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SalamanderAnder (DayZ)

Idea. Gunshots, Tinnitus, and Hearing Protection.

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Someone mentioned this in a livestream and Brian seemed to like the idea, but I'll recap it here.


Shooting a gun should give you temporary deafness and a ringing in your ears. One or two shots, for example, would cause just a short, mild ringing. Shooting heavily over a short time should cause some temporary deafness and more intense ringing, unless you are wearing hearing protection. Examples of items that are already in the game which could provide this protection are motorcycle helmets, ballistics helmets, and ushanka hats. The devs could also create other items like earmuffs or fancy electronic shooting ear muffs which require batteries and provide even higher levels of protection.


Also, gunshots should be a bit louder in my opinion.

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I like it. Could reduce shooting on sight as well. If your ears are ringing cuz you shot some dude you might not hear his buddy reload and walk around the corner Or those 4 z's you just aggro'd.


I also agree weapons should be much louder. 

Edited by creature
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the m4 is not loud.  at 100 metre range with a heavy wind u cant hear a m4 shooting and 300 metres with small wind u cant hear it.   


i agree with some weapons like to mosin its loud. but not the popcorn rifle m4 :)

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Someone mentioned this in a livestream and Brian seemed to like the idea, but I'll recap it here.


Shooting a gun should give you temporary deafness and a ringing in your ears. One or two shots, for example, would cause just a short, mild ringing. Shooting heavily over a short time should cause some temporary deafness and more intense ringing, unless you are wearing hearing protection. Examples of items that are already in the game which could provide this protection are motorcycle helmets, ballistics helmets, and ushanka hats. The devs could also create other items like earmuffs or fancy electronic shooting ear muffs which require batteries and provide even higher levels of protection.


Also, gunshots should be a bit louder in my opinion.

In open field there is shouldn't be something like that.at least for calibers like 5.56/7.62.

but increase the loudness and the echo that unsilenced weapons make is needed.

But in closed quarters(buildings,hangars),I agree,without proper ear protection this effect should be added to the game.

Motorcycle helmets-can provide such protection,Ballistics helmets-don't provide such protection,Ushanka hats-wont do asswell.

But simply adding earplugs will do  ;)

Good idea.

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Gunshot noise also needs to be very loud. If you choose to KoS it should send a gunshot echo for about a mile and alert everyone that someone has a gun

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