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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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We get it when we get it. I'm currently enjoying the ability to play on stable version atm.

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I'm currently enjoying the ability to play on stable version atm.

Sarcastic LMAO.

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wow. last couple pages pretty funny. made me laugh.

in all reality though, this community, myself included, are pretty much assholes i see. and yes, bring back the bandit disgusting!

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I'm currently enjoying the ability to play on stable version atm.

Sarcastic LMAO.

No, he is actually right. apart from some wierd death issues, and some occassional debug stuff today, it is actually the best build of dayz since 1.7.0, and 1.7.2 will own them all.


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PLEASE TAKE WHAT YOU HAVE SO FAR AND UPDATE THIS MOD GUYS. The proposed changes are needed now the game is not playable in its current state but it looks like the patch notes fix most of it, it would be a great update as is just post the files plz. Thanks for working hard on this mod, great work guys!

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PLEASE TAKE WHAT YOU HAVE SO FAR AND UPDATE THIS MOD GUYS. The proposed changes are needed now the game is not playable in its current state but it looks like the patch notes fix most of it' date=' it would be a great update as is just post the files plz. Thanks for working hard on this mod, great work guys!


Do you honestly think patches are written just by writing a bunch of notes about what is fixed (or planned to be)? "Just post the files" LOL. First, code needs to be written. They code needs to be tested, lest some ignorant yokels such as yourselves flame on about an unstable build.

Have you ever considered that if the build was ready, it would be out?

I'm starting to wonder why I waste my time here...

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PLEASE TAKE WHAT YOU HAVE SO FAR AND UPDATE THIS MOD GUYS. The proposed changes are needed now the game is not playable in its current state but it looks like the patch notes fix most of it' date=' it would be a great update as is just post the files plz. Thanks for working hard on this mod, great work guys!


Do you honestly think patches are written just by writing a bunch of notes about what is fixed (or planned to be)? "Just post the files" LOL. First, code needs to be written. They code needs to be tested, lest some ignorant yokels such as yourselves flame on about an unstable build.

Have you ever considered that if the build was ready, it would be out?

I'm starting to wonder why I waste my time here...

As a programmer who gets this kind of stuff often, I'm so glad there's people like you out there!

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Can people please show some respect voor the developers? It's only common sense.

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Common sense is hard to find on the internet :/

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Step 1: Download a free mod.

Step 2: Complain that updates aren't coming often enough on this project that doesn't generate revenue.

Step 3: ?????

Step 4: Success!

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I don't get why this thread isn't locked until the damn update is out. Nothing productive is coming out of this topic other than flaming and impatience.

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Could a mod PLEASE clean up and/or lock this thread until the patch is actually released?

It is possibly the most important thread on the forums right now and becoming a pain in the ass to find the relevant info amongst the 280 pages of collective autism display from the community.

Allowing some of the crap on this thread to remain only fuels the flame, which lowers the tone of the forums as a whole.

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Everyone asking to lock the thread, The devs will lock it when they want to, stop being a self entitled ass about wanting a free thread to be locked already, its their free time to do what THEY want, maybe they went on vacation! its THIER time to lock the thread when they want! OMG guys just leave the devs alone about locking this thread!

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why the fuck everyone keep telling each other what to do

anyway good morning for +2 gmt :D

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Wow...has this thread really gained 100 pages in the past day or two, to people bitching about "when the patch is coming out?/please lock this thread!"

First off, do you really want another 1.7.1 patch and have 4 hotfixes within a week or so? Let the devs work out the bugs and put out a solid 1.7.2 patch, seriously stfu, stop bitching and go kill some zeds, n00bs or bandits.

Secondly, why complain about locking the thread? Your just showing your ignorance and adding fuel to the fire. Leave it open for constructive criticism (for something thats not even out yet -.-) and legit dev posts. /endrant

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Locked or not, How about we Thank the devs for the great work they have already provided. becasue really it is more than great work, i just started playing a few days ago and its amasing. i mean sure there are still bugs, its a game will always have bugs, everygame will. So why dont we make them happy instead of bitchin at them and in return they will make all of us very happy.

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Could a mod PLEASE clean up and/or lock this thread until the patch is actually released?

It is possibly the most important thread on the forums right now and becoming a pain in the ass to find the relevant info amongst the 280 pages of collective autism display from the community.

Allowing some of the crap on this thread to remain only fuels the flame' date=' which lowers the tone of the forums as a whole.


when the patch comes out, there'll be a new "rolling update" thread

all the relevant information is in the first post

other than that, rocket's been moving, and working on the update

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