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To Dean and Team.

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   Dean bro chill out man. You have been posting and explaining yourself constantly. I know I can speak for most of the community when I say we have faith that you will get everything right and know you guys have a plan. We know its an alpha and we know your not like most of the other early access beta games and are actually going to keep building this into the best game imaginable. STAY FOCUSED keep being how you have been and dont let some of our more dumb ideas as a community over saturate the game. Absolutely love it so far and can tell if you stay on same path and stop the hackers/work on client performance this will be the dayz we all hoped and dreamed for. Concentrate on making a badass game not answering these questions that for the most part have already been answered! Keep up the good work.  P.S. Since dayz mod came out I have bought everything arma I can get my hands on and continue to spread the word of this amazing game.



                                                                                                                                    Your loyal fan,

                                                                                                                                  Steve a.k.a Łucidʁɛaɱʂ


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Beans for you sir. Beans for those who don't have any. Except my spaghetti that shit gives water and food. That will always be mine. I think that is better that should be the knew bean system. Give spaghetti. Sounds good!

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Beans for you sir. Beans for those who don't have any. Except my spaghetti that shit gives water and food. That will always be mine. I think that is better that should be the knew bean system. Give spaghetti. Sounds good!



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