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Wearing mosin and m4

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East germany eh? :D just kidding bro :P But yeah, few people would bother and if you're poor and live in the east... 20 y/o is as good a new! :P



Screw you. I'm proud northener. Don't throw that eastern thing at me. Ultimate insult for someone from Hamburg.

Edited by kichilron

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Screw you. I'm proud northener. Don't throw that eastern thing at me. Ultimate insult for someone from Hamburg.


AHAHA, :D you northerners! My teacher likes to describe the world like this : "There is Bavaria. And then there is the the 3rd world" :P :P

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Thanks, so i need to figure out what is better uzc mosin is great at medium/ long range and m4 is better to close quarters , but thanks for answer and little spam to read :)

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