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Too many veterans

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I'm a vet i suppose, played 100's of hours on the mod, before rage quitting and waiting for this... too many hacks for me.


i understand what OP is trying to say, i think the only thing i would agree with is the painfulness of people camping spawn areas for cheap easy kills. 


day1: involved 7 hours looting for gear, then logging off.

day2: i logged in had a look around town picked up some food, found a house to hide in and alt tabbed..... random noise comes through my headset alt tab back in and there's a survivor standing next to me. he agros me then runs off. i came out unharmed, i think my wrench got him/her once.. what ever. i walk out of my cosy little house and see an axe being swung at my throat they  took me for everything i had, but left me there unconscious bleeding out, 10 mins later one of my crew found my body and finished me off.

day3: i'm lost out in the middle of god knows trying to find my way back to my crew... (hint) don't run around at night with your flash light off.

Day4: i'm the next town over from my crew and we're plotting the next move. oh the joys


the complaint about people sniping is one that i will agree with, it shits me to tears when people camp in spots just for picking off noobs. but it's a part of the game trying to nerf those areas would be flat out stupid and ruin the rest of the game. besides ,ost of the time it's really not difficult to piss off in a hurry, and weather people think they're amazing shots or not, I've run away from snipers hanging around spawns, usually screaming over the mic like a little girl and zig zagging like a crazy mofo that just took a hit of crack.


it happens, we all got used to it in the mod and the new comers will learn to move on in this, those that become dis-heartened by death in this game probably need to move on and find a new game to play.

as i said i understand that some vets can be complete arseholes i know what you're saying but when it's something that doesnt happen often why try to change it.. most vets wont be anywhere near spawns unless they were killed. i know our group is looking for a place to call home, and we're preparing for the full game. personally i try not to agro anyone but it is alot of fun to stalk people and whisper taunts over the mic. :D


oh before i forget to the douche that was going on about balota, yes you may clean up with all the gear in the world if you server hop on empty servers or re-log a server as its just been rebooted. you will never find that amount of gear otherwise. if that is how you choose to play game then so be it. this game is not supposed to have any rules, it never was. don't attempt to prove that it's just that easy when everyone else knows its not. 

Edited by Honoba

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I'm doing that right now.  I have a drill bit wedged between the 2 and 3 keys holding down W as I type.

Got roughed up trying the dreaded bare fist technique, hearing "ahhh ugh.." over and over with a female avitar.

Nothing new. 


Good Man, North East area is best imo. You have Berezino, NEAF, Krasnostav and the ship. You can find all the supplies + more between the 4. Theres also little streams around so you dont have to worry about water as much.

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I started playing the DayZ mod about 5 months after it was released, the amount of veterans who had so much gear and kept killing me never discouraged me. I just learned from my deaths and mistakes and turned the tables around. The game take at most a month to become "pro" at. In a matter of days you can master basic survival.

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Bear in mind this is still derived from Arma II, and weirdo commands like c to run, x to crouch, z to go prone, etc are quite alien to newcomers.  Amra II has boot camp, maybe DayZ can have Nerf Camp, were zeds are slow, spawns are rich, and friendly fire is disabled?  Certainly boring to vets, but a nice intro to a difficult game for noobs?  Or do you just plunge them into the ArmA universe?


You do NOT want to alienate newcomers.  Frame that any way you want, say I'm against pvp if it makes you feel better, but the question is far more complex.  How do you give a first timer an experience that they will want to expand on, without frustrating them?


Call me crazy but DayZ SA should seriously address this.  Like a decaying startup, start with an AK but decay over plays to standard load out?

Are you all orthodox or what?



LOL Start with an AK? 



Edited by dromag67

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The game is about surviving, not about spawning with an AK and hunting people down. 


If you have no weapon then AVOID contact unless you have balls of steel. 


It's not hard going north and gearing up lone wolf. 

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It is precisely the people who have never played the mod that you should be listening to.

No, veterans would be offended if they could not play the game, but noobs should have a fighting chance.  As it stands you have to understand loot is scarce and you have to spend huge amounts of time to acquire stuff, and to add insult to injury, you can be killed by a vet, often.


As a veteran of this game, I can tolerate that.

Newbies wont.  They will see a lop sided game.


You see this is a problem with modern game design, it's too hand holdy and caters to the lowest common denominator.  DayZ was never meant to be a massive sale, it just kind of happened.  There's a reason many players of Battelfield prefer 1942 or 2142 (beyond the settings) over the current 3 and 4.  And you'll also notice that many games that do appeal to the LCD end up gaining a spike in popularity for a little while, but then people leave because it's so easy to master the game.


Personally, I don't agree with anything you are saying.  It is the difficulty and the challenge of learning the game that makes it fun to me.  If you don't like the challenge you could always request aid here on the forums for learning the ropes.

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