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Movement feels really stiff.

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As title says, movement feels really stiff. Im sure everyone has noticed this yet, but i havent seen any threads about it. Sorry if its a repost.


I thought the game was made up from scratch, but it feels like its just ported from the arma 2 engine. Aiming feels different in a "restricted" kind of way. I havent found a way to edit this myself but i would say this should be high priority for fixing, as the game already is flawless compared to other alphas i have seen.


In my opinion:


Mouse aim should be much smoother. Walking around without sudden movement changes feels ok. But if i want to turn around fast, it feels incredibly throttled. It makes it very uncomfortable to move around. Dayz SA mouse aim feels very much like Dead Island, or games ported from consoles without optimizing the use of a mouse to aim.


General movement would (for me) be optimal if it was like Half Life in 1st person, and maybe something like Gears of War in 3rd person (withouth the cover system ofcourse). I found the movement issue hard to describe so i just gave out examples on how i would see it ingame.




Does anyone else have any ideas to improve movement and aiming, opinions, or anything? All opinions welcome.

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I actually like it. You aren't just a floating head that has awesome spinning abilities like other games, you're actually connected to your body. 


There is one thing that should be changed though. When you stand still, your character turns more slowly than if you were moving.

Edited by colekern
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It's the negative mouse acceleration. You'll notice the option to turn it off in under 'controls' in the options menu, but the feature hasn't been added yet.


It's a feature in ArmA to prevent people from twitch aiming as you would in an arcade shooter like CoD/Battlefield/Counter-Strike. Honestly, I think if the devs are aiming for an authentic experience it should be left in place, but a lot of people don't seem to like it.

Edited by Mos1ey

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Im all in for realism in this game, but it is way to slow to turn around. It feels like moving inside a dream, if you know what i mean. If i try to turn around as fast as i want to, my screen jitters extremely mutch up and down because up and down movement isnt restricted the way left and right movement is.


But if this is a feature that will be possible to turn on and of, plus a slider, then i think im content with it.


How about it if you had no acceleration or throttling when not having weapons equipped, then throttle a little bit and add an aiming animation with a "no input" cooldown to make aiming feel more natural and realistic? This way, no one could twitch aim, but moving around and looking for loot would be so much more pleasant.


Moving around was also an issue. Though, i like that you accelerate into running, using some time to stop, etc. But its to the point where correcting your standing makes you fly off everywhere. I noticed it was a problem for me when i tried walking up a stair with no railings and corrected my walking with tap strafing to one side and sendt me off the stairs.

But with this issue, i think it just needs abit of tweaking so correcting your stance would give you more control

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for all the guys out there saying ints unrealistic. stand up and trie to turn 180 as fast as you can you will see its way faster than those arma dummys. also the head wobbeling in first person is so annying it makes me litarly sick. "headbob is off" moving inside building is really a pain and it just doest feel natural at all.

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Zombie video game.



I find your lack of faith disturbing :)


Better get prepared while you can :D

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I have been waiting for the release of SA only for negative mouse acceleration to be fixed...


Now there is positive acceleration on the Y axis and negative acceleration on the X axis... What the f**k?!


Aiming in Dayz SA is insanely bad, I just can't understand why someone can play this game without noticing it.

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finaly some discussion here:P


DAS1337: its great to aim for realism in a game that tries to immerse you in a world like this. even though zombies are not real, its more fun this way.


the guns already have "realistic" balistics, where even if you have your target on the corn, its not sure if it hits exactly where you want it. this is realism the way i like it. makes scoped mosins fun when you learn it.


but in reality, you will be able to turn faster than ingame. you could actually turn in an instant and aim up a gun and be close to where you want to aim. thereby, the mechanism at the moment makes it both unrealistic and hard to scavenge or look around.


also, this thread also aims for the movement issue:

as i said, trying to correct my stance while walking up stairs, sent me flying off the stairs. when i walk up stairs in real life, i know exactly where my body is, and with my balance, i know how to walk up without falling down. with the ingame mechanics with movement acceleration and deceleration, it sends me off everywhere.


as i said earlier. i like that you accelerate from standstill to running, and decelerate from running to standstill. but if this just gets tweaked abit, it would be much easier to move and tapping strafe buttons while walking to get around edges and stuff.



i also noticed now that i wrote this in the "mod" section on the forums. there was no "suggestion" subforum in the standalone forums. this is meant for the standalone edition of the game. could a mod move this thread to a more suitable location in the forums?

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the way controls feel in this game is really terrible imo, in my view If in real life I want to move my body, it usually happens pretty much exactly as I planned it.
The feel this game gives me is that I am not in control of the character, I see an item, but I have to look exactly at it to pick it up, I run to a door, but get stuck behind collision meshes, I move to look around and everything moves all sluggish and strange.


I get that it's all very much WIP, but I really hope this is something that has priority, in a game that's based on survival, self control is highly important imo.

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The feel this game gives me is that I am not in control of the character [...]

Exactly. Right now the game seems to have some fancy mouse acceleration code in place which just fiddles around with mouse input and make it feel like you're using a console-controler (*shudder*).

The most important thing in my opinion is that it is as easy as possible to put your aim on something that you want to look at (for instance when looting, to have a look at that can of baked beans, or even when aiming a weapon). In real life, when I want to reach for my drink I don't have to home in on it with my hand, the way the game makes you do it, because it fiddles around with your aim acceleration.

It is not that hard to just feed mouse position deltas into your pitch and yaw view angles directly. This way it feels like you really have control over your head movement, and not like your head is stuck in some weird movement-impairing contraption.

Case and point: Camera control is about HEAD movement, not just weapon and body movement. Everyone can turn their head 180 degrees in about a quarter of a second, no big deal. The problem that doing that with your weapon and rest of your body is unrealistic, is not solved by simply glueing your head to your weapon and body, restricting it all the same. What would be a sensible solution here, in my opinion, is to make your weapon move slower and catch up with your view direction over time, while your head is under perfectly direct control of your mouse.

Make it feel like you're controlling yourself and not an out-of-body robot!

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for all the guys out there saying ints unrealistic. stand up and trie to turn 180 as fast as you can you will see its way faster than those arma dummys.

Put a foot back and pivot, you can turn as fast as you want to. I'm not going to go out on a limb and state this as a fact, but I'm pretty sure military training and most martial arts teach people to do this. Though having said that, the way things are at the moment makes PvP a bit more interesting - someone can't just flick their mouse once the first bullet is fired and put one in your head (aim hackers *COUGH*). You have to think on your feet and keep the terrain in mind when other players are around. I like that, however much I dislike the mechanic itself.

Movement in general feels clunky to me though, especially where small doorways and item collection are concerned - tent doors are annoying to navigate in particular, involving lots of sliding around trying to get through the door even when walking if you don't get the angle right the first time. I'm not sure how this would be resolved, having said that.

Regarding items: Would it be much of a stretch to ask for a slight auto-correction/sticky pull on your aim if you're really close to an item and it's visible? (eg. Crouching and within around 5-10cm of it with your cursor, during the day/with flashlight on the item.) 

Edited by Wolfguarde

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I agree, I don't want to make an entire topic about it but the one thing that I couldn't believe they left the same from the Mod to the standalone is the controls. Arma controls are god-awful and incredibly unintuitive. I for sure thought in the SA they would change all the controls etc and I was incredibly sad to see they did none. It's something I highly doubt will be changed at all, oh well.

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I feel the same way about the original posters comments. I realize this is alpha, and thats what these forums are for.


Movement is clunky and actually gives me a headache and makes me nauseous. I believe the movement should be more fluid. If someone wants to add or remove acceleration, then thats fine. but in its current state it makes maneuvering in small places and picking things up quite a hassle, not to mention the shear headache factor after a while of trying to steer your character around. I am all for realism but I think the mouse fluidness should not be something thats factored into the realism of the game. I believe this is a HUGE issue and I have only played twice in the 2 weeks I have had the game due to my inability to focus on the screen without getting a headache....just my 2 cents.


Just on a side note. I see all the great options for editing the text in here but no spell check?? or am I just blind?

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i played some yesterday and was looting around the stranded ship on the north-east. i was for the first time fully equipped and still had not seen any other players, even as i always play on full servers. not that this has anything to do with my point, but:P


i was getting ready to leave the ship and was on my way down the stairs near the midle of the ship, as i turned around after getting to the bottom of the first stairs, i was restricted enough to not making the turn, and the movement acceleration sendt me off the plattform and killed me.


im still ok with the acceleration and deceleration of movement, but here was a scenario where the mouse restriction had me killed.


yesterday i also noticed that the mouse restriction dissappears when having a weapon equipped, witch eliminates the reason for restriction in mousemovement for twitch aiming, and it also seems the restriction wary from server to server. i had to change servers because the one i was on decided to dissappear:P



oh btw!

i personally really like the idea up here that majornr01 came up with. not restricting mouse movement at all, but making the weapons catch up with your aim. if aimbotting would be a problem in dayz, this would also help prevent it. and it would also prevent twitch aiming.

Edited by profanity

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I got used to the mouse acceseleration after 50h of gameplay, but I think jumping is retarded atm I think would be nice if you could jump still and moving an instantly after you press v so when ur still you would only take a step if ur near something you can hop to still I think movement has improved alot from dayz mod just how I think of this

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I found the controls overall pretty clunky. I know I can configure it by myself, but it won't allow me 2 configure it 2 my liking. I would really appreciate if there is a way anybody can suggest ur control setup. I would prefer a control setup much like counter strike or battlefield or maybe even fallout. I think this would draw much more attention 2 the game then it alrdy has. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. It would b pretty cool if they made a preset setup 4 the people like me in 1 of the upcoming updates for dayZ. What do u think?

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