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Stop modeling DayZ after 28Days Later

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First off: I understand the game is in Alpha stage. I have beta tested many large games and know that there are many bugs / glitches / and problems with the current DayZ model.

Having stated the above, I am offering my two cents on what I believe is wrong with the current stage of patches / hotfixes.

1. Zed are still a little too formidable, even with the reduced detection. I have tried all sorts of methods to avoid zed while scavenging towns and nothing works. LoS? No that won't work they hear me shift+crouched on the other side of the building. Let's be honest, who is going to search Berenzino prone? It's not gonna happen. So with the current Zed alertness, why are they so powerful? 1 hit = bleed, hit while bleeding high chance of getting sick, antibiotics is the rarest item in the game. Zed now halfway run inside buildings so that tactic is out the door. Also the zed have a further melee range and higher damage.

How can we fix this? Zed gotta give something up. They don't need super hearing, super sight, super attack range, and super knockdown / bleed / broken bone skills. Pick something and give them the advantage. Want them dealing tons of dmg, give up the ability to sneak through them, want them to detect us? Slow them down and reduce the dmg. Zombies aren't superman, they are rotting carcasses.

During a test, 8/10 times I got hit, my character started bleeding. Several lives resulted in getting sick. After getting sick I conducted a test looking for antibiotics. Cherno? No. Electro? No. Berenzino? No.

Many servers run the 1.7.0 patch, not because it was easy. The zed were manageable during that time in the alpha process. With the current slew of patches I think the devs are changing too much, too soon. Every hotfix is beefing up different aspects of the zed and nerfing everything with the survivors.

Return the sound and sight for crouch, or atleast make the shift+crouch give reduced sight and sound than regular crouch running. I mean there literally is no difference. 4 Sight running, 4 sight shifted. ect ect...

I apologize for every type and misspelled word in this massive block of text. I am not an English major and this is no English exam. Many of you will reply with negative remarks to my post, but that is ok. This information has probably already been stated somewhere on the forums, but it wasn't my 2 cents. I am not surfing the forums all day, in fact many of us work all day and can't afford the time to search endlessly for a forum that may or may not exist. Please by all means you forum savvy DayZ followers, post some links to current threads that discuss (in-depth) the above. Thank you and queu the hate!

Edit: The game has potential, but during it's current state it's simply not enjoyable. The focus has shifted to a zombie shooter, away from the survival, thriller rpg (role playing game, because lets face it bandits and survivors are just people pretending the can of beans mean life and death).

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Get a friend. Two' date=' preferably.


I play with 2 other people (minimum). This isn't supposed to be a zombie shooter. It's supposed to be a apocalyptic survivor. Currently you spend half the time shooting zombies you aggro'ed 100+ meters out.

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I play with 2 other people (minimum). This isn't supposed to be a zombie shooter. It's supposed to be a apocalyptic survivor.

Seriously I have trouble not just raging when people start spouting off about what the game is "supposed" to be. How about we let the fucking people making the fucking game decide what it's supposed to be and we stick to testing?

If you have a minimum of 2 people with you at all times then you have nothing to complain about. Zombies are still stupid and slow indoors. Line them up and take turns shooting. Job's done.

Currently you spend half the time shooting zombies you aggro'ed 100+ meters out.

No YOU spend half your time doing that because you are terrible at avoiding zombies. Try going prone once in awhile it still works wonders even in

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I have never been sick in the game, ever.

Zombies are only dangerous because they are so glitchy (and that worthless piece of shit ArmA 2 engine, too, with all its brokenness and limitations [lol, throwing?! lol, ladders?! lol, swimming & gear?! lol, ammo drop on item pickup?!])... ok, I'm ramblin.

...meaning you can't reliably fight the Zombies. So when a zombie warps by you at lightspeed only to materialize in your blind spot, dealing damage from 15 meters away glitching through stances so fast you can't even aim for its CHEST, let alone HEAD, while his friends are clawing at you from underneath the concrete floor, it's pretty impossible to stop them, and you need to readjust to stand a chance.

Even so, I can get rid of zombies, and I can live. And the game stays somewhat immersive.

You need to man up.

And Bohemia needs to fix their shit in ArmA 3.

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I agree to an extent. I got hit by a zombie once, at 12000 blood, and immediately got a broken bone and shock and went unconscious. I had to sit there watching the hourglass while he ate away my full health.

Having one hit do that is a bit ridiculous.

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Only during the 1.7.4 day I found the zombies to be crazy hard to sneak by. I think they're fine and I don't see an issue with shooting zombies in a zombie survivor game. Maybe just gear up and go guns blazin. Thats what I do.

Next time your in a city...think about trying to make the world a safer place and shoot some Zeds.

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I agree to an extent. I got hit by a zombie once' date=' at 12000 blood, and immediately got a broken bone and shock and went unconscious. I had to sit there watching the hourglass while he ate away my full health.

Having one hit do that is a bit ridiculous.


My heart always warms a bit when someone's first post is a complaint.

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I agree to an extent. I got hit by a zombie once' date=' at 12000 blood, and immediately got a broken bone and shock and went unconscious. I had to sit there watching the hourglass while he ate away my full health.

Having one hit do that is a bit ridiculous.


My heart always warms a bit when someone's first post is a complaint.

Stop being a tool. This isn't my first post. I've actually been around since May. For whatever reason when I came back to the forums after some time away, my login info was gone and I had to re-register.

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This is an Alpha test. The game will change many times before we get to Beta. Right now Rocket is trying many different things to figure out what works the best and we are his Guinea Pigs. You are not here to play a finished product. You are a lab rat in an ever changing maze. Someday we will all get the cheese we all seek but the maze will lead us to many dead ends before we get there.

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Zeds are already too easy.

Started another character, found a M1014 in a Deer Stand. Killed 10 zombies in a row, didnt even got hit once.

It's just too easy to avoid them.

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I have to agree to an extent. I don't think that infected should be responding to sounds/sights that other infected could also make. All infected have footstep sounds, do they react to those sounds? No, so what is so different about survivor footsteps that make the infected react? For audio detection I think they should only react to things they wouldn't deem ass 'normal every day life sounds'. Like gunshots, engines and direct chatting. Footsteps and the rustling of plants and bushes should seem pretty uneventfull to them.

Sight can use a little adjustment too. They see other infected upright, crouched and prone on a regular basis, therefore the simple sight of a survivor in one of these forms should not disturb them. At least not 'till within a clear enough range that they would see that something is different about that one. I also think that spotting survivors through windows falls under the same rule, it would be a familiar sillouette and thus not seen as anything out of the norm.

I think the biggest agrovator for the infected should be gun shots. I think you should have to think everytime before pulling the trigger, is this a good idea or not? Far too many times have I seen bandit types able to stop in the middle of a town to cap another survivor without having to worry about bringing down a storm of infected apon them. Bandits should have to be clever about it too you know. I also think that infected detection range on gunshots should be vastly increased. I'm on one side of a town and hear shots on the other side of town, but the infected around me don't react at all. There should be an immidiate detection range and then a wander towards detection range. The wander towards range should be huge, like elktro sized huge. This would open up team strategies a bit. Make a bunch of noise over hear so your buds can loot over there. And on the bandit side of things, see a group of survivors between you and some infected? Fire off some rounds and get the whole city wandering over towards them.

Could be fun.

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If you aren't skilled enough/don't have buddies to watch your back while looting a town, then don't loot the towns. Seriously, know your place.

I'm a loner, I dislike global chat and stick to raiding deerstands and only ever raid towns at night. Why would I play like that? Because I know my place, and that is how I survive.

If I do find another survivor, I don't shoot them. I watch them - I see if they are going to help me or hinder me, I see how well they avoid zombies, and if I decide that I would be better off being alone I disappear into the forest again.

How long you survive is entirely up to the choices you make.

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I have never been sick in the game' date=' ever.


Just travel when it's raining for a long period of time.

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Another entitled, recently joined player who's gonna tell

everyone how shit's going down and what it should be like.


MFW these people think anyone takes their walls of text seriously.

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I am fed up with these threads. zed are no problem if you are smart and actually play instead of moaning

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I play with 2 other people (minimum). This isn't supposed to be a zombie shooter. It's supposed to be a apocalyptic survivor.

Seriously I have trouble not just raging when people start spouting off about what the game is "supposed" to be. How about we let the fucking people making the fucking game decide what it's supposed to be and we stick to testing?

If you have a minimum of 2 people with you at all times then you have nothing to complain about. Zombies are still stupid and slow indoors. Line them up and take turns shooting. Job's done.

Currently you spend half the time shooting zombies you aggro'ed 100+ meters out.

No YOU spend half your time doing that because you are terrible at avoiding zombies. Try going prone once in awhile it still works wonders even in

There's always one idiot that thinks we should all play the way he does. Lots of people solo and other styles of play and I am sick of your one eyed remarks; get fucked!

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You do know that in 1.7.0 zombies were bugged as fuq and could see you from miles away? I love people like him whining about an alpha phased game and being absolutely clueless whatsoever in their arguments. In the recent hotfixes it is even EASIER than 1.7.0 to sneak past zombies. DEM tears, gotta love it.

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I think the biggest agrovator for the infected should be gun shots. I think you should have to think everytime before pulling the trigger' date=' is this a good idea or not? Far too many times have I seen bandit types able to stop in the middle of a town to cap another survivor without having to worry about bringing down a storm of infected apon them. Bandits should have to be clever about it too you know. I also think that infected detection range on gunshots should be vastly increased. I'm on one side of a town and hear shots on the other side of town, but the infected around me don't react at all. There should be an immidiate detection range and then a wander towards detection range. The wander towards range should be huge, like elktro sized huge. This would open up team strategies a bit. Make a bunch of noise over hear so your buds can loot over there. And on the bandit side of things, see a group of survivors between you and some infected? Fire off some rounds and get the whole city wandering over towards them.


I have to say, I really like the idea of a longer range for detecting gunshots. I mean hell if I can hear them, the Zeds I'm sneaking past should hear them too. If I fail to hit shift, they can detect my 1 maybe 2 steps before I freeze and hold it down, so why not that shot fired from the other side of town?

Also the idea of the ones quite a distance away shambling towards the sound while the ones close enough to pin point running would be great, though I'm not sure how doable that would be.

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Tin cans are useful now, great for getting zombies out of buildings or away from a path that you would like to go. For the first 3 or 4 days of I was getting killed by zombies hearing me while I was prone through a building and kept going "that was a bullshit death" then getting pissed off and rage quitting for a couple of hours, then Id go back. Each day Id try a new tactic, die, get pissed off and quit for a couple of hours, and even said this isnt fun anymore. I believe that Einstein once said that Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, with that said, if you die, look at what you could have done wrong and try something new.

Also Rocket said that Zombies in the next hotfix wont hear you so well through buildings any more.

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The main problem i have with zombies is how fast they are, i mean, these are Dawn of the deadx50 fast, zombies are supposed to be slow!!!

My only other problem is how easy a zombie can sense you on the other side of a wall. I came into a house and got a new backpack, while i was doing that, some zombies were walking past, so i had to lay down, in hopes of not getting detected. But, they saw me >.< Happened another time, was sneaking along a concrete wall, and there happened to be a zombie on the other side.

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Zombies were always supposed to be slow and overwhelm with sheer numbers. That's the only real reason stealth would ever be viable. You could honestly just replace the zombies with dinosaurs and you'd still have the same mod at this point. DayD: Dinosaur Simulation

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