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Your first encounter with a player in SA

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I've been lurking on DayZ forums and threads for a while, holding out to buy the SA on release. Important to note since the entire time I've known of the game I've told myself I wouldn't be a bandit.


So I finally have the game and I go through several spawns by killing myself attempting to learn the basics. Running off of the second floor of barns; eating anything and everything the game would let me, rotten or not; etc. 


3rd or 4th spawn, I've gotten some basic ideas now. I spawn on the docks of Elektro and see two freshspawns standing beside me. I panic, punch one in the head...he doesn't move. I feel remorse and wander off while blood pours from his face. I begin to go door-to-door through Elektro like I'm out for a Sunday stroll. I've got a helmet, a baseball bat, some water, an empty pistol, backpack, etc.. For the first time I'm feeling invested in my character. 


Suddenly a wild zombie appears. It is running through walls and half-way immersed into the ground, I can't escape it so I just beat it relentlessly with my baseball bat. It dies but now I'm bleeding relentlessly. Two streams of blood spouting out in front of my character and the screen is going black & white...I'm panicking, I don't know about bandages yet. I've eaten all the food and water I have, still bleeding...I'm really starting to worry I'm going to die and for the first time since I started playing, I'd really rather survive.


I race out the doors and into the street. I see movement ahead and I zoom to see a human fighting off a zombie. Above him another body (human or zombie I don't know) runs toward him from a rooftop and falls to its death beside him. I find myself considering my circumstances with a different perspective. I run toward the player with my baseball bat out, thinking to myself "I'm sorry, but it's you or me". 


He notices me and I can hear him on voip "Dude what are you doing? Are you going to kill me!?". His voice is authentic sounding, kind even. I start swinging and pelting his body with the bat. He runs, and I give chase...he keeps running, so do I. I'm breathing ragged, my screen is blurry, I don't even want to do this anymore but I can't stop.


Suddenly he stops running and faces me. For the first time I notice he's carrying a fire extinguisher. He swings once and everything goes black "You are unconscious". I think to myself "Good."


I've since then made a point to not attack anyone, but I have been known to stalk players...especially those I see killing others. 


While I'm at it; shout-out to Mario who saved my skin after an unfortunate freshspawn zombie encounter.

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1st Encounter: Location...East of Old Cherno...saw a guy running screamin nonsense in direct... ^_^

2nd Encounter: Location...New Cherno...

Zeds chasin me...i turn around a corner and a group of 3 guys(1 of them heavily armed) appeared...they killed the zeds and...surprisingly...didnt shoot me. Asked them if i can join them...said it was ok...and we went to Balota...found two more survivors there and they decided to take them as slaves...

Moments later we were killed by some random survivor...thanks god that slave train was stopped :thumbsup:

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My first spawn 

spawn on the pier bit south of Cherno.

Do abit of looting and find a backpack and fireman's axe. 

Walk towards Cherno

Hear a shout of "Hello!"

See man behind me (carrying nothing)


Guy doesnt attack


Go AFK looking for my mic

Dont find it

Come back

Guy is punching me

I swing my axe


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Clear noon in Prigorodki, I was trying to find my first supplies when I stumble across 2 dead players. I already pissed my pants by that time and then I see that one guy with an axe and I just book it. He tried to talk to me, but I thought he was responsible for the dead players so I just ran towards Cherno. That first chacter made it all the way to Green Mountain where I decided to jump of the tower. ^^

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First encounter was in Balota. I was going to enter one of the barracks there as I noticed some dude in the hallway with an axe. I quickly raised my pistol and shot him in the head a few times. Didn't loot him cause everything was ruined, but I did find a sweet M4A1 in the other barracks :) .

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i was running through Elektro looking for some sweet loot but had some trouble as my little hammer i had picked up was not damaging zombies at all. two zeds cornered me against a building and someone nearby was yelling that they were friendly. as i didnt have much time to make friends, i quickly ran through the zombies and went unconscious shortly thereafter. at least i can say i was not KOS'd :)

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My first encounter with a player, a dude ran at me with an axe and I was unarmed. I readied my fists and punched him a couple of times before he managed to chop me up.

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