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"Sick" problem

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I really wonder how I got sick ,cuz I quit the game last day with char healthy full food and water,no standing in water .and I got sick at the same time I log in game today


donno how to cure either ,trying to clean wound with alcohol tincture.only made the "sick" bar orange to dark green and soon it got worse again.


If my char got sick sooner or later the only result is death with nothing I can do about it....


anyone could tell me how to survive from "sick"


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Well, i have cleaned my wounds with old alcohol, and i got sick from it.


I think its some kind of blood poisoning. I couldn't really do anything about it.

I drank a lot and was careful with physical stress for my body, after a while i was cured ( i hope ).

Edited by Ozar

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Eat lots of fruit and vitamins, drink lots of tea and stay in bed :)


Seriously though, have you got any medical items ingame like antibiotics? I also read somewhere that vitamins help

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Well, i have cleaned my wounds with old alcohol, and i got sick from it.


I think its some kind of blood poisoning. I couldn't really do anything about it.

I drank a lot and was careful with physical stress for my body, after a while i was cured ( i hope ).


Yea alcohol makes you sick for a little while but it goes away


EDIT: When you clean your wounds that is. (DON'T DRINK IT. I've learnt the hard way :P)

Edited by Chopzzay

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Eat lots of fruit and vitamins, drink lots of tea and stay in bed :)


Seriously though


Actually, that's not wrong. :)

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I see no 1 single antibiotics and only 1 vitamins since day one..but I got sick 5 times till now.each char died with sick at last.

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Yea alcohol makes you sick for a little while but it goes away


EDIT: When you clean your wounds that is. (DON'T DRINK IT. I've learnt the hard way :P)

alcohol just keep char live little longer but cant cure. die at last....

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Well, NO.


I have cleaned my wounds with good and clean alcohol and i didnt get sick !!!!


the opposite: My Character told me for half an hour that my wounds feel dry and clean know. or that my wounds dont hurt anymore.


So, ONLY use good clean alcohol. you can clean bandages (rags) too. should be done on old broken shirts.

you even can repair bad rags with alcohol and desinfection spray.

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I heard you can also get sick if your body temperature goes too low, anyone confirm this? Don't think there are any indicators or messages about low temperature anyway.

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I heard you can also get sick if your body temperature goes too low, anyone confirm this? Don't think there are any indicators or messages about low temperature anyway.


Don't remember if they ever got that functioning in the mod but I don't believe it's in SA yet, I'm sure they're planning on it but not yet.


How about this. I found a box of antibiotics, decided to eat them to make room for something else and they made me sick! WTF?

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I did the same thing but it was with the cleaner spray...

I've got sick, pretty bad, vomit, very high hunger and thirst. I've ate a bunch of antibiotics, vitamine, eat a lot and drink a lot. After a while, I began to see that I was on my way to healed (my wound looks cleaner etc..)


So the tricks is to have a lot of antibiotics, some vitamines could help too, never be hungry and thirsty and run a lot as well. It seems that running make me heal faster than just wait and rest.


Hope that could help ;)

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Don't remember if they ever got that functioning in the mod but I don't believe it's in SA yet, I'm sure they're planning on it but not yet.


How about this. I found a box of antibiotics, decided to eat them to make room for something else and they made me sick! WTF?


It was hard to get sick from temperature but they did make it work in the mod.


Eating lots of medicine would probably make you sick...


I cleaned my wounds with alcohol and got sick, took 1 lot of vitamins and was fine again, I'm assuming it would just go away with time anyway.


Bandages surely wouldn't clean your wounds? They just prevent bleeding, next time I'm wounded I'll try using bandages again, but how do you clean a wound with a bandage?

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I had this one instance, where i was sick (dirty wounds), and started bleeding. Bandaged myself, and both the bleed and sickness indicators we're gone, but my character was still making those silly moaning sounds like he's gonna.. yeah.


By accident i used alcohol on the wounds, and the sickness indicator came back, while getting messages "My wounds hurt less", until it reached the green message "My wounds don't hurt anymore" or something among those lines, and the "Sick" indicator disappeared. And i think disinfecting rag's/bandages won't solve the wound problem. Tried multiple times but nothing happened. They just clean the rag in case it's dirty and would cause another disease when applied.

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