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This game will only be a niche .....

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  On 12/21/2013 at 12:49 AM, 20CC said:

dont tell me dayz is not a game for me..who are you to tell me that? you pay for my game? my computer? i have played dayzmod since day one . im not a poster on forums i like to browse them from time to time. yes there are factions in those games cause i have played them all cept eve. dont make me kist them . can you guild up in those games? yes you can cause i have raided hardcore in all of them.. can you guild up in dayz? no you cant..not ingame


I believe he is pointing out that someone who wants to change the fundamentals that define a specific game, probably doesn't want to actually play that game or they wouldn't be trying to do that. They actually want to play this other game that is similar, but not that game. Not having factions is a fundamental part of DayZ. The "Grind" of trying to survive, is fundamental. So on and so forth.

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factions: I disagree. I dont think two factions who wear red and blue (for example) should make it into the game. A human is more complex than those extremes. There are not just devils and angels, but soft-hearted devils and morbid mommyboys aswell. I like not knowing what the other guy is up to. Its a thrill.


Sandbox elements: I disagree with taking over full towns. Dayzmod had great sandbox moments you and your group created for yourself. You know, there are always methods of getting into groups. If you dislike playing all for yourself sometimes, just ask in this forum for comrades, like what it was like back in the global chat. For me personally, it didnt always have to be enormous groups. My best Dayz moments always happened after i teamed up with some random stranger from another country after writing down "searching for friendly comrade" in global chat. This way, you also get to know a lot of stuff about the other guy on long journeys. I rarely got fcked over by pretend-frendlies.


Making Zombies more of a threat: I agree on this, IF the meele system will be improved to an extent that makes it believable and kind of fair. I hate standing right in front of a zombie and missing the axe swing or fumbling with my flashlight.


I agree on not making it too grindy. The thirst system at this very moment is pissing me off very much.

Edited by 27 others
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  On 12/21/2013 at 1:00 AM, louist said:

In addition, ideas that may seem to go against the vision may in fact improve the game. Derailing discussions (and I am not referring to you) because they run contrary to the core won't help us improve the game.


Very true, but at the same time discussion about a point can happen from two opposite views. I can discuss things with others and through that discourse come to realize they are correct or convince them of my ideas. That typically starts with, "You are wrong because of X, Y, and Z." and countered by, "Well, if Y is true then we can mitigate with W or possible introduce idea A" and so on. However, the op started out by stating his credentials on why we should listen to him(usually a bad sign of someone who is not secure enough in the actual merit of their idea they have to give it a pedigree) and then moved on at the end to state most of us will flame him just because he has different ideas thus preemptively using a fallacy to avoid discussion of his ideas on their MERIT alone. If I disagree with him I am some sort of fanboy and kiss-ass to Rocket who can't think things through. That does not lead to open discussion about an idea. It is hostile from the get go.


You will notice I addressed his points then did a whole separate post on the Ad Hominem. So far the OP has done nothing to reinforce his claims or address my arguments but has continued to accuse others of attacking him, rather ironically by calling them fanboys and dismissing them. 

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  On 12/21/2013 at 1:03 AM, aVIOLATED+_-monkey said:

See guys constructive, not blind fanboy hate.


Exactly what have you added to this discussion that hasn't involved insulting others?

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Can we avoid the personal insults, please.

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  On 12/21/2013 at 1:09 AM, Mercules said:

Very true, but at the same time discussion about a point can happen from two opposite views. I can discuss things with others and through that discourse come to realize they are correct or convince them of my ideas. That typically starts with, "You are wrong because of X, Y, and Z." and countered by, "Well, if Y is true then we can mitigate with W or possible introduce idea A" and so on. However, the op started out by stating his credentials on why we should listen to him(usually a bad sign of someone who is not secure enough in the actual merit of their idea they have to give it a pedigree) and then moved on at the end to state most of us will flame him just because he has different ideas thus preemptively using a fallacy to avoid discussion of his ideas on their MERIT alone. If I disagree with him I am some sort of fanboy and kiss-ass to Rocket who can't think things through. That does not lead to open discussion about an idea. It is hostile from the get go.


You will notice I addressed his points then did a whole separate post on the Ad Hominem. So far the OP has done nothing to reinforce his claims or address my arguments but has continued to accuse others of attacking him, rather ironically by calling them fanboys and dismissing them. 


Oh, both sides contribute to the problem, there's no doubt about that.


In the end, it is Rocket and his team that will decide what this game becomes. These discussions are here for us to offer our opinions, which the devs can sample, should they decide to do so. Trying to drown each other out, to derail each other based on differences of opinion, makes it a lot less likely that anyone will stop by for a look.


Again, I'm not saying you're a part of it. 

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OP has a few good points. A clear example I can think off is splitting up/dividing the map. It makes me sad to think about, how much time did they spend on that? We all know Chernarus since the mod, and there is always DayZDB. Could they not have used this time to work on more advanced "endgame" gameplay..?


Also, if you make it too complicated or hard to survive, for example by making it very hard to cure diseases, it's just easier to drop your loot somewhere and respawn.

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  On 12/20/2013 at 9:31 PM, 20CC said:


1 no factions--



2-the grind---


3-zombies are not my enemy---



4-no endgame


1. "No Factions" You are correct in the assumption that a lot of Dayz players don't want factions or anything more than a simple grouping function added into the game. Yes, Rocket may have mentioned SA could be considered an "MMO" in the sense that large amounts of people are playing the game in a single shared environment. But, I believe that is where the simillarities end. Just because EQ, WoW or other popular MMO's have done things in a particular way doesn't mean Dayz will or should do things in the same manner. The "all out chaos" you mentioned shouldn't be looked at as a hinderance but rather as an enhancement to your experience. The inability to control who you interact with and other unknown factors experienced while on a server only adds to the atmosphere Dayz is attempting to capture. A "red vs blue" situation where everyone can be instantly identified by a color detracts from the apocalyptic realism of Dayz. This game is not for the faint of heart.


2. "The Grind" It appears you have missed the entire point of Dayz. There is no end game and, in my opinion, there shouldn't be an end game. This is a sandbox experience where you have the responsibility of creating your own content by using available in-game means. The very meaning of the term "grind" only makes sense if you have some ultimate goal to work towards. You can choose whether or not to pick up that compass for navigation. You can choose whether or not to search for food and drink before you make your way to some other destination. It's entirely up to you. This game has no rails, no linear environment where everything you need is neatly laid out before you in an orderly fashion. Again, this game is not for the faint of heart.


3. "Zombies are Weak" If you been paying attention for the last five days, you'd know that zombies are working as intended for the time being. They've intentionally toned down and limited the number of zombies in order to see how their servers react to player load. Do I even have to mention the word "alpha?"


4. "No Endgame" See point #2. There aren't any bosses to fight or new zone instances to explore or a set of gear you must acquire in order to be successful in this game. You define what your level of success should be and how to get it. Dayz has an inherent RP aspect I feel a lot of players don't choose to take advantage of or attempt to get involved with. By no means is it required for you to RP in order to play Dayz but, in my opinion, it greatly adds to the overall experience. You get out of it what you put into it. I don't want to turn this into a "everyone death matches!" discussion. I have to keep reminding myself that this isn't the mod. Rocket is well aware of the current state of the mod(s) and I've got faith he will address these well known issues in the future.


5 "3rd party Addons or UI" That is the last thing I want to see in Dayz. If the developers get good feedback from the community about ui improvements, then let them make the appropriate changes.


"...people prefer to use to use 3rd party addons in their game."


Actually, no, you're wrong. Not everyone prefers to use 3d party addons in their game. The proliferation of 3d party addons in WoW are one of the main reasons I left the game. It made everything easier and then turned into nothing more than a list of things you were required to have in order to do X or Y. WoW catered to the lowest common denominator in the interest of massive profits; something I hope Dayz shrugs off in the interest of making a quality UNIQUE game.


You start off by saying there is no endgame and then end up saying you want more sandboxy things. Well, which is it? Do you want your game on rails or do you want more freedom? From my perspective you can't have both.


All in all, it's way too early to be making such a concrete judgement about the game. It's been five whole days and already we're seeing a fair amount of complaints about things of which we have no real information. There is still a TON of work to be done on the game and many many updates to come our way. Let us try to be patient and help the developers solidify the future of Dayz by contributing to bug testing and giving good feedback on the things they ask for. Complaining about "no endgame" is not only unfair to the developers (because you don't know their plans) but also way too premature at this point.


Also, by calling anyone who shows excitement for something we've waited two years for "fanboys" and "yessirs" only diminishes your own credibility. No, I definately don't want an "autographed dildo by Rocket" added to my inventory. My reaction to the game is just that: A REACTION. If something makes me very unhappy, I'll speak up about it in a constructive manner. If things get really bad and show no hope of changing, I'll just stop playing. On the flip side, if something in the game makes me very happy, I'll speak up about it and do my best not to come off as some blind fanboy pretending everything is sunshine and rainbows. Believe it or not, a large percentage of Dayz players are smart, level headed individuals.

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I don't think I've seen a bigger wall of text that OP just made explaining just how clueless he is about this game...

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1. Factions

From what I can understand is, that you seem to believe that people can't meet up over the forums anad form a group? They need some kind of "Out of Character" system to force them to form a group?


Well, I'll use my own example. I do not play this game with any people I knew prior to the DayZ mod. Never have I played this game with anyone I know in real life. I have alot of new friendships I've made through this game, by forming groups that was formed because of two reasons Necessity and Lonelyness. I've formed these ingame and over the forums. I do believe there is quite alot of "factions" that is purely incharacter and does not need a faction system that forces them to group up or recieve a penalty.



I personally want it to be as realistic as possible! :) So complicity ain't that bad, it just helps give the game more character. Difficulty brings people together, if it's almost impossible to heal your self you will have to bend for
necessity and group up.



Well personally I wont complain about the current zombies. Why? Because as far as I know they're just placeholders, I do blieve I've heard they even had planned not to add zombies in the early builds. I'll end this section with a quote.

"How little do they see what really is, who frame their hasty judgment upon that which seems." -Brainyquote - Luv u google



No end game? Well you compare it to an MMO, I do not really see how your view of a "good" engame differ from you view on what DayZ endgame is.

MMO endgame I suppose is -When you have the best possible gear and killed the bosses?(You're done raiding and/or pvp'ing)

DayZ endgame I suppose is -When you have the best possible gear(Vehicles?).


So by this standard, I suppose the endgame lack somekind of epic boss battle so you can tell people - Been there, done that. Fair enough really, I do feel that maybe could test the idea of a BOSS zombie in the Alpha or Beta just to see how it feels. I am somewhat against it, but I am open to try it.. Since wha the heck I have been wrong and will most likely again.


TL;DR ? Sorry :(

Edited by Horatio

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well i beta tested elder scrolls online and i will be playing that come april ... i will also be playing dayz sa as it develops . those are the 2 games i have in my playbook atm . i look forward to shooting all you fanboys in da cock ingame.

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I agree with a couple of Op's ideas...


Yesterday, I was playing, ended up getting the best of everything currently available.. Fully kitted out and good to go.

And while I know the game isn't fully complete with features, there does need to be more things 'to do'.


Once I had everything, there was basically nothing left to do besides go around pvping, and eventually get killed some way or another to restart again.


What I do like is the idea of various objectives.

Similar to DayzMod, there was another zombie mod that would notify all players that a medical helicopter has crashed at X location, and it is heavily guarded by such and such.

That would add a sense of urgency, and competition for those who have nothing left to do, or want a chance to snag some supplies whilst in danger from multiple enemies, etc.


The current way things are are nice, I love it, just needs more goals after the fact!

Edited by Joannou1
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  On 12/20/2013 at 9:31 PM, 20CC said:



i have played many of the top mmo's out there , starting with everquest .

Stopped right there.

Comparing a Survival MMO to a fantasy RPG. Here is the door and bring the rest of the people that gave you beans with you.


Edited by Craux
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  On 12/21/2013 at 4:16 AM, Craux said:

Comparing a Survival MMO to a fantasy RPG.

Well, he isn't doing that is he? He's just pointing out that he is a long time follower of the genre. But it doesn't matter what people write as long as parts of it opens up for a smug straw man comment, right?

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  On 12/21/2013 at 4:28 AM, CREDiBLE said:

Well, he isn't doing that is he? He's just pointing out that he is a long time follower of the genre. But it doesn't matter what people write as long as parts of it opens up for a smug straw man comment, right?


No, yeah. He definitely did compare it to fantasy MMOs. By suggesting that a game can't succeed without factions, for example. Choosing a faction that you have to stick to for some arbitrary reason forever is pretty much the exclusive domain of fantasy MMOs.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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  On 12/20/2013 at 9:31 PM, 20CC said:



i have played many of the top mmo's out there , starting with everquest . the well made ones survived and became groundwork for future mmo's the rest failed...alot of them failed. i enjoy building up my character and gearing him up with the best of the best . i am a hardcore raider , doing dungeon runs for gear and loot and staying with it till bosses are downed even if it took 5 hours on one boss. i enjoy looking at my character with all the shinies and purples and awesomeness. i love hard games and enjoy the time it takes to aquire the most precious of lootz.



no factions--

1- as in all MMO'S its best to pick a side . you can be a lone wolf but eventually if you really want to get ahead in a game you would have to join a guild ( in a mmo) or team up with buddies you know in rl , but you always had a choice INGAME to join a side. This game does not have that option . an mmo wont work without factions , its just goona be all out chaos . now alot of the dayz players love this idea , alot of dayz players are lone wolfs and or get some rl friends and play , but a guy who just buys the game and doesnt know anyone is gonna be thrown into an extremely large world all by himself with no allies to look to or play with . while this is exciting at first it becomes old fast especially if the server is filled with jackasses.




1-factions - when loggin in to create new character have a choice of side you want to play in . for example....survivor they wear blue vests...bandit they wear red vests . you can kill people of your same faction but you will get a heavy penalty if you keep doing it ...lets say something like "outcast" so when people see you whatever their faction they are in see you as an outcast and traitor and your KOS and the faction you was outcast from can kill you with no penalty. this will make the game more playable and group friendly , if your a lone wolf fine..you see someone in the distance wearing a blue vest you can relax..hes a friendly...but you still gotta be on your guard just in case. this will also minimize the jerks ( like i was a few times do to boredom ) from just randomly killing you for your tshirt

Get the fuck out of here... this is not world of warcraft...

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  On 12/21/2013 at 1:01 AM, 27 others said:

The thirst system at this very moment is pissing me off very much.



Y'know, the thirst system may be WAY too extreme, but I'm kind of liking it. It's an actual challenge to stay alive again. You get that feeling of scarcity that was often missing in the mod. Especially without loot respawns.


  On 12/21/2013 at 4:10 AM, Joannou1 said:

I agree with a couple of Op's ideas...


Yesterday, I was playing, ended up getting the best of everything currently available.. Fully kitted out and good to go.

And while I know the game isn't fully complete with features, there does need to be more things 'to do'.


Once I had everything, there was basically nothing left to do besides go around pvping, and eventually get killed some way or another to restart again.


Man, you're not thinking fourth dimensionally. Programmed mechanics shouldn't create an endgame. The player should create their own endgame. Go clear out a town with some friends and create a clothing store in Kamenka. Sneak up on those snipers in Elektro and drop cans of beans all around them without noticing, then slip away. Do whatever you can think of. This is DayZ. This is your Story.

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  On 12/21/2013 at 4:51 AM, Clumzy said:

Man, you're not thinking fourth dimensionally. Programmed mechanics shouldn't create an endgame. The player should create their own endgame. Go clear out a town with some friends and create a clothing store in Kamenka. Sneak up on those snipers in Elektro and drop cans of beans all around them without noticing, then slip away. Do whatever you can think of. This is DayZ. This is your Story.

I agree that programmed mechanics shouldn't be an endgame in DayZ, bossfights don't belong here. But the way I see it you are the one not thinking outside the box. You define what you can do in DayZ by what the current standards says you can. But we're talking about how those standards should be expanded in the future.


All due respect to your creative imagination, but selling watches or clothes in Kamenka.. That's as far from the experience I seek from DayZ as you get. By endgame I'm not talking boss fights or "The End", I'm talking objectives like base building, farming, running power grids. You know - stuff you would do to survive in the zombie apocalypse. That's what I mean by endgame.

Edited by CREDiBLE
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wow what a rant... does he know about the ALPHAAAA part ?? all the pussies bitching about the "no end game" there will be more things to do one day I'm sure... but I cant believe how many people dont get this game... you make the story you play.. you do what you do.. its an open world.. for me its about the experience of getting from point a to point b and what happens in-between..  if you dont like it you may be playing the wrong game... the players and the situations you encounter is what makes this magic what it is, so many seem to want it to be something else. The whole "capturing places fortifying and building shit" will come one day.. I promise


"spawn.scavenge,pvp,repeat" thats the rant of a close minded gamer who shouldnt play dayz in my opinion" 

Edited by liquidcactus

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