Bodycount69 0 Posted December 21, 2013 Well I have been running around for 3 hrs and have found a back pack and little food most of it rotten .Have not seen a weapon or a automobile and like 3 zombies thank god as I can't find a weapon O I did find shot gun shells.But ya I know this is a alpha but man where's the fun the mods better than this :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lunchyyy 9 Posted December 21, 2013 Its the fact that loot only spawns on server resets not when players arrive at the location. I dont remember if they said this is the way they wanted to go or if its just for Alpha to put less strain on servers but yeah it sucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ParaB 114 Posted December 21, 2013 Leave the coast. There's plenty of loot up north. Other than that yes, it's an alpha. Many features and much content are still missing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weparo 613 Posted December 21, 2013 (edited) There are no cars as of yet. Also, apparently you have not understood what an alpha is. This is not meant to be fun. Your job is to report bugs to the bugtracker. Not to have fun. That's how an alpha works. Also please inform youself on how the loot and zombie spawn system works at the moment, then you will understand. Weparo EDIT : Your avatar suggests that this game is not for you and your gamestyle is highly unwanted here. Do us all a favor will ya? Edited December 21, 2013 by Weparo 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lunchyyy 9 Posted December 21, 2013 Also, apparently you have not understood what an alpha is. This is not meant to be fun. Your job is to report bugs to the bugtracker. Not to have fun. That's how an alpha works. x1000 It will be even worse come beta (if its open) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weparo 613 Posted December 21, 2013 x1000 It will be even worse come beta (if its open) Tell me about it... *urgh*Since alpher release you have these little, analphabetic and entitled CoD kiddies everywhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korsbaek 1778 Posted December 21, 2013 EDIT : Your avatar suggests that this game is not for you and your gamestyle is highly unwanted here. Do us all a favor will ya? What the hell?... You can't just tell him to leave because he has the picture he has. You have no reason to tell him to leave. At all. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weparo 613 Posted December 21, 2013 (edited) What the hell?... You can't just tell him to leave because he has the picture he has. You have no reason to tell him to leave. At all. I'm not telling him. But he has neither :- understood his job as tester.- informed himself about the current state of SA- understood how melee works (lack of research, again)- understood how items and zombies spawn *edit- realized the later on he will have to fight more then 3 zombies *edit I'm just suggesting that he should better come back at a later stage in development where he can enjoy himself KoS'ing the shit out of everybody else. Edited December 21, 2013 by Weparo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ducard 11 Posted December 21, 2013 It's called Alpha, it comes before beta so it's a half complete game. Perhaps they should make a bigger warning in steam under the purchase tab so people realize that this is not the full game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted December 21, 2013 Weparo EDIT : Your avatar suggests that this game is not for you and your gamestyle is highly unwanted here. Do us all a favor will ya? Am I missing something, do you know him and are teasing him?. If not, that's an incredibly nasty thing to say. Leave the coast. There's plenty of loot up north. Other than that yes, it's an alpha. Many features and much content are still missing. +1 Head up north and get yourself kitted out, beware though other have the same idea so watch out for armed people! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lectoor 3 Posted December 21, 2013 just as fast as you can..dont look back, dont stand still..RUN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wookieenoob 191 Posted December 21, 2013 SA A is very easy to gear up and survive currently to aid bug detection if you're having issues with it you should read up on where loot used to spawn in the mod, and go search yourself. dont eat anything you wouldn't eat irl i only pick up pristine items you can drink from rivers zombies die in 1hit to gun or axe balota and NWAF are buffed north the map is new area with spawns nobody goes to for civ loot i've already done 3-4 circuits from balota, to nwaf, then north and east to neaf and the new towns this will be a brilliant game when it's done. it is worth playing regardless of what rocket said, it runs better than arma2 ever did and it's a really pretty hiking simulator if nothing else. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalamanderAnder (DayZ) 1747 Posted December 21, 2013 Loot doesn't respawn while the server is running. Stop looking where everyone else has looked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted December 21, 2013 SA A is very easy to gear up and survive currently to aid bug detection if you're having issues with it you should read up on where loot used to spawn in the mod, and go search yourself. dont eat anything you wouldn't eat irl i only pick up pristine items you can drink from rivers zombies die in 1hit to gun or axe balota and NWAF are buffed north the map is new area with spawns nobody goes to for civ loot i've already done 3-4 circuits from balota, to nwaf, then north and east to neaf and the new towns this will be a brilliant game when it's done. it is worth playing regardless of what rocket said, it runs better than arma2 ever did and it's a really pretty hiking simulator if nothing else. Some nice tips, my problem is at the moment is knowing my bearings, I see something and go "ohhh a sleepy little town, must be loot here!", next thing I know I am in the middle of nowhere trying to find my way back lol. I'm just wondering at the moment trying to remember landmarks and how to get back to the coast and back up to the airfields etc... That's half the fun/challenge for me, until the game develops more, I am just trying to find my way around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wookieenoob 191 Posted December 21, 2013 (edited) Some nice tips, my problem is at the moment is knowing my bearings, I see something and go "ohhh a sleepy little town, must be loot here!", next thing I know I am in the middle of nowhere trying to find my way back lol. I'm just wondering at the moment trying to remember landmarks and how to get back to the coast and back up to the airfields etc... That's half the fun/challenge for me, until the game develops more, I am just trying to find my way around.find a compass and get to know the map. i compass is civ loot or in cereal boxes dont hang around the coast unless you're going to berezino or the new town if you have a second monitor use a chernarus map on it occasionally as a crutch while you learn it. eventually you'll be able to match up contours you see to the map you remember. there is now a railway that runs the whole length of the map (east-west in a straight, flat line) from the new town (north of berezino, near NEAF) that you can use for navigation getting to NWAF very easily. there is water and civ spawns across the length of this new train line. there is a new military spawn north of NWAF at the north side of nwaf there is also a new military camp bigger than balotas Edited December 21, 2013 by Wookieenoob 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SFRGaming 718 Posted December 21, 2013 His picture is a soldier in active duty and you say There are no cars as of yet. Also, apparently you have not understood what an alpha is. This is not meant to be fun. Your job is to report bugs to the bugtracker. Not to have fun. That's how an alpha works. Also please inform youself on how the loot and zombie spawn system works at the moment, then you will understand. Weparo EDIT : Your avatar suggests that this game is not for you and your gamestyle is highly unwanted here. Do us all a favor will ya?His profile picture is a soldier in active duty serving in Afghanistan. How does that display any kind of game or play style? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted December 21, 2013 (edited) EDIT : Your avatar suggests that this game is not for you and your gamestyle is highly unwanted here. Do us all a favor will ya? Gee wiz, a bit hostile don't you think? :P I don't know how you all are having such a hard time finding loot. It all feels pretty abundant to me. Try using the DayZDB map to chart your course so you're not just traipsing around areas with crummy loot. You're not going to find much as far as firearms go in many of the residential areas, you'd be much better off checking fire stations or military spawns. But as a rule of thumb, you really don't want to stick around the coast for long. Just head into the nearest town, grab some basic supplies and make your way north; it's safer, and the loot is much more plentiful. Happy trails. :thumbsup: Edited December 21, 2013 by Panic! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weparo 613 Posted December 21, 2013 (edited) Gee wiz, a bit hostile don't you think? :P Bit hostile from my part, yes. Still. This is not an fps, and anyone not grasping that shouldn't be here. EDIT : As the others said, try to walk the unwalked path to loot. Another good way is to join a night time server, as most people stay clear from them and most of the loot ist still there. Edited December 21, 2013 by Weparo 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted December 21, 2013 find a compass and get to know the map. i compass is civ loot or in cereal boxes dont hang around the coast unless you're going to berezino or the new town if you have a second monitor use a chernarus map on it occasionally as a crutch while you learn it. eventually you'll be able to match up contours you see to the map you remember. there is now a railway that runs the whole length of the map (east-west in a straight, flat line) from the new town (north of berezino, near NEAF) that you can use for navigation getting to NWAF very easily. there is water and civ spawns across the length of this new train line. there is a new military spawn north of NWAF at the north side of nwaf there is also a new military camp bigger than balotas Thanks mate will do. I have a second cheapo monitor I use for BF4's battle-screen thing, but I use my tablet with a DayZ app for the map. Just trying to learn it by visual alone though, so I can hopefully in the future pick out a town or landmark and roughly now my way around. Been watching Sacriel's streams too which helps, as he finds locations and tells his teammates where they should head off next. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wookieenoob 191 Posted December 21, 2013 (edited) Thanks mate will do. I have a second cheapo monitor I use for BF4's battle-screen thing, but I use my tablet with a DayZ app for the map. Just trying to learn it by visual alone though, so I can hopefully in the future pick out a town or landmark and roughly now my way around. Been watching Sacriel's streams too which helps, as he finds locations and tells his teammates where they should head off next. i have a list of the russian placenames and their translations on my phone incase i get disorientated now.since i know all of the town's names, and quite a few of them by sight, this means i can get my bearings without much effort. the issue with only doing it visually is that you still have a chance of getting lost, and this means you stop learning the map and start panicing about your location. compass obviously negates any disorientation and that issue where sometimes you'll run along a road for a while and accidentally get turned around a bit. the hills around starry sobor are very distinct, if you're walking to NWAF from the coast they're a good marker for when you're close by. also, if you're a fresh spawn going to NWAF there's now a stream running at least 1-2km the way to NWAF from balota. Edited December 21, 2013 by Wookieenoob Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted December 21, 2013 This is not an fps, and anyone not grasping that shouldn't be here. He has every right to be here. As do you and I. i have a list of the russian placenames and their translations on my phone incase i get disorientated now. Ah, that's a good idea! Will Google them now, cheers :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zombiezedd 0 Posted December 21, 2013 I'm not telling him. But he has neither :- understood his job as tester.- informed himself about the current state of SA- understood how melee works (lack of research, again)- understood how items and zombies spawn *edit- realized the later on he will have to fight more then 3 zombies *edit I'm just suggesting that he should better come back at a later stage in development where he can enjoy himself KoS'ing the shit out of everybody i don't think it's you who understands....NOWHERE when i puschased the pre-alpha early access did i see ANYTHING about APPLYING for a job as a tester, AND neither would i PAY to be a tester.there was NO job application and neither did i have to send in a resume. there is NO JOB here. you pay to have access to the early access pre alpha and from thereit up to you what you want to do. you are NOT entitled to have to send in bug reports or anything of the sort a TESTER would have to do. if all you want to do is log inand go shoot people up and have fun that if your perogative, and to hell with anyone that says otherwise. IF you you WANT to take it seriously and do nothing buttest for bugs that is also your perogative but you are in no way ENTITLED to HAVE To do it so do NOT imply otherwise and ruin other peoples fun.. that just rude. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted December 21, 2013 Hello there Relax. One IS allowed to have fun in the Alpha and one does not HAVE to give feedback. We'd love it if you did though. Tempers are frayed due to the fact there are many who dont know what an "alpha" implies and those chaps/chapesses rage which causes exasperation. Now, deep breaths everyone. Rgds LoK 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wookieenoob 191 Posted December 21, 2013 no.. i don't think it's you who understands....NOWHERE when i puschased the pre-alpha early access did i see ANYTHING about APPLYING for a job as a tester, AND neither would i PAY to be a tester.there was NO job application and neither did i have to send in a resume. there is NO JOB here. you pay to have access to the early access pre alpha and from thereit up to you what you want to do. you are NOT entitled to have to send in bug reports or anything of the sort a TESTER would have to do. if all you want to do is log inand go shoot people up and have fun that if your perogative, and to hell with anyone that says otherwise. IF you you WANT to take it seriously and do nothing buttest for bugs that is also your perogative but you are in no way ENTITLED to HAVE To do it so do NOT imply otherwise and ruin other peoples fun.. that just rude. >job put down the crackpipe please both of you the point of an alpha is to report bugs if and when you see them there is no point in reporting known bugs this reporting of bugs is an optional obligation, but it aids the development of the game, so if you're playing and you see a bug.. ..damn well report it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
henker899 0 Posted December 21, 2013 (edited) There are no cars as of yet. Also, apparently you have not understood what an alpha is. This is not meant to be fun. Your job is to report bugs to the bugtracker. Not to have fun. That's how an alpha works. EDIT : Your avatar suggests that this game is not for you and your gamestyle is highly unwanted here. Do us all a favor will ya? Wrong. It's a open alpha for which he even paid money. It's common for open alpha's to give a good impresison of the what the game is going to be like once finished, and for the devs to find bugs and stress test their systems. Operating on a understanding that videogames should be entertaining / fun to play, an open alpha should convey that 'fun' as best it can, while dealing with unfinished or unimplemented mechanics and bugs. Also wrong is the fact that you think Bodycount69 has a job while playing this game. He has not. He is not getting paid, nor is there any moral obligation to provide labour in any way for BI. If he decides he doesn't want to report bugs, that's completely fine. The most wrong thing in your post is your edit though. What an complete asshole would someone have to be to write something like that. Why would you asume anything for anybody on this forum? Did I miss the corronation of King Weparo, He Who Shall Insult Any N00b New To The Kingdom?? Not only that, but you somehow tie an avatar of a soldier to what? A KoS player? :o Nooo. Not a pvp player, in a open world pvp survival game. That bastard!! Because of his play-style he should be Shunned from the community! I can state, based on the numerous negative replies to your posts here, that you might be the one that can do Us a favor.... Edited December 21, 2013 by ThomQ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites