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About lucidr34ms

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. lucidr34ms

    Bullet proof vests and Night Vision goggles.

    Well in the mod you would usually get them from military helicopter crashes so...
  2. lucidr34ms

    Instant die bug?

    You may be on to something.
  3. lucidr34ms

    Instant die bug?

    No I have lots of time over the last couple weeks. (200 hrs) and I have died out of nowhere not bleeding or anything many times. ITS NOT YOUR FAULT FRIEND. I have also entered sevvers and been told in red that they couldnt load character data and they had to reset my character and they would contact admin... Thats happened twice now. I have died like you in impossible to be shot places i.e. alone on server and died instantly being fully healthy and very geared... JUST READ MY PAST THREADS!! Its not your fault guys its a bug Sorry the people here couldnt be more help. They really arent HARDCORE DAYZ PLAYERS TEHY ARE HARDCORE FORUM POSTERS!! I am only here for the love of dayz. Some people just like yapping.
  4. Happened to me about 1000 times since beggining of alpha. But now its starting to tell me.. We were unable to load character. Character has been reset... Contacting Admin.. in Red then I lose everything.. Every time. PLEASE FIX!!!
  5. lucidr34ms

    How to prevent Character Loss!!

    Your not suppose to respawn with your weapons lol ... why would you think that? How old are you out of curiosity. You know this game is more of a mature adult game.
  6. When you connect to a server and and it says Character unable to load, resetting character, contacting administrator in red.. What do you do? If my character keeps getting deleted in this fashion I might wait b4 playing anymore dayz. It was a server I ALWAYS use.. Dont know what went wrong but.. my firend who also logged out next to me and logged in next to me lost his stuff also. BUT our other friend kept all his stuff and we were all together.... Logged in and out same time. Anybody know a fix? Please say there is something I can do to prevent this? I know its alpha but is there a preventive measure for this? If not ill just wait till they make the game playable...
  7. lucidr34ms

    After a few days alive and fully geared... :(

    Hey maxy poo.. your a fag stfu
  8. lucidr34ms

    After a few days alive and fully geared... :(

    I have 60 hrs of standalone I am well aware of the risks. Its just funny when you have killed hundreds and never been killed by ANYONE and yet you die in a building for no reason LOL RANT OVER CLOSE THE THREAD PLZ YOU ALL ARE DUMB CANT STAND IT ANYMORE
  9. lucidr34ms

    After a few days alive and fully geared... :(

  10. lucidr34ms

    After a few days alive and fully geared... :(

  11. lucidr34ms

    After a few days alive and fully geared... :(

    But LOL FUNNY HOW I CAN STIR UP THE FANBOYS!!! and I thought I loved this game.. Its funny this being my fav game of ALL TIME and there are still people that will be more fanboyish then me LOL Pathetic sad kids.. get a life... I lose 3 days of progress I'm a little mad so I come rant. Let me rant without throwing in your 2 cents. IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY DONT SAY IT AT ALL. I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOUR PARENTS.
  12. I know I know its alpha. But this is a first for me... I was just checking buildings and things mainly going to the top of building cause I really wanted a mosin and all of a sudden out of nowhere while inside a building I just died... Completely dead. Never got hurt at all or anything dont know wtf... 10 min after having shootout with bandit.. Wouldnt shoot untill he shot at me first.. then proceeded to killl him.. All great everything is fine fully geared looking for mosin to just put in hands.. So I see some loot so I go up to it hit tab and die. When I hit esc I can see that im OUTSIDE dead laying in the grass.. WTF? Very confusing and very sad. This happened in cherno and I will not be going to cherno anytime soon I assure you. That place is a death trap... Zombies see you while your inside a building crouched.. from 100 meters away? Dying for no reason whatsoever.. Plus its laggy as all hell.. Well anyways back to a few more days of looting to be back where I was... We are talking full cammo, ammo box full of ammo. Four 60 rnd mags, all the food you could imagine with all the attachments you know. I dont mind doing it its fun but I like to at least enjoy me gear b4 I lose it for no reason whatsoever. Point being at no fault of my own I just died out of nowhere really sucks please fix. Dont give me "its just alpha" shit idgaf.
  13. lucidr34ms

    Current Mosin "Inaccuracy" unrealistic.

    In any video game the character should be made as if he were the strongest/smartest/fastest person alive. That way you dont get skilled people playing having the game hold them back. Instead the game lets you feel how it would be to be perfect and thats how every game should be and IS. BF4,COD,DAYZ any game ever... BTW In a real ZA.. Most survivors would be military/cops and ex military/cops. So your point is absolutely wrong is what im getting at. I dont want a character that feels more sluggish then I do in RL LOL come on people use your heads thats just making the game no fun and harder all at the same time.
  14. lucidr34ms

    Server hopping is killing this game FAST

    I have killed sooo many server hoppers in balota its not even funny. I love to see ppl spawn in the barracks right in front of me tho. EZ HEADSHOT and they have no warning to combat log.. Makes me so happy cause what they are doing is immoral and the exact reason I KOS. I only really KOS because 90% of dayz community Hacks or CHEATS in one way or another.. Makes me sick. But its ok :D They will get whats coming to them... Probably in RL because the type of person they are. But if not surely in the game as they spawn right in front of me.