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SoNiCbOoM (DayZ)

Screw the airfield

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So just hoped on DayZ a little bit ago. I'm in the north and I have some good gear M16A2, 12 mags for it, good amount of food, knife, tool box, etc. Well I decided to go to the airfield to look for NVG's, and whatever else might be there. After checking a couple hangers a zombie hears me and runs out of its hanger well I run around it into the hanger take out my pistol and kill it with a head shot after quick checking the hanger I step into the light for a second and bang, bang, bang I see the muzzle flashes and I shit my pants. I fall over check the chat for it to say if I die and at the same time I hit alt f4 cause the guys scared the hell outta me. but he wasn't ever close to me he was at the fucking tower near the end of the hangers next to the last one. So for now on, I say fuck the stupid airfield and there needs to be some kind of rules set that prohibit the camping of loot spawns because that pisses me of more then anything. Also the kill feed needs to be enabled for that to to see who is PKing for shits and giggles. because every time i've gone to the airfield a random asshole has been there waiting when me and my friend decide to look for better gear there.

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You people need to stop complaining about bandits. You go to bandit heavy zones and then complain when they down you. Survival tip: Stop going to these places. If you want to enjoy the type of weapons you find in these zones than be prepared to face this kind of opposition because those same people had to take on those risks to get to where they are now. Play smarter, not harder.

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It's all part of the game.. Airfields and towns up north are taken over by groups of bandits/survivors and they try to control the more rare loot. If you want go up there, get some friends, band up and take control of the airbase. "I hit alt f4" for that you should be banned.

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Also, you hit ALT-F4 as a reaction, you will get no sympathy from anyone.

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