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how do i regain blood atm?

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i heard that theres a blood regen or something?... should i just like hide and wait till my screen stops being black&white?

Edited by orrzxz

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eat and drink, try to relieve some, clean with alcool your wound, eat vitamins 

That won't increase blood.



You need to have full food and drink, or use a saline bag, or use a bloodbag with the correct type of blood.

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kk. im not sure if i lost blood or my health is just low. my screen is black&white. and i bleed for half a min - min.

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Best way to regain all your blood / vision is a IV Saline Bag.

i think i saw a sline bag at the hospital like 2 hours ago... didnt knew what it was and left it there :/

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I also heard they were some bugs with the health regenaration right now and some fixes would be done for the next update.


Exemple: I have been only hit 1 time by a zed, immediatly heal-bandage myself, kept DRINK and FOOD at max (no warning msg) and.... I'm still having the "black n white" effect.

So it seems blood regen doens't work well for now.


I guess maybe only a blood transfusion or saline kit would give me back the "colors", didnt try it for now.


Also, the saline bag only works with a IV kit start for your information.



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I also heard they were some bugs with the health regenaration right now and some fixes would be done for the next update.


Exemple: I have been only hit 1 time by a zed, immediatly heal-bandage myself, kept DRINK and FOOD at max (no warning msg) and.... I'm still having the "black n white" effect.

So it seems blood regen doens't work well for now.


I guess maybe only a blood transfusion or saline kit would give me back the "colors", didnt try it for now.


Also, the saline bag only works with a IV kit start for your information.



kk. thanks.

i just found a medkit that included a IV start kit and a blood bag. do you guys know how do i check my blood type and the one in the bag?

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The bag is empty. You have to fill it.

You'll need at least two blood test kits and two syringes. Take your blood and test it to get your type. Then take someone else's blood and test it to get their type. Of it's a match, fill the blood bag with their blood. If not, repeat.

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Exemple: I have been only hit 1 time by a zed, immediatly heal-bandage myself, kept DRINK and FOOD at max (no warning msg) and.... I'm still having the "black n white" effect.

So it seems blood regen doens't work well for now.

No warning msg does NOT mean that your drink and food is at max. I read somewhere that you get no warning message if your drink is 2000+ and your food is 600+. But to regenerate blood you need drink 3000+ and food 2500+.

I can tell you for a fact that regeneration works. I had black and white and super blurred vision and I stuffed my stomache (you get a message when you eat A LOT). Then I started to regenerate blood. So after you get no "thirst" "hunger" in character screen you need to eat like 5 more whole cans of food (I dont know the exact amount) until it says you feel full.

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I also heard they were some bugs with the health regenaration right now and some fixes would be done for the next update.


Exemple: I have been only hit 1 time by a zed, immediatly heal-bandage myself, kept DRINK and FOOD at max (no warning msg) and.... I'm still having the "black n white" effect.

So it seems blood regen doens't work well for now.


I guess maybe only a blood transfusion or saline kit would give me back the "colors", didnt try it for now.


Also, the saline bag only works with a IV kit start for your information.




you stop getting messages if your food is >600.


to start regen you need 2500+ food... SWALLOW and read the wiki :)

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Yeah what they say. Eat and drink like a madman, if you have enough there will be an indicator saying "healing" and one saying "healthy" as soon as you are at max health. 

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after eating and drinking till full, walk away from computer for 20 minutes... you must rest as well as eat/drink

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