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How long have you survived?

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I can't seem to make it past an hour. I normally die from hunger or thirst, rarely from player encounters. So just for sh**s and gigs. How long have any of you survived and what have you died from the most? -In SA not mod-

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A friend of mine has been alive for 3 days now.  I've been alive for about a day.  I would be a two day old character but my first character was killed yesterday to a glitch.

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It sure is alot harder!
6 hours of gameplay has been my longest survived, a handful of quick deaths though hehe. Definatly harder than the mod!

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Ton's of deaths due to passing out and not understanding the food/drink system correctly.  Now I've been alive for just under a full day in game hours.  Even survived being sick.  

Sounds like a infomercial.  BUT that's not ALL! Buy with in the next 20 minutes and receive not one, but two Mosin Nagant's and a Pristine Banana!

Edited by Black762
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I've been alive for a day and a bit now. Mostly died at the start from passing out and not correctly understanding the eating/drinking which lead to death. Oh, and can't forget the people who shoot on sight.

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My first death was because of eating a rotten orange while I was starving. Didn't regret it though.

Just started playing, and havent died yet. Played for 2hours now.


But I ate a rotten banana cause of my hungry belly, Im feeling a little dizzy so I might check out any minute now! 

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Yeah I just started a little tourism tour through chernarus until I realized that I will starve to death despite 5 cans of food in my bagpack :D

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Once you realise that you need to overstuff yourself with food and not drink not just satisfy your hunger and quench your thirst the game becomes a LOT easier.


First thing to do on any spawn, find a well and spam drink until you are FULL.. you are fine to run around collecting stuff for the better part of 2 hours then without needing to worry too much

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Once you realise that you need to overstuff yourself with food and not drink not just satisfy your hunger and quench your thirst the game becomes a LOT easier.


First thing to do on any spawn, find a well and spam drink until you are FULL.. you are fine to run around collecting stuff for the better part of 2 hours then without needing to worry too much

Overstuffing yourself can and will get you killed as well. You can get sick from it and just start losing blood slow AF. Also if you drink from a well you can get sick not saying it's a guarantee, but it can happen. Im glad to say I finally got a character sorted out. Go look up my "Thieving! Your new best friend . . . " thread and that's how I got started. Been alive for at least 9 hours now.

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After a couple of starvation deaths I have now been alive for about six hours, and I am now kitted out in Mountain backpack and a scoped Mosin, as well as rain coats and hunter pants, and such ( I had a chance at getting proper military clothes but I like this look better ). I did have a few close moments, but they were solved without casualties. It seems people in general are less prone to KOS and either leave you alone or rob you properly without killing you. Great improvement IMO.

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I've been alive for 2 days, probably 4 in-game hours. Gone from Balota to Vybor and from there to Novy Sobor. Travelling takes a lot more than in the mod.

Edited by Sutinen

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After a couple of false starts (character deleted, killed by bandit, died for unknown reason, glitched through a floor and had to wait to starve to death), I've been alive for about 5 hours.


I'm pretty geared up with a Mountain Pack, some food, water, medical supplies, helmet, parka, handcuffs, a Mosin and a pistol (no bullets for either).  Of course my go-to all-purpose tool is my hatchet.


I've had a few player encounters.  Overall, people seem less "kill on sight-y".  Met one dude in the town of Bor.  He got fucked up by some she-zombie so I traded him some bandages for some bullets (which don't fit any of my guns).


Ran into another guy near the church in Zenegorsk.  He had an M4.  We just sort of looked at each other then ran off in opposite directions.



I have to say, I'm fairly impressed so far.  With all the new enterable buildings, it really does feel like you can explore the towns and cities.  Not just run to the payday loot spawns.  And it really does feel like you get to actually create a distinct character based off of your experiences, not just stick with the same standard generic ArmA 2 military contractor skins.  It feels a whole lot less "militarized" which is good too.


And it's nice to have to think about surviving again.  I'm worried I might actually have to eat all this rotten fruit at some point. 



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My current character is only around 11 hours old.  I have only died to players 2 or 3 times.  However, the stairs and ladders still continue to kill me without mercy.  I haven't had a character live more than two days because of the stairs and ladders.

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I don't like to survive just to "survive", I like player encounters, so I spend most of my time at hot spots, such as Balota. I've geared up so many times that it's just boring, so I always end up doing made up challenges with my friends. Currently trying to PvP my way up to full gear, starting with fists. I expect the transition from melee to ranged weapons will be hard.

Also, being Balota Police Force is pretty fun. Camp Balota and kill the bandit groups that head down there to kill fresh spawns.

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Not realy that long to be honest. Got killed once by another player that was "camping new spawns", a couple of times by getting disconnected from the server and switching to another. It's fine though, because I'm not that attached to gear anyways. I'll find new stuff. 

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About 4 or 5 days at the minute. #IWILLSURVIVE

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I died once because of ladders. Now I've been alive for 8 hours, all thanks to my can opener and canteens. I have killed two in this life, The first one tried to kill me with a hammer, the other one was aiming at me with what looked like a rifle, or an axe I don't know but I had less than one second to decide and no cover so I shot him. Body disappeared so I still don't know what he had.

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4 Days (made it to end of the map twice, bit of the map where there is only like a city roads but there is no buildings there ), but about 2hrs ago I died from some inventory glitch/lag where i couldn't bandage myself...


Within those 2hrs i have died about 4 times already, and every time it was a douche that shot me in the back for no reason and did not say a single word over direct chat... Srsly on one of the GB servers there is a guy in electro camping for freshspawns with a moisin.


It's a shame that things went down that way...

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About 20 hours but I got killed by ghosting. I was looting the prison at NEAF and all of a sudden someone was standing next to me and shot me in the face.

This game will be so great after they fix ghosting, server-hopping and combat-logging. These things happen far too often and break the immersion, which prevents me from being attached to my character and therefore my will to survive is not as strong as it could be... Still love the game, tho.

Edited by Nigglas Cage

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Current Character is at 30+ hours in game time. 

Full kit for the most part but now I'm sick. 

Is there a hospital in Berezino? 

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