a long while, need something else to do.


But spawn-killers and deathmatchers are pretty vicious in not wanting anything to change, they have too much fun killing fresh spawns and unarmed players, empowerment they don't get IRL or something.


And it's a 2 point problem.

1 : Why play Dayz pvp, when you can play something else like project reality?(bf2)

2 : All the anticipation, fear, excitement etc is gone because its just "kill, be killed, respawn, get gun, kill again", the open world and zombies just don't matter anymore. Running into another player should be an unknown, you know?


I posted a possible solution to penalise constant spawn killers and deathmatchers but keep banditary relatively intact, but the kids jump on you real quick, pretty feral stuff too. I'm sure those are the kind of people i would not want hanging around the community for my game, but the devs would be busy as to spare any time to take notice. Just have to wait to see how the standalone develops i guess.

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Actually the ones yelling "DON'T SHOOT I'M FRIENDLY" are the ones that are done for.

I mostly play as a hero but I don't yell "I'm Friendly", that lesson is learned within a few hours of playing the mod. When I play DayZ, I ask if the people I encounter are frienedly if there is no resonable response or if they become hostile I'll shoot them no questions asked; if they respond friendly I let them know I'm friendly. Yelling "I'm Friendly" is a death sentense.

Edited by theysaid...

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