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Suggestion for the handcuffs

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Me and a few others in our clan took a player hostage today, we ended up wasting 3 handcuffs on him because every time we put a set on him, he would immediately start struggling out of them, we ended up having to kill him in the end.


Could it be changed so you cannot struggle out the handcuffs if someone is within say 10m of you?

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Right. Then YOU get handcuffed and your captor decides to go afk for 2 hours just for the lulz and we get a new post saying to nerf handcuffs.

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Right. Then YOU get handcuffed and your captor decides to go afk for 2 hours just for the lulz and we get a new post saying to nerf handcuffs.


Well you can slowly walk while being handcuffed :).

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wouldn't bother me, i'd just disconnect and go play another game, or join another server.

Anyway it wouldn't be a hard thing to implement a timer into it, say if the afk player has not moved for 20 or 30 min, you can struggle out then.

The way it is now is rather pointless and just leads to people being killed.

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Well you can slowly walk while being handcuffed :).


Not if he breaks your legs. :D

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wouldn't bother me, i'd just disconnect and go play another game, or join another server.

Anyway it wouldn't be a hard thing to implement a timer into it, say if the afk player has not moved for 20 or 30 min, you can struggle out then.

The way it is now is rather pointless and just leads to people being killed.


After the newest patch if you disconnect while handcuffed you'll die.

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I agree. The handcuffs are a little weird at the moment, you can easily walk around for 5 seconds and break out. Makes them almost useless if you're trying to hold someone up, but If you tell them to stop trying to get out of them and they don't I would call that grounds enough to put a bullet in their head. Their fault.   :thumbsup:

Edited by Verex11
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As one of the options I'm seeing this...

If player that handcuffed you, is aiming his weapon at you, than you wont be able to struggle...Cus that would make a sence..You don't wanna keep trying to escape if your captor is watching you all the time.....


In reality it'd probably mean you ending up dead with a bullet in your head.

Edited by OntyCZE

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I don't think any artificial gameplay needs to be added to restrict players further.


I DO think handcuffs are fine as they are. However, the length of time which you spend struggling to get out of them needs to be DRAMATICALLY increased. Maybe to 5 minutes or something. I would also love if an axe could be used to break handcuffs on someone else (Titanic style). :3

Edited by jOKe

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I don't think any artificial gameplay needs to be added to restrict players further.


I DO think handcuffs are fine as they are. However, the length of time which you spend struggling to get out of them needs to be DRAMATICALLY increased. Maybe to 5 minutes or something. I would also love if an axe could be used to break handcuffs on someone else (Titanic style). :3


Oh yes..Let us break the handcuffs with a help of another person..

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Oh yes..Let us break the handcuffs with a help of another person..


Yes, the more opportunities for cooperation, the better.

And also think, that it should take a bit more to break from handcuffs.

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Well, if the hostage is struggling with the handcuffs you should tell him to stop, and perhaps hit him once or twice. If he continue struggling you should shot him. That's how it's supposed to work, as a captor you must watch your hostage so he doesn't try to escape, and if he does you must punish him for it. It could lead to interesting situations where the hostage struggles when you have your back turned/are not looking etc. 


But I do agree that they should take a longer time to get out off, and also fix the bugs where the keys don't work, you can't stand up or the handcuff animation keeps glitching etc. Once I handcuffed my friend as a joke, and he tried getting them off for what seemed like 10 minutes before I had to kill him.  :(

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Yes, the more opportunities for cooperation, the better.

And also think, that it should take a bit more to break from handcuffs.


Agreed. The fun it would cause to break someones handcuffs then proceed to killing them. Can you picture the rage that would come about!?

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Agreed. The fun it would cause to break someones handcuffs then proceed to killing them. Can you picture the rage that would come about!?


I ment more like help somebody to break out of them but OK.

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The struggle action is fairly obvious, so just be clear, "If you struggle then you die". It's not your fault if they can't follow basic instructions.


Also I recall that in a twitch stream they mentioned they wanted to increase the time for breaking the cuffs.


Perhaps it could be harder if you are on the ground, so you could force them to lie down so that you would have more time.

More control over cuffed players therefore could be nice i.e. lead them around, kick them to their knees or on the floor.

You can already force feed them what is basically bleach so moving them around is not so bad.

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After the newest patch if you disconnect while handcuffed you'll die.

So? Most of the captors will kill you eventually or at least strip you clean. Might as well save some time and suicide.

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So? Most of the captors will kill you eventually or at least strip you clean. Might as well save some time and suicide.


The guy I was replying to was saying he'd simply go to another server, I just told him if he did that he would die.


Also, if you want to take the coward way out and suicide then be my guest.

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The guy I was replying to was saying he'd simply go to another server, I just told him if he did that he would die.


Also, if you want to take the coward way out and suicide then be my guest.

LoL, how's my way a coward way out? The way I see it when you are captured and humiliated and you still comply and hope they'd set your miserable life free. That's being a coward.


Unless, you like being cuffed by a bunch of dudes and feed you weird stuff. I don't know what kind of stuff turns you on man.

Edited by realm13

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Increase escape times on all methods of subduing and add a non-lethal way of resetting the struggle timer. Have an option to hit them or something if they start struggling. This will require someone to watch them to keep them subdued and is much fairer than something like preventing them from struggling if someone is near or looking at them.


You could also increase the struggle time by several minutes on handcuffs but allow people to instantly remove them with pliers or something similar.

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