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Now you see me, Now you don't.

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So after a long ass fucking journey to NE airfield I got a Mosin with plenty of rounds along the way found a scope there and a bayonet along the way.  Good backpack and some good clothing. Alright time to find some dickheads to shoot, where's the place I personally experienced a massive amount of dickheads?  Or as Rocket would say, "Deek heads." Besides Balota, Elektro was the spot.  Me and a buddy set up our little sniper hide trying to find somebody worthy of stealing the pants off of.


We lay down bamn, I catch a fresh spawn running at the fire house.  Disappears.  Well shit.

5 minutes go by.

Oh shit another dude he's coming out of the fire station.  Runs into a bush and disconnects.  


You can literally sit on a hill and watch these little piss ant's jump servers to get loot.  I'm positive their the ones with fully decked out m4's on the "Post your gear thread."  


Kinda like the case where criminals expose their crimes on Facebook isn't it?  


Not bashing the game.  I love the Alpha.  Just some of these players.  I dislike 90 percent of this community.   



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soon as i saw the name i thought Oh god another hacker story.

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People like you are the cancer of this game.


So I'm the cancer for exposing what I've seen? lol.  Yea bud sure thing.  

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think he is getting at the part of camping on a hill killing fresh spawns like a pro lol

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You knew your little story would get some jimmies rustled, don't pretend otherwise.



Server hopping is bad at the moment and I'm sure most people showing off their gear or boasting about something great they have in bulk just hopped around to get it. As someone who hasn't hopped around, sometimes hunger can actually become an issue itself, let alone going from town to town with barely any ammo until you finally get lucky.

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I personally love them, they gear me up in 10 minutes with everything i could want.

But seriously, back in the mod, camping the barracks for hoppers was silly. People had full gear like as50's, coyote backpacks, night vision, range finders you name it. An they still hopped the servers. I mean, what do you possibly need besides what you already have you greedy bastards?

Edited by Tegla

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