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disheartened and disappointed someone explain ? D:

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So I know every one has their opinions and this game is highly recommended by a lot of individuals and I understand this is an alpha but where is the appeal in this game that every one on steam rushed to buy it?


I'm asking here because I'm struggling to find any amusement in this game and I was already ripped off by War-Z. So im going to go ahead and ask some questions before I shelf this game and can put my conscience at ease over the possibility of  missing out on something that is potentially fun.


But in all fairness at this point I find the game as interesting as watching paint dry - actually I think this is possibly hands down the most boring game i've ever played o_o.......


So my issues are as followed...


Firstly; after my hour and a half play through in terms of equipment this is what I found.


1) rotten banana

2) crow bar

3) bike helmet

4) screw driver

5) kiwi fruit ( which after 5 mins went 'rotten' ) -_-???


( This is after searching 20 houses I came up with 5 items 2 of them were found in a garage )


I found whilst playing not only is the environment  lifeless but its unrealistic that I only found that much stuff through 20 houses and that at-least every house should have something salvageable. [Reason] In a apocalypse people can only take from their homes what they can carry.... yet every house is as barren as my sex life.


Secondly through out this time I did not see one zombie or player in a 38/40... I passed through 2 towns and I'm not sure if zombies auto spawn? or they are free roaming npc's or simply that there is maybe only a dozen on the map at one time or walking around in some massive zombie orgy after the players with firearms, but ffs i dont know i buy a zombie game i expect atleast 1 zombie after 1 and a half hours (again i know its alpha) but hell c'mon ! 


Thirdly - how the hell are new players suppose to understand where to go with out spawning with at-least a map ? apparently one must 'find' a map which is frustrating as how is one suppose to 'find' something so crucial when 90% of the world is just terrain / hills / forest or  with out it at-least spawning near you or giving you a hint to where to find one - summary this game isn't very new player friendly at all and I don't feel like I should have to 'research' the internet for directions over something that should be given to me at-least at the end of the day  its still a  video game not a chore. Either way there should be a backstory to the character like he went camping and came back and everything has gone to hell - im not sure why we dont spawn with out something other than the clothes on our back anyway. Did god just simply pluck him on the earth and gave him a slight nudge and 'off you go'. 


All in all commenting on the only feature I thought I liked for at-least the first 30 minutes quickly became a pain. I liked the realism of how you need to eat/drink to survive but it has a downside of being annoyingly demanding. If the game is suppose to be 'realistic' or what not, I believe most of the people on this planet can go  hours on end with out feeling hungry whilst running or exercising but my character is in a constant state of starvation and thirst which leads me to ask whether he is some form of dolphin / rossie odonald / human hybrid ? 


For any one that feels offended by my 'new player' opinion - don't be I admit im shit at the game and it obviously has a very very STEEP learning curve but please someone explain the 'enjoyment' and what im 'missing' because at this point I dont see it and im frustrated that I'm not enjoying it compared to the other people playing.


Thank you. Gossip Sloth x0x0



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It´s propably better to just shelve the game, wait about a year and see the improvements.


Since it seems you didn´t read any of the warnings telling you not to buy, this really is just barely functioning, bare bones early as f*'ck alpha.

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You also clearly aren't in a decent town, just a small village with no shop on the coast

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It´s propably better to just shelve the game, wait about a year and see the improvements.


Since it seems you didn´t read any of the warnings telling you not to buy, this really is just barely functioning, bare bones early as f*'ck alpha.


Fair enough I didn't see that 'warning' but I just looked then now I feel really stupid for not seeing it as I was told by some mates 'get it, its so good !'.. tbh they should of made it free.. I mean 7 days to die is barebones alpha and charges the same amount but its x1000 more amusing.


Hopefully I can email steam and get a refund - they do that now adays if you are as shitty as I am

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Get off the coast. Loot doesn't respawn so you won't find anything there.

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I see you dindt really read up on the forum, items dont respawn atm so the stuff you found other people dindt want to have, the zombies are a problem.

About you being a new player and dont know where to find stuff is an problem everyone had when you started out.


Ohyea its an Alpha for a reason.

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You also clearly aren't in a decent town, just a small village with no shop on the coast


but how is that fair? how do new players have a sense of good or bad towns? where are the land marks? where do you go with out a map ? or sense of direction ? what if i spent another 3 hours looking for these 'towns' and I didnt o_o 

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but how is that fair? how do new players have a sense of good or bad towns? where are the land marks? where do you go with out a map ? or sense of direction ? what if i spent another 3 hours looking for these 'towns' and I didnt o_o 


Since when was the apocalypse fair? xD

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Since when was the apocalypse fair? xD


I hate the irony of that response :P 

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It does have a steep learning curve as did the mod, and i believe zombies/loot are a little bugged at the moment and don't re-spawn.  The enjoyment can come from little acheivements, finding something decent after an age of searching, coming across a player than doesn't KOS and then working together and perhaps sharing stuff? 


Its a tricky game, but the things you list as lacking, some see as refreshing.  It makes a nice change to not be drawn along a linear route with no 'real' decisions to make of your own.



and as i just saw your latest post, I hope steam don't give anyone a refund for not reading the description properly

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This game is very unfriendly to someone who hasn't played it before.


Here's the biggest piece of advice I can give you. Go inland, away from the coast as soon as you spawn. Loot stuff you pass by but keep going Inland. Go away from the coast. The coast will be looted constantly (aka why you can't find anything), and will have the highest chance of you encountering a hostile player.


Right now there are almost no zombies on the map because of their incomplete state.


Also the eat/drink thing, once you get past the coast and geared up, keep eating/drinking until you're full. Then you won't have to baby your thirst and hunger as much. The warning indicators are only when you reach a critical state. Think of it like this, you get home from work, you're starving so you eat some crackers to tide you over until you make dinner. You ate, but you could still eat a lot more!

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but how is that fair? how do new players have a sense of good or bad towns? where are the land marks? where do you go with out a map ? or sense of direction ? what if i spent another 3 hours looking for these 'towns' and I didnt o_o 


why can't you play with your 'mates' that said to get this game, sure they will help you out?

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As has been said there are issues with things respawning atm (loot and zombies)


Considering you didn't have a decent weapon you should also be thankful you didn't come across a player.


As for being shit at the game - we have all been there but you do learn and once you find your first decent bit of stash or see a player for the first time you will realise why so many of us love this game.

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There were plenty of warnings telling you not to buy the game man.  You didn't get ripped off.  You just failed to read.  This is an alpha test right now.  It's hardly even a game although myself and many others still enjoy it.  Next time don't buy something that's in alpha unless you're 100% sure that you'll enjoy it.

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To be honest. Reading what you wrote, I don't think DayZ is a game for you.  :P

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why can't you play with your 'mates' that said to get this game, sure they will help you out?



The two of them that recommended it to me both work up north on a mine site and do 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off so they are away atm ^^ 


@Mr .k - fair enough 

@denkart - yeah true

@knightmare = most useful thnx +rep if only this site had it

@twosheds - the only warning is on the home page and its actually quite easy to not see properly when i pressed 'purchase' i wasnt given such warning or an 'accept' these conditions button ? plus its $30 - if it was 9.99 or something id just leave it but what they are asking for people to test their alpha is steep, young kids play this game and it isnt fair to take advantage of their wallets when they are given x amount by parents and what not and give them such an incomplete experience. 

Edited by kstrife

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Instead of going for a refund you could jsut let the game mature for a bit, and check in again, i have no doubt that later on in the developement the new player experience will be much more refined.


And by that i mean it will still propably hit most people like a brick slapped into your face, but atleast it´s nice new and shiny brick by then.

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aside from probably needing a cash injection to continue development in a timely manner the reason Day Z SA has been released in it's Alpha stage is for extended testing by players, and also to help sate the appetites of the fan's itching to play..  not to appease new time players with 0 experience.. there are plenty of warning explaining what stage the game is in.. buggy and advisable not to play for those who will be frustrated by continued character wipes and such


you can't complain about a lack of features in a game that isn't finished...

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some military background will come in handy here ;) 

all the issues you mentioned does not have anything to do with alpha state of the game, it seems you just have no clue what so ever and simply maybe survival games are not meant for you.

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No vehicles, minimal/random/unbalanced loot, low players per server.. hunger/thirst, dodgy game mechanics.. poor performance.. pretty much all the things disappointing you so far is due to the game being in Alpha. A severely unfinished, buggy game being actively developed and were invited along for the ride.


You appear to have fallen into the Alpha trap. Hype most likely got the better of you, as it almost did myself. I took the choice to wait a few more months and just keep eye on progress through watching vids and streams, yep its boring and man I really want to play! but like you I want to spare myself any disappointment, so will wait a little while to see how things pan out :)

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You're currently in a stage pretty much everyone of us was at some point, be it in SA or the mod. No, the game isn't fair. Survival isn't fair. The game won't tell you what to do. It will not give you directions, it will not protect you from making mistakes you don't even know they are mistakes. The game is as harsh as its scenario and you probably won't get far if you apply the standards that are widespread in games these days.


If you straight out refuse to do some research you won't get far or even enjoy the rugged struggle that is DayZ. To at least point you in the right direction, a useful tool to have is an online map such as http://dayzmap.com/ which is kind of outdated by now, cities and towns have been partially rebuilt so don't rely on the markers. The cities are still in the same places though and if you look for the street signs and match the russian characters to the map, you'll be able to locate yourself and plan your route accordingly. 


As has been said before: loot and zombies currently only respawn on server reset and with people spawning in the exact same location you spawned, chances are the nearby locations have been emptied in the meantime. Locate youself, find a water pump and drink until you get a message that your stomach is full, and move inland. The further you get off the coast, the more items you will find.


But most of all, be patient. The game in its current state is little more than bare bones functionality. There's a reason it won't advance to beta stage for at least a year.

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I don't think you'll get a refund as the game comes with a clear warning. You could probably organise one through your bank but Steam tend to seize the accounts of people that do this.

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It is obvious to me that you shouldn't have purchased this Alpha, you have not read any part of the forums at all, so let me highlight what has been said and why ignorant people like you will bring this community down before it begins:

1. Rocket said dont buy the game (yet)
2. A forum post by a staff member highlighted that, there is low zombie spawns and loot spawns, that zombies no clip, that zombies hit through floors, that there aren't vehicles yet, that some items wont work, that some features wont work.

3. It's a PRE Alpha, that's not even an Alpha.


If you ask me the game was pushed out because the community wanted it to be, now people like you are putting pointless forum posts like this.


This is not WarZ so don't mention it.


Moving forward from your experience:

Read the forum posts by the staff before purchasing or playing this game.

Understand what a pre Alpha is, an Alpha and what  a Beta and finally a full released game.

Once you understand these things, THEN and ONLY THEN should you even think about playing this game, till then.. Shelf it.

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Ok, seeing as your post comes across as a new player to DayZ in general, and the fact that most of the responses only target one or two of the issues you've raised I will try to answer all of them for you in (hopefully) a non hostile way unlike the dude above me. Not that I'm saying any of the other responses were  :P.




1. As others have said, this is pretty much the fact that items on the coast don't respawn at the moment. Whether or not this is a bug or intended to herd the players inland to search for new areas that weren't in the mod is unknown to me but will be changed/fixed at some point in the future as updates roll out.

The fact that you only found a limited amount useless items stems from a number of things, the main one being that everybody else passing through that area took everything useful and left the chaff coupled with (like has already been said) the fact the loot isn't respawning, also not all loot or weapons have been added to the loot tables yet, infact not allot of loot has been added to the Alpha. This will change with each update so that as new items/features are added, any fresh bugs can be spotted and eliminated quicker than if everything was there from the start but there are a 1'000'001 bugs to find and fix.


2. Again, this is purely down to the stage of development the Alpha is at at the moment.  Some Zombies (or Zeds to the regulars) are on the map, just in very limited number. As has been stated, this is because they are in an unfinished state, which unfortunately makes fighting them up close near suicidal so unless you have a firearm (which aren't widespread enough at the moment to make having hordes viable) and can take them at range they're more of a hindrance on the QA side of things. However, as with the above, this will change as bugs are fixed, coding is finished and updates are rolled out.


3. The answer to most of this issue has been offered by Mr Dean Hall himself a couple of times but I'll re-iterate for the sake of the post. 

Since day one of the mod's release it has been almost a selling point that DayZ is intended to be an unforgiving, hardcore, survival horror mmo. To that end, it's widely acknowledged that you wont be, nor should you be, handed anything on a plate, so starting with a map isn't a likely occurrence unless you are playing the mod on a custom server.


3a. Ok, you feel that the game is not very "new player friendly" and you shouldn't have to research anything from the get go and that's your prerogative. That being said though, there are two main reasons why you should, being a new player and all. It would be worth having the map of Chernarus Google searched and open for easy access so you can at least orientate yourself when you start, most towns have their names sign posted somewhere, so all you need do is find out where on the map your town is and then you can have a rough idea of where to head for funtimes. (On a side note, if you'd paid through the site and got the Supporters Edition or whatever it's called you would have had a hi-res map sent to you via e-mail as one of the bonuses).

The other thing to note is that the game isn't going to hold your hand so there is allot of stuff that you can do which won't be obvious right away, and finding these things and utilizing them adds to the survival and, to an extent, the social aspect. You need to survive? What can you do to manage it? What are you prepared to do to achieve it? How do you achieve it? Can you learn anything from people you meet in the game and have you found anything that you could teach them? <---- that is of course if you can find someone that isn't going to shoot you on site because they "want what you got...". I wont bang on anymore about research and I don't want to insult your intelligence but YouTube has some handy tutorials on there for people (not just noobies) that don't wish to do the leg work themselves and just want to play and have fun. Some are short and to the point while others are quite in depth and very helpful.


3b. Backstory. One of the earliest taglines for DayZ was "Survive or die. This is your story". This is probably one of the main things that makes this mod/game such a popular concept.  The idea being is that if you want story, you roleplay a character type that you want to personify. Be-it a hero, bandit, a last surviving soldier, someone protecting (or has lost) their "family" or portraying a group or individual that is going through the trials of attempting to restore order and rebuild society from the ashes of the outbreak, it's entirely upto you how you play and what kind of back story your character has to get you to that point. If the game was to give you a backstory then you may as well be playing a story driven multiplayer game rather than a survival MMO. 


4. Your gripe with food and drink/starvation and dehydration.  This is simply something that's needing a tweek. Aspects like, how long it takes to get from A to B on foot, how much of it was spent sprinting/resting/fighting and other factors need to be monitored and assessed over time so an acceptable adjustment to the mechanic can be made.


As for you being shit. Everyone was at some point, I was when I started on the mod, I'm not afraid to admit it. But as I found a way of surviving and a " rp story" that worked for me (and watching videos and such) I started to have a lot of fun. Finding a good group (and by good I mean not people that troll or shoot fresh spawns on sight) to play with you'll feel more confident in the way you play the game, you'll find yourself more willing to take risks for big payoffs when you have an organised group of survivors at your back. It all adds to the roleplay at the end of the day and that's where the enjoyment of the game comes from. At least for me anyway.


I'll PM you the address for the group I'm a part of, we're not so much a clan than a community of gamers that just want to have fun. We have our own Stand Alone server so if you want to learn the rudiments of the game you can find one of us with a =FOX= tag and we'll take you under our wing so you can find your feet.


Hope this has shed some light on the current state of the game and that I managed to deliver it in a helpful manner. 



Edited by =FOX= Damocles
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