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Drink disinfectant....why?

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I think the real question is 'why did you drink disinfectant?'.

He drunk it by accident. There's a thing called reading.

He was actually just asking whether he would die from it. Which is yes, it kills you

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He drunk it by accident. There's a thing called reading.

He was actually just asking whether he would die from it. Which is yes, it kills you


There is also a thing called humour. You should try it some time.

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you could poison people. Be cool if you could mix it with you water bottle and when bandits kill you and drink your water they get sick and die. Cant wait till we can do this kind of stuff 

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I realize this issue is entirely my fault, but I somehow managed to drink disinfectant when trying to sterilize some rags...now I'm vomiting everywhere and am currently unconscious (which is understandable)


My question is why is this in the game?  Any adult knows better than to take a swig of chemical cocktail...lol.


I hope my character doesn't die from this...finally got him all stocked up :(


The real question is why cant we force feed this disinfectant to a player we put in cuffs ?

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I'm in a shed. I've closed the door. 


Zeds surround me. I don't want to be eaten! My leg is broken, the pain is unbearable. My vision is blurred, I'm out of water - and I don't have anything to open these beans with. It's only a matter of time before the zeds get in, and I do not want to die from tearing teeth and gnarling fingers. 


All I have is a brick, and this disinfectant. What would you choose?



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Has anyone tried licking a battery yet?


It doesn't work yet.

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So then what IS the purpose of this lethal liquid?

Surely theres more to it than just suicide or poisoning captives?

Maybe you can turn rags into proper sterile bandages or something?


Id like to see the option to spike waterbottles with it so you can trick people into poisoning themselves.

Plopping a bottle of poisonous swill out in the open somewhere so its easy to see and pick up,

then watching a careless idiot swig some of it without checking its condition, then just following him till he drops.

That way you wont have to shoot and damage the gear hes got on him.

Or simply carry a bottle of poison with you at all times if you can spare the room,

as a revenge mechanism on any asshole who murders and loots you.

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I forced a captive to eat lots of rotten food the other day. Let's just say he expired faster than the fruit he ate...


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Currently you can feed people poisons, but it takes a long time for them to die. It would be nice if you could also inject poisons for a faster effect.

Currently the only lethal injection is incompatible blood, but it takes a lot of work to find enough blood typing equipment to be sure the dose will have the right effect.

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Use disinfectant to keep your plates, pots, and pans clean during the apocalypse! I guess at some point it will be used to disinfect supplies you plan on using on others or yourself to prevent infection.

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My question is why is this in the game?  Any adult knows better than to take a swig of chemical cocktail...lol.




YOU didnt know better :D

Edited by EndEffeKt

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Then why are you posting this thread?

 It's not too difficult to accidentally drink some disinfectant.


If you're in a hurry looting an area, and you go to loot one of these bottles but you don't have the inventory space, the option defaults to "drink" instead of "pick up and use to disinfect".


*That* is not realistic.  If i'm in a hurry in reality, say in a similar situation, I'm not going to accidentally pick up a bottle of bleach, remove the cap, and chug it down.


It's just a game mechanic that happens on accident.  Same as right clicking and mis-clicking the menu choice.  As the mod said some people do it for suicide and for science.  That's perfectly fine.  But accidents that are unrealistic can happen.


But yeah, get you some Charcoal tabs asap.  I have some if you want to try and meet up, although I can't play until late this evening.

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My first time playing the standalone I was dehydrated and I came upon a toilet with some disinfectant sitting on it.  I walked up to the toilet and I had a the options "drink" and "pick up disinfectant."  I don't think it was unreasonable of me to think that by choosing "drink" my character would try to drink out of the toilet and not the bleach, but I was in for a surprise.


Got sick and died? doesnt seem like a huge surprise to me, which ever way that was going to go haha

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When your character is constantly complaining of thirst - drink disinfectant - not thirsty anymore...

or hungry or tired or sick..

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-_- Fuck disinfectant, i try looting have automatic get and drink... Is necessary correct this bug, is abnormal drink a disinfectant, remove this option automatic in loot, for dink make only the normal mode, move in the hand and select drink.... -__-


This is a bad bad bug...

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