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Places to watch out for falling.

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I've noticed so far that the range of surviving fall damage is quite shallow. I can fall off the seconed floor of a barn and live (broken legs and bleeding) but i fall from a short rock or hunting tower and immediately die. Don't know if this is a bug yet, but would be nice to know some of the not-so obvious places that others may have had vertically induced deaths.

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This is probably something that hasn't really been worked on yet.


On the warehouse in Komarovo, don't run into the drop off into the wall. It'll break your legs.

Edited by TIC321

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Ladders and stairs. BEWARE. Pretty sure that its a known bug that they are working on. NEVER, under any circumstances, log out on top of a building with the ladder being the only way down. I've done this and lost a fully-geared char because the ladder launched me across the airstrip lol

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Yep. Its a bug that they're working on, I'm sure. But I have had it happen several times, and a few of my friends have had it happen too.


I've sworn off ladders of any kind for now.

My man. Take this guy's advice!

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I've jumped off the top of a castle and didn't receive as much as a bruise.  I then proceeded to jump off a set of stairs about 5 feet from the ground and instantly died.

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Ladders and stairs. BEWARE. Pretty sure that its a known bug that they are working on. NEVER, under any circumstances, log out on top of a building with the ladder being the only way down. I've done this and lost a fully-geared char because the ladder launched me across the airstrip lol


Just lost my 4 day char to being launched off a hospital roof tonight. :(


I'm never using a ladder again... xD

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