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when will be able to hide weapons to backpack

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I think it's an intended game feature that rifles don't fit inside backpacks.

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Yep it's intended and to be honest... makes sense. Maybe at some point you can disassemble a gun and put the parts in the backpack

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  On 12/20/2013 at 6:55 PM, Lycake said:

Yep it's intended and to be honest... makes sense. Maybe at some point you can disassemble a gun and put the parts in the backpack

I approve of this message.

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the marksman backpack was quite good in one of the mennnnnny dayz mods. maybe that with the slot only intended for a gun

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  On 12/20/2013 at 7:15 PM, Szfeps said:

maybe larger backpacks soon


So do I. Exept for handguns. Handguns should always fit into backpacks.

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I like the idea of breaking a weapon down into components so you can fit it into a pack, as long as that weapon has that capability. Like an M4 you could easily fit into a pack after it is dismantled, a Mosin on the other hand... not so much.

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I like the concept of a backpack purely for a single weapon. Useful for squad snipers, where another teammate can carry the players general kit and allow him to carry a gun for self defense with a small amount of gear in a vest. 


team play, etc. maximum shooties for the marksmen, protecting the guys that loot towns. 

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I like disassemble  idea, But i also think they should make a  high tier backpack that you can strap a spare weapon to side of. (assault rifles  arnt heavy, bout 3-4kg... even lmg only about 6kg.. gpmg's are pretty unwieldy though weighing in over 10kg(13kg unloaded were the ones i recall luggin) and pretty long)

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Or at least give the option to strap your other weapon to your backpack with rope so that fast switching wouldn't be possible or allow the crafting of a carrying strap.

Edited by NoVeM

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