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Here we go again ..armed players kill newspawns..

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Well started the SA yesterday and i try to work and help with bugs and stuff for the alpha testing but unfortunately what i see AGAIN is BF4 morons fully armed to the teeth shooting people with no gear..despite you say DONT shoot,they just go ahead...apprently something must be done for this kind of player griefing because you dont have means of defence also loot is scarce so no chance to build up since all the good stuff is allready taken....

I dont wanna see another BF4 DayZ game...we all try to test and survive...thats all...


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It isn't griefing its KOSing. Perfectly legal albeit very annoying. Don't worry the children will soon calm down after they finish playing with their shiny toys.

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It isn't griefing its KOSing. Perfectly legal albeit very annoying. Don't worry the children will soon calm down after they finish playing with their shiny toys.

Yeah, I'm sure they'll get sick of their gun, grab another one get sick of that and maybe actually try helping people?

Edited by AP_Norris

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Please bare in mind that the Standalone is still in Alpha and missing a lot of content compared to the mod.

There isn't a lot to do quite yet so a lot more players will get restless.

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well so far i like the SA despite of a few minor bugs and glitches which isnt that uber annoying  one thing annoys me is the lack of spawned loot ,guys do you know what is the rate of loot?thanks

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If you don't have a gun have you considered it might not be the smartest thing to go near a player with a gun?

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...because you dont have means of defence...


Of course you do, punch him in the face.

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Don't cry, it's the game... Trust nobody but yourself... I also would kill you nor you are armed...

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Haha. Some asshole tried to kill me at Balota yesterday. Never stand there saying "don't shoot."  Just turn and run as fast as you can. The thing about being unarmed is that you run much faster than a geared player.

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I shoot when I feel threatend. If I say stop and they come closer they die. I've killed so many noobs with gubs just with a fireaxe so I know how fast I can die. That's why I'm so trigger happy. safety first!

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Never say don't shoot or I am friendly. Say if you shoot me my friend with his crosshairs aimed at your head will shoot you. Never say the word I use the word us. It conveys the message to the other player that you have a group and if he angers the group he is fucked.

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Newly spawned players don't have anything to lose. That's why they're such a threat. NEVER TRUST THEM.


I jest, but honestly - it's everyone's individual choice as to how they play this game. The only thing you can control in DayZ is you, don't forget that!

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I didn't think that would change.  With the ability to load up really easy along the coast, the newspawn KOS'ers have it easy.  The alpha currently doesn't have loot balance and that is just the known state of the alpha and we'll all have to adjust for the meantime.  Chances are, this won't change much.  Those people who want to kill on sight will do so.

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The real problem is that zombies are not a legitimate threat. Even in the mod you have to worry about gunshots drawing a bunch of zombies. If people actually felt threatened by the environment, they would be less prone to kill each other simply out of being too preoccupied with their own survival.


Please, rocket. Please get the zombies working and in greater numbers. And for goodness sake, make them harder to kill. 1 pistol shot to the body kills a zombie. Wtf.

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Not even seen a gun yet, although if i did i would certainly be on the wrong end of it so its probably a good thing.

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It happens, it's part of the game---everyone recognises it as part of what DayZ is, whether it annoys them or not. There is nothing you can do other than deal with it. Once you kit up go hunt down those people if it makes you feel better. If it ruins the game for you, don't play it. 


Harder zombies, more complex medical systems etc. etc. might help, but at the end of it all you'll still have people who get a kick out of ruining your day by killing you regardless of whether you have kit or not. 


What can we do? Moaning about it doesn't help that's for sure. Why not post some topics here, get together with players who hate it equally as much as you do and start some kind of coastal patrol unit that goes and kills these people. Moaning about it and expecting people to suddenly change what they do isn't going to help. Expecting the devs to come up with something magical to stop it isn't going to achieve anything. The best we can do is change how we play the game. I see so many people claiming to be friendly players, moaning that no one else is friendly and kills them all on sight. If all those people spent less time moaning and more time grouping together in game things might change. Get together in groups and go protect new spawns. 

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The real problem is that zombies are not a legitimate threat. Even in the mod you have to worry about gunshots drawing a bunch of zombies. If people actually felt threatened by the environment, they would be less prone to kill each other simply out of being too preoccupied with their own survival.


Please, rocket. Please get the zombies working and in greater numbers. And for goodness sake, make them harder to kill. 1 pistol shot to the body kills a zombie. Wtf.


If you increase the zombie strength and make them more of a threat, it only gives greater incentive to let the friendlies do the looting and the bandits to kill them and take their stuff.

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Haha. Some asshole tried to kill me at Balota yesterday. Never stand there saying "don't shoot."  Just turn and run as fast as you can. The thing about being unarmed is that you run much faster than a geared player.


That's what I do, run and randomly weave so they can't get a proper shot

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Been chased around Balota by a guy wielding a wrench for 10 mins yesterday. I log on today to discover 15 dead bodies there with nothing but flashlights on them.


Yup, trolling at its finest. There should be an option to make a necklace out of the spare batteries to show others just how bad ass you really are.

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Had a guy try and sneak up on me with a knife.  Beat him to death with a baseball bat.  Was satisfying but would rather He tried talking to me. 


Also had a couple guys I actually stumbled onto,warn me to back off.  i happily complied, thanked them for not being trigger happy and went on my way.

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well so far i like the SA despite of a few minor bugs and glitches which isnt that uber annoying  one thing annoys me is the lack of spawned loot ,guys do you know what is the rate of loot?thanks

I find loot spawns often enough, get off the coast because it's probably all been taken.

I find zombies don't spawn often enough.

Every third town I might see two, they should take the Z off the name.

We can play day, it's a lot like wasteland without base building.

But theres some pretty nifty stuff to find.

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Had a guy try and sneak up on me with a knife.  Beat him to death with a baseball bat.  Was satisfying but would rather He tried talking to me. 


Also had a couple guys I actually stumbled onto,warn me to back off.  i happily complied, thanked them for not being trigger happy and went on my way.

I don't wanna loose my stuff so I just hide in the bushes whenever I see somebody.

Sure, I could shoot them with my Mosin, but thats not my style.

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Well started the SA yesterday and i try to work and help with bugs and stuff for the alpha testing but unfortunately what i see AGAIN is BF4 morons fully armed to the teeth shooting people with no gear..despite you say DONT shoot,they just go ahead...apprently something must be done for this kind of player griefing because you dont have means of defence also loot is scarce so no chance to build up since all the good stuff is allready taken....

I dont wanna see another BF4 DayZ game...we all try to test and survive...thats all...


Im not sure Dayz is the game for you tbh, have you tried Rust or a non pvp game maybe (with bunnies and unicorns and love and flowers and &%**$£@@*£&*£)

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