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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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Target date is Monday. Backup is for Saturday during offpeak time.

The update will include some new functionality. Currently, it includes some leftover fixes from the end of 1.7.1

But I will be updating the progress here. will remain all weekend, unless something serious happens.

This is the completed changelog so far:


* [FIXED] Infected hear perfectly through objects (noise reduced by 50% through an object)

* [FIXED] Animal bodies despawn way too fast (now despawn automatically after 2 minutes)

* [FIXED] Corrupted update data causes people to spawn in debug forest (now will not save corrupted position data)

* [FIXED] States where animal might stop walking around (now should walk around more)

* [FIXED] Animal AI routines consuming large amounts of FPS (now in line with Infected AI routines, reduced FPS usage)

* [NEW] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking)

* [FIXED] Error reports are almost invisible (has now been fixed)

* [FIXED] Daylight calculations causing slight FPS issue

* [NEW] Visibility now smoothly alters based on sun, moon, cloud, rain, and fog state

* [NEW] Aubility now dampened in rain and increased by fog

* [FIXED] Object cleanup causing significant (huge) performance issue on servers (reduced by up to 50%, means more players + zombies possible)

* [FIXED] Use of "allMissionObjects" causing performance issue on clients (new engine command "entities" used to improve FPS on clients)

* [FIXED] Too easy to break legs due to infected (reduced probability of leg damage, reduced amount of leg damage)

* [FIXED] Inspection of dead bodies does not work (fix only applies with ArmA2 Beta 94033 and above)

* [NEW] Exponent driven probability introduced into visibility calculation

* [FIXED] Hatchet/Crowbar requires reloading ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/34903 )

* [FIXED] Unlimited Wire fence/Sandbag/Tank Trap Bug ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/34283 )

* [FIXED] Duplication Exploit on object pickup ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/34031 )

* [FIXED] Not full magazines disappear when you reconnect ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/33998 )

* [NEW] Set Bear Traps that break player and infected legs, kills animals, when activated

* [NEW] Authentication process streamlined with new ArmA2 Beta commands (publicVariableServer and publicVariableClient)

* [NEW] Authentication for duplicate IDs supportive of the new beta patch (ArmAX users)

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faaaan fucking tastic, you ROCKet :P

- add key bind labels and tooltips soon

- add a confirmation dialog when you click on 'respawn'

- remove 'restart' option as it doesn't do anything..

- make the moon appear every night

- make melee weapons have infinite ammo

- add item usability directly from backpack

love you

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-ammo quantity tracking

So we finally have to find new mags for guns instead of just switching servers? nice.

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Cant wait! Massive respect for so much work done in so little time! Awesome man! has been awesome, finally got a good few hours on it tonight, loved it!

One problem I encountered was a sound issue, I kept losing sound, or it was going down to 10% Although in the options audio was fine, along with my own audio settings. Wondered if it's a issue with the mod or just myself, if anyone else has encountered this problem?

Will look into it this weekend.

Keep up the great work dude.

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Please, please make FAL and Bizon mags spawn outside of helicopters.

Or make Bizon mags spawn outside of helicopters and M24/DMR mags convertible to FAL mags (since they use the same rounds)

Ammo saving will make it extremely obnoxious to use the FAL, and Bizon, but not the AS50 or L85A2. That's not fair.

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Very nice to see some good performance fixes, but please atleast for all us gamers and your slaves, fix the spawn rate of the zeds, cant you make it so no zombie spawns near a player( after a bunch have already spawned) for like 5 minutes?

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Good job man, we really appreciate it!

Just one quickly question. How will the new ammo syncing work?

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Excellent, also for anyone having issues connecting to servers over the weekend try this:

Only join servers in the server browser that have "1.60.93965" listed next to "Required" and "v1.7.1.5" in the Server name.

Should solve the majority of connection issues.

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  'sunnz said:

Very nice to see some good performance fixes' date=' but please atleast for all us gamers and your slaves, fix the spawn rate of the zeds, cant you make it so no zombie spawns near a player( after a bunch have already spawned) for like 5 minutes?


I second this post, zombie respawn rate needs to be logical, right now its way over powered and takes away from a sense of conquering your own little area for a short while.

If you wanna grow a pair and gun down a dozen zombies, you should be rewarded with a clean zone for atleast a few minutes my opinion.

Perhaps, no set time limit could be given but a random amount of time between 2-5 minutes, that way you can't get too comfortable.

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Rocket, please revert so we can have a gun at spawn. Even if it has only 1 clip of ammo, it will make all of the difference.

Thank you.

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Can't wait Rocket. Looking forward to it :)

Any reason there is a huge framerate drop when looking at buildings/towns, yet GPU usage stays really low? Something in buildings eating my fps for some reason?

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Rocket, careful.

Sometime, when you log off, and log in, on the same server, you can see your body dead but stand. And you can take the things again duplicating items...

Other issue, when server still on 12 hours, the fps drops to 5 or 10 fps...

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So many updates..

It's good to see a dev that cares about his game though. Great to see the debug spawning is going to be fixed! Looking forward to it.

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Infected can still attack you through walls & ive noticed that sometimes they seem to be able to walk straight through walls too.

Apart from that loving DayZ so far. :D

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Would it be possible for you to increase the spawn rate of Antibiotics? I was hit by a zed now all is cough and my bloods at 6k!! =(( Ive even tried server hopping, something I Never do, and no Antibiotics ever spawned!! Thanks!!

Keep up the great work!!

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Good news :D although there should be a blunt weapon for spawning people (NOT nothing or guns)

Also they are indeed fast at making updates.

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Food, drink and weapon spawning seem to be a bit low at the moment, exploring all of the Cherno buildings tonight I didn't find a single bit of food or drink or a weapon of any kind, including 2 barns. The field hospital was correctly stocked but apart from that, the only stuff I found was a few bolts in a supermarket, and assorted junk like windscreens and car wheels. There were millions of tin cans and whiskey bottles, much more than usual. Finding drinkable cans has become much, much harder now, I haven't managed to find a single one this update. In 2 hours of play from multiple building searches in towns and Cherno I only reaped useful items from the field hospital. I suppose I could have been super-unlucky but this infrequency of items has never happened in the game to me before.

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Looking good so far.

With all these fps optimizations and vehicle damage model fixes in previous patches, perhaps the time is right to reintroduce the huey in all servers. Maybe even consider adding the antonov an-2.

Myself and probably many others have been waiting patiently on any news regarding aerial vehicles.

Keep up the good work.

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