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Help with a very strange graphics bug (video link)

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Hey guys and girls. I am experiencing this very strange bug. I can go for minutes, sometimes 10-30 minutes without this bug. Then all of a sudden this happends. I have no idea what it is and how to fix it. If it is my PC or a dayz bug. I have seen streamers playing without the bug and i have not seen anyone else having the same issue.. I run 2x 680 in SLI (however Dayz do not support sli so only one card are used to calculate) I also have a 3770k, none is overclocked. I am running W7. My settings will also be shown in the video.. When this bug happends i do [shift] [Numpad -] and then i type "flush" This cleans the bug and allow me to play for some time before it happends again. 


I really hope someone can help me with this. ;(


Link to video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA7-4bh1SUs


EDIT forgot to say that Nvidia drivers are up to date.. Downloaded em yesterday ;)

Edited by PlutoniumB

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While in game, do the following commands.

Hold Shift + ( - Minus Key on the numbpad) and type F.L.U.S.H, without the periods.

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While in game, do the following commands.

Hold Shift + ( - Minus Key on the numbpad) and type F.L.U.S.H, without the periods


As i wrote. I already do that. But the bug will reappear after a few minutes

Edited by PlutoniumB

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What's back?


Graphics artifacts were a huge problem in the mod, back in 2012. I remember when everything from soldier corpse models, to humvees, to barbed wire seemed to cause it. I've also seen that FLUSH fix before.



Edited by SalamanderAnder

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Graphics artifacts were a huge problem in the mod, back in 2012. I remember when everything from soldier corpse models, to humvees, to barbed wire seemed to cause it. I've also seen that FLUSH fix before.

So this is not only me? It seems like some people have no problem at all.. I have seen people streaming dayz SA with no bugs ;( I really hope that someone knows a fix. I can do the flush thingy but i have to do it every 3 minutes;(

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So this is not only me? It seems like some people have no problem at all.. I have seen people streaming dayz SA with no bugs ;( I really hope that someone knows a fix. I can do the flush thingy but i have to do it every 3 minutes;(


Try setting your video memory to "auto" like in the video I just linked.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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Try setting your video memory to "auto" like in the video I just linked.

My settings are shown in the video i linked. I have set the VM to Auto

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Oh yeah I see that now. Have you tried just changing settings systematically to see what effect it has?

Yes tried to go all low. medium and a lot of different combinations. None helped

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It is like the graphical atifacts bug the mod had.. same just in the SA

you'll probably have to wait for a fix, just like the mod...

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you'll probably have to wait for a fix, just like the mod...

guess so ;( Are there anyone else out there with this bug? Or do anyone know what cause it?

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strange that no one knows the answer to this. I assume it's the same way to fix it in SA as it was in the mod. You could try this:

-go into;  /documents/DayZ Other Profile/"Lots of symbols and your profile name"/

-then open the top DAYZPROFILE File in notepad(for me it was the top one)

-search for sceneComplexity and set that to 100000( sceneComplexity=100000; )

-save and exit.


You can also try setting "object detail" to "very low"


I think that should do the trick. 

Hope it helps

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