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People spawning anywhere destroys tactical play

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Its bound to never stop happening.

I've been reading this bullshit all over the forums. This is an alpha build' date=' that means its not feature complete... you cannot say anything is permanent at this point.

So no, we don't have to get used to it or deal with it because it [i']can be changed and very likely will be changed during the alpha development process.

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1 character per server

voila fixed

But' date=' you'll loose the global persistency feature !


Oh, wait, how is that feature even useful ? Oh, yeah. Server-hopping for loot. Besides ? Nada.


Continuing your character when the server you last played on is full or suffering downtime? Running a group of bandit hunters across servers?

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How about players not being able to spawn within 200m(or smthing like that) of the nearest building/tent, they would simply spawn at the point where they entered this 200m radius.

Would perhaps also make server hopping at barracks etc a little harder.

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Maybe we could find a solution to this: A long timer when you logg off, and a 10 min master server denial

When logging out anywhere except in a forrest or wilderness whilst sitting down, your character remains 1 minute in the world and you get a 10 minute denial to load your character data

That gives people enough time to get away when someone loggs out in combat, and makes server hopping in buildings take a long time

also, maybe do something like this:

if(player is in forrest or wilderness)

then{saved character position = current character position}

else{dont change character position}

that way, people couldnt spawn in buildings or near citys, they cant log out in a town when in danger because of the one minute timer (they can, but will likely be eaten or shot),

and people cant flank by moving to a new spot on a new server (1 minute penalty x2 and you wouldnt spawn there anyway)

also, the 10 minute timer makes looting a town and then logging off to spawn in the last forrest unattractive

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Hey, great thread here. Just like the one I started last week. People in both threads came up with some really smart ideas.

How about this proposal, which is closely related to what you guys have been talking about:

There is a radius around all major points of interest. The radius is posted by devs so everyone can learn them. They can be called "danger zones" or "no sleep zones".

- If you log out or DC inside the radius, a system message appears to anyone nearby, and your body remains there for 5 minutes. You are unable to join any other server during that time.

---This is to prevent people from DCing to avoid confrontations within points of interest.

- When you log back in (after logging out within a "no sleep zone") you are teleported to a random spot, 0-50 meters away from the perimeter of the "no sleep zone".

---This is key. No one will ever appear inside of the building you are in EVER AGAIN. And people can't hop servers, to gain a tactical advantage on you.

- If you log out inside the "no sleep" radius, you cannot return to THAT same server for 15 minutes.

---This is to prohibit abuse of the "teleport" feature. Someone may see a gang of people roll into town and they want to teleport out of the area. But that server should be off limits for a longer period of time.

This is the best I've come up with at this point. The key is to accomplish 3 things:

- Make it harder to farm via server hopping

- Eliminate DCing from high risk areas. The only way out should be to get yourself out on your power.

- Create a game where you can tactically approach a high risk area and be confident that if you prepare and execute properly, no one can kill you by simply spawning in the middle of your operation.

It's definitely not perfect yet, but if we keep spitballin ideas and come up with something awesome, perhaps it will stimulate the Dev team's own ideas. Then we've done our part in making DayZ a better game.

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2. Folk use it to leave servers' date=' flank round in another server, rejoin original and kill. Mildly annoying, congrats on the effort of any who do this!


Try doing this on the aussie servers. Once you leave a server it will take a LONG time to get back in. Poor server host is getting spammed with join requests if a spot opens up.

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I just had an experience with this a few minutes ago. I was looting a building in elektro when the server crashed. No big deal, I switched to a different server. As I came back in, I see that the whole building is fenced off with barbed wire and in front of me are 3 players with their backs to me. I just unloaded into all 3 of them. They spent all that time bunkering down in there and it was ruined when I logged in. Sucks for them.

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2. Folk use it to leave servers' date=' flank round in another server, rejoin original and kill. Mildly annoying, congrats on the effort of any who do this!


Try doing this on the aussie servers. Once you leave a server it will take a LONG time to get back in. Poor server host is getting spammed with join requests if a spot opens up.

Well, in a way you're lucky. Because it's happening everywhere else.

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This and ALT F4 are the two biggest problems in the game ATM imo, I can live with the bugs etc but you just feel cheated when another player uses these loopholes to their advantage.

My suggestion is that players are required to setup a camp, this doesn't have to be anything physically visible but just a drop down box option that you can select this spot to make your base. You can only setup base in the wilderness as attempting to in a city etc will give an error similar to trying to harvest wood outside a forest. When you disconnect you will spawn at your last base no matter where you disconnected from. If you have no base and you disconnect then you spawn back on the coast.

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My suggestion is that players are required to setup a camp' date=' this doesn't have to be anything physically visible but just a drop down box option that you can select this spot to make your base. You can only setup base in the wilderness as attempting to in a city etc will give an error similar to trying to harvest wood outside a forest. When you disconnect you will spawn at your last base no matter where you disconnected from. If you have no base and you disconnect then you spawn back on the coast.


Then people can disconnect while looting and return to their safe camp if they suspect players are near (potentially close enough to get the bead on them).

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i have to say, that the people that rapid fire the respawn button are annoying... play where you spawn ffs, it ruins the whole consept of the game otherwise...

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1 character per server

voila fixed

But' date=' you'll loose the global persistency feature !


Oh, wait, how is that feature even useful ? Oh, yeah. Server-hopping for loot. Besides ? Nada.


Continuing your character when the server you last played on is full or suffering downtime? Running a group of bandit hunters across servers?

Yes, that was a TL;DR answer. My more detailed and answer is, that the cross server persistency currently does more harm than good. As you said, it adds more resilience in case of server problems, and opens up some nice gameplay features.

But overall, I think this is just an open door to abuse. Currently, server hoping for loot/backstabbing is the main use of global persistency. For example, with my group, I even had the idea of exploiting the infinite tent glitch + server persistency to setup a cross-server network of "tent loot dropboxes" to buff our loot farming process... This is just anti-gaming the anti-game, as are :

1. server hoping for loot

2. server hoping to backstab

3. disconnecting to avoid death

4. loot spawn camping

All server hopping issues can be adressed very simply by having a single character per server, the other two by finding subtle ways of putting people at risk when they disconnect so that they don't disconnect or spawn in dangerous areas - I guess what we are talking about here are the two latter issues, so I didn't believe it was the place to write a long explanation.

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Disable spawning indoors? And maybe logging in/out too, but don't know at all if that's possible...

Goddamn exploiters. You're like those kids who have a christmas calendar and eat all the candy at once lol.


Maybe, if one logs out inside of a building, next time they sign in they would spawn outside in a specific, semi-specific or random location within a certain radius of the disconnect location, say maybe... ~1500m? Thoughts?

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Disable spawning indoors? And maybe logging in/out too' date=' but don't know at all if that's possible...

Goddamn exploiters. You're like those kids who have a christmas calendar and eat all the candy at once lol.


That, Sir, was the metaphor I've been looking for for ages.

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In real life if someone was in a building you cleared and they killed you, that means they were hidden in some compartment you didn't see. That is the basic equivalent of hopper's. They hid in a cubby you forgot to check and shot you when they got out of the cubby (aka spawned in.)

Once I learned to see it this way I stopped caring. Besides. I'm going to die anyway.

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In real life if someone was in a building you cleared and they killed you' date=' that means they were hidden in some compartment you didn't see. That is the basic equivalent of hopper's.[/b'] They hid in a cubby you forgot to check and shot you when they got out of the cubby (aka spawned in.)

Once I learned to see it this way I stopped caring. Besides. I'm going to die anyway.

Well, that is one way to think of it. But if in real life you went into a cubby, closed the door, opened it again, there wouldn't magically be a bunch of guns and supplies to be had. :P

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