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How to Create a Bug Report for Dummies

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DayZ: How to Submit a Bug Report for Dummies

aka How to make Rossums not hate you



I've spent numerous hours over the last few days closing duplicate reports, closing useless reports and having to basically beg for more informations from users so the developers can actually try to fix the bug.

This guide goes step-by-step on reporting a bug the proper way which will ensure it will be handled in the best way possible.


Step one: Identify the issue



In this case you have identified some floating loot, that’s certainly not right!
You want the problem to be fixed so you decide to log it on the bug-tracker so the developers can fix the issue!


Step two: Gather information



Now that you know that it’s a bug (Bags REALLY shouldn’t be floating in mid-air) you will have to gather some extra information so the developers can address the issue.

This information is VERY important, the developers can’t fix a bug if they don’t know where it is occurring!

Important Information:

  • What were you doing before you encountered the bug?

In this report it’s not really important since it’s regarding loot and nothing to do with your character but for other problems it’s extremely helpful for the developers to know.


  • Where exactly were you when you encountered the bug?

For this issue it’s very important to know exactly where the issue is found, along with most other problems. You might think you are describing it very well but as the saying goes ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’.



Step three: Searching the feedback tracker


This is one of the most important yet most overlooked step.
There is no point in you creating a bug report if one already exists, before you submit a report you should always check there isn’t one already - it’s pretty simple.

You can find the DayZ Feedback Tracker system at: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/

You’ll need to create an account before you submit your bug so complete the sign-up process then you are ready to go.




Select ‘View Issues’ at the top of the page to be taken to the Feedback Tracker, you should be met with a large table at the top with filter options and below that all the current reports that have been submitted.




Your table should arrange by ‘Priority’ by default, if for some reason it hasn’t click the heading highlighted in yellow so it’s in the correct order.


There are multiple ways for you to search for an issue, if it’s an obvious issue there is a VERY large chance that someone will have reported it before you.

If you look over the first page or two, these are the most important issues, most obvious and widespread bugs are normally found at the top.




If you find a report that already tackles your issue, great, you should vote it up using the section highlighted in the image and add any additional information you have as a note.


If you don’t find one near the top you can use the Filter Search as seen above to try and find a matching report - you can find the Filter Search text box just below the other filter areas and just above the main issue table.

For this report there are two obvious keywords to use: ‘floating’ and ‘loot’.

Try using them individually and together to try and find any other topics that seem to describe the issue you are having.


If you’re having no luck finding another matching report it’s time to create your own report to help the advancement of DayZ!

Step Four: Creating your Bug Report


After, and only after, you have finished Step Three and properly given the existing issues a search you can move on to creating your own bug report.



To create your own bug report hit the ‘Report Issue’ link at the top of the page, it can be seen in the image highlighted in yellow.




You will need to fill out all of this information as best as you can.

Here is an example of a good bug report.

Along with the bug report I have included the two images that we took earlier, the image of the floating loot and the image of the map with the exact location of the loot marked - these will allow the developers to see exactly what the issue is for themselves.


For the ‘Game Version’ field you can find it on the Main Menu in the top-right corner of the screen.

Once you hit the button to submit, your report will then be in the hands of the developers and moderators of the bug tracker where it will be dealt with so the developers can make the best use of the reports.

Edited by Rossums
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This is sexual.


Good work son.


It may be worth adding that the search bar (all be how good it is, may already have a solution for your problem)

Edited by Guest

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Just an idea on this.

Since there is allot of loot flying around and burried in the ground.

Maybe let us spawn with a map and gps so we can see where we are on the map?

Yes this would be more unrealistic for now, but it would greatly speed up the localisation of these bugs and allow a quicker fix. Screenshots of the house and surroundings are still to be speculated about for the where abouts.

Also its a pretty simple thing to add and remove.

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I tried to report a bug but I can't log in to the feedback tracker. It's the same username/password combination as in the forums, isn't it?

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I think they have given up on the bug reports. Mod activity is very sporadic and for the past 1000 bug reports pretty much nonexistent.

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That's my fault, sorry - just flew back home for Christmas so I've been very inactive.

I'll catch up soon enough :D

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I tried to report a bug but I can't log in to the feedback tracker. It's the same username/password combination as in the forums, isn't it?

It's a separate system, you'll have to make a new account.

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If that's the case they really should include a map at start, atleast until Alpha/Beta finishes. But good job

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Yeah there is alot of duplicates out there.

And now that not much work was done over Christmas to it it's scary to look at.

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Great guide, but I always stuck on "Identify the issue" step, the thing is that you have demonstrated a rather illustrative and obvious  example, but when it comes to game crashes, desync issues, or sudden loot disappearing from the inventory, I have no idea of the pattern that is causing it, or how to put a comprehensive description of the bug experienced, so basically the bug tracker is pretty much useless for me.

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I am never able to submit a bug, whenever I try I get the standard "APPLICATION ERROR #1303 Invalid value for field "Game Version".

message. Now, I'm not sure how ironic this is, but since I keep on submitting the number on the screen of the game it seems that the bug forum has a few bugs all to itself.

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Great guide, but I always stuck on "Identify the issue" step, the thing is that you have demonstrated a rather illustrative and obvious  example, but when it comes to game crashes, desync issues, or sudden loot disappearing from the inventory, I have no idea of the pattern that is causing it, or how to put a comprehensive description of the bug experienced, so basically the bug tracker is pretty much useless for me.


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