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Server Owners get nothing????

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Go play a different game if you don't like the one given to you.


Better yet, make your own.


EDIT: Point being, don't call it DayZ

Then what your saying is they shouldnt have made dayz, because he thought Dayz would be better? 



ooops meant to make that one post 

Edited by +PL+ Faded

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Ran out of beans to give.


I agree with you so much, those old times were amazing and that's what I missed and I want to relive on SA.

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Actually I must admit, I run Two private hives, one does have loadouts... and I do admit it killed it for me, I don't play on it... but ALOT of people do, even people without loadouts... and yes it has over 1000+ vehicles, I've been here from the start. I support private but I seen what private can do as in killing the real DayZ game, were as survival random meetups with random players trading gear, equipment even grouping for a bit used to be popular... Even role-playing 






Do you guys remember the old role-playing days, and the rarity of vehicles, and if you saw a helicopter you were in awe of anyone who was flying it... I support private too you guys, its like to different gamemodes. I do really miss the old dayz, and I hate private for making usually every player who gets on KoS but ina point, even on public people do the same after so long.



And THAT right there is why Private hives ruined DayZ.



 I don't play on it... but ALOT of people do, even people without loadouts.



See, when you provide an alternative for the "EzMode", then what happens is that people start playing DayZ and join whichever server is most populated, and then they get spoiled based on that server and will never look to the Vanilla experience because they are too accustomed to the easy mode.. And players who originally played Vanilla but weren't patient enough to learn the ropes and get good at it just exodus over to Ezmode private hive servers because the player base is a  homogenized pool of suck ass baddy scrubs and they can feel like badasses for KOS'ing everything in sight with their server provided DMR and Night Vision.


Also, you have selfish server owners like this guy concerned about their server being "the most popular", so rather than running a server nice and tight and legit, they go out of their way to throw in whatever options make the server the most popular.. Want a hospital in Zelenogorsk?! Barracks at Elektro? NO PROBLEM! WHATEVER MAKES US #1!


Fuck that. Leave DayZ as it is. 

Edited by Etherimp
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^ So we all have to do without a private hive, so you can relive your childhood?

kinda narcissistic. Why can't you just avoid the private hives?

I agree that alot of the things you can do on a private hive kill the fun, but still should be able to have private and control.

Edited by muggerfugger

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^ So we all have to do without a private hive, so you can relive your childhood?

kinda narcissistic. Why can't you just avoid the private hives?

I agree that alot of the things you can do on a private hive kill the fun, but still should be able to have private and control.



If you don't want to play DayZ, go play another game with the options you enjoy. 


I've seen Mods ruin about every kind of FPS game you can think of, from Quake to Counter-Strike to DayZ.. It's an inevitable fact that as soon as people start modding the fuck out of the game it fractures the community and drives people away from the game. If you create private hives (again), you will see the same thing happen to SA that happened to DayZ: The only servers left will be 1000 vehicles, and people who want the core experience will be left sitting on their dicks, and searching for better games.

Edited by Etherimp
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Actually I must admit, I run Two private hives, one does have loadouts... and I do admit it killed it for me, I don't play on it... but ALOT of people do, even people without loadouts... and yes it has over 1000+ vehicles, I've been here from the start. I support private but I seen what private can do as in killing the real DayZ game, were as survival random meetups with random players trading gear, equipment even grouping for a bit used to be popular... Even role-playing 






Do you guys remember the old role-playing days, and the rarity of vehicles, and if you saw a helicopter you were in awe of anyone who was flying it... I support private too you guys, its like to different gamemodes. I do really miss the old dayz, and I hate private for making usually every player who gets on KoS but ina point, even on public people do the same after so long.


Plus with private loadout servers, gear and killing doesn't just feel the same, as blowing someones brains out ona public server, you'l know what I mean if you played as long and as much as me.


Yes, I started playing when you still spawned with a revolver and that's entirely my point. For me everyone playing on the main hive again just feels right.


I have no problems with private hives in a literal sense, i.e. servers that are not connected to the main hive and the owners are allowed to lock, but for me modifying the game is a massive no-no as it destroyed the mod completely.

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If you don't want to play DayZ, go play another game with the options you enjoy.

Exact same could be said to you.

Edited by muggerfugger

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And THAT right there is why Private hives ruined DayZ.





See, when you provide an alternative for the "EzMode", then what happens is that people start playing DayZ and join whichever server is most populated, and then they get spoiled based on that server and will never look to the Vanilla experience because they are too accustomed to the easy mode.. And players who originally played Vanilla but weren't patient enough to learn the ropes and get good at it just exodus over to Ezmode private hive servers because the player base is a  homogenized pool of suck ass baddy scrubs and they can feel like badasses for KOS'ing everything in sight with their server provided DMR and Night Vision.


Also, you have selfish server owners like this guy concerned about their server being "the most popular", so rather than running a server nice and tight and legit, they go out of their way to throw in whatever options make the server the most popular.. Want a hospital in Zelenogorsk?! Barracks at Elektro? NO PROBLEM! WHATEVER MAKES US #1!


Fuck that. Leave DayZ as it is. 


To a point I extremely agree with you.. #1FunnyFact I'm one of those kinda owner's, but you don't realize at first when we started doing this a year and a half ago it made the game more fun, and added more content rather than players and #1, but now its a competition with other servers and we need to do that.


I don't know wither you seen my old #rant post but thats not the point, my community wants me to add loadouts when we switch to standalone thats 1,500+ strong members,,, active too. Thats alot of people who will be pissed off not, only at me but at the development team. The water has been poisoned and theirs no going back... I made a post were I said we should go public, almost every member who commented said they wouldn't play on it. Thats like stabbing myself in the stomache for two and half years of working building up such a beautiful amazing community I have... Its not our faults (owners of private) ina way its the dev's for allowing it to happen too.

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You know heres some logic if i may... If they allow privet hives and people that like that kinda stuff go there and play OUR so called Ezy mode... Then thats what we will do.. Most of those people enjoy pvp and blowing things up.... Now FOr you PvE kinda care bears that shutter at the thought of my DMG hitting you as you pick that apple up and come over and take your cookies, Wouldnt you enjoy the aspect that all the PVPers are playing EZY Mode and not on your server?  

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^ So we all have to do without a private hive, so you can relive your childhood?

kinda narcissistic. Why can't you just avoid the private hives?

I agree that alot of the things you can do on a private hive kill the fun, but still should be able to have private and control.


Mugger you know of the BR servers... Were well known, and this morning I practically got jumped for spawing ideas... pretty bi-est in these forums... I'l tend to stay away from knocking heads, its just way to one sided.

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You know heres some logic if i may... If they allow privet hives and people that like that kinda stuff go there and play OUR so called Ezy mode... Then thats what we will do.. Most of those people enjoy pvp and blowing things up.... Now FOr you PvE kinda care bears that shutter at the thought of my DMG hitting you as you pick that apple up and come over and take your cookies, Wouldnt you enjoy the aspect that all the PVPers are playing EZY Mode and not on your server?  


Ah, so now everyone that doesn't enjoy playing your way is a 'carebear'?


Have you ever considered the fact that DayZ was not supposed to be Zombie DeathmatchZ? Of course, PvP is a part of the game and no one's trying to deny that, but in essence the devs have always been aiming for a survival experience.


Sometimes I think a large part of the community are playing the wrong game...

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Ah, so now everyone that doesn't enjoy playing your way is a 'carebear'?


Have you ever considered the fact that DayZ was not supposed to be Zombie DeathmatchZ? Of course, PvP is a part of the game and no one's trying to deny that, but in essence the devs have always been aiming for a survival experience.


Sometimes I think a large part of the community are playing the wrong game...



I feel that too... and on the alpha, I survived for 12 + hours... since a year and a half ago... and man I can tell you finding supply's and just avoiding death at every step was extremely challenging. I haven't felt or played like that for a long time... but the lack of content further killed it for me playing.

Edited by BRKermit

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You know heres some logic if i may... If they allow privet hives and people that like that kinda stuff go there and play OUR so called Ezy mode... Then thats what we will do.. Most of those people enjoy pvp and blowing things up.... Now FOr you PvE kinda care bears that shutter at the thought of my DMG hitting you as you pick that apple up and come over and take your cookies, Wouldnt you enjoy the aspect that all the PVPers are playing EZY Mode and not on your server?  



You've just proven yourself to be a moron. Plenty of PVP happens on Vanilla, and there are no "PVE Carebears" in DayZ, so take yourself back to WoW or where-ever you picked up that term from. The reason you're so confident in your "DMG" skills is because you're  not afraid of losing anything because you play exclusively on Private Hive where everything is given to you and/or easy to get. 


I am fine with PVP. I am fine with KOS. I am fine with you shooting me for my "cookies".. Just know that if you miss, I'm going to mop the floor with you and take your shit instead.. But see, if you were on public hive, you'd have to deal with the consequences of that by restarting.. If you're an admin on private hive you can just spawn it back in for yourself.


As I said: Fuck that. If you don't like DayZ the way it was designed to be played then go play a different game, and get over yourself. There's plenty of PVP and blowing things up on COD and BF4.. I enjoy Battlefield myself. Hell, I played Counter-strike competitively for 7 years. Don't lecture me about PVP. 

Edited by Etherimp
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Well that alone speaks for it self tho, If people rather play one way they will do that, if they want to play normal mode then people will, From the looks of it no one will be lonely in a normal servers, were everyone else will be playing how they want it..


I don't think you're factoring in why people go along the path of least resistance. You're saying if it's what they want then let them have it and I have a couple arguments against that.


1. In the case of DayZ people go for the path of least resistance because they don't understand their own excitement over certain features in regular DayZ. If you see a rare item in regular DayZ (helicopters, high powered weapons, vehicles) you think "Wow, I would love to get my hands on that." Then they see a server offering it. They immediately are enticed because they associate these features with their excited feels. They get on these servers, start playing, and get sucked in based on this cheap feeling of having something they didn't actually work for. It's exciting enough to try it out, but they completely lose their respect for the feature, thus with the core idea of DayZ, which is survival (and YES you can have a central theme in a sandbox game). Everything comes easy and then they start treating the game how the last decade of our generation only knows how to treat one: As a full on FPS deathmatch.


Keep in mind that most of the people playing DayZ had never tried ARMA so when they hopped on these loaded up servers they could get hours and hours of fun just playing a new game that was essentially ARMA with insignificant zombie things running around... but it wasn't DayZ. Yet, people were still advertising their servers with the DayZ name. Which leads me to my next point- 


2. Modding multiplayer games should not be allowed except in cases where they're designed for it/need it (ARMA for ex.). DayZ is its own experience and is a very specific one. If people don't like it they should play something else and stop standing on the shoulders of giants to make it something it's not. Seriously, if only 20,000 people are interested in the DayZ experience then those are the numbers it should have. I don't think that's the case. I think hundreds of thousands of people are interested but a lot get hijacked by people (servers) offering cheap thrills using the DayZ name. When they get bored after a month they move on to the next game, associating DayZ as that game where they flew around in a helicopter the majority of the time and had sniper wars.

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You know heres some logic if i may... If they allow privet hives and people that like that kinda stuff go there and play OUR so called Ezy mode... Then thats what we will do.. Most of those people enjoy pvp and blowing things up.... Now FOr you PvE kinda care bears that shutter at the thought of my DMG hitting you as you pick that apple up and come over and take your cookies, Wouldnt you enjoy the aspect that all the PVPers are playing EZY Mode and not on your server?  


No. All PvP is boring,, all PvE is boring. Why do we need private hives with MASS customisation?. 


You only need the basic option of; Full moon night/regular night

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Hey community.


I'm kinda tired of reading people want private hives if u dindt know u can buy arma 2 and download a mod or play the script version of wasteland if u want to play a point and shoot game and not a totally survival game. there is also alot of possiblities about goin mod and do ur own private hive server with all the gear u want in the same area.  


So when that said. U can't ask for a private hive option u already have it just not in dayz standalone everything u ask for is on arma 2 or even try arma 3 and make new stuff stop complaining about this new refreshing game where u can play what the mod was supposed to be. 


Jesus it felt good. 

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Do not want private servers.  Basing purely off of what we've seen in the past.  The private servers that allow  EZ mode will multiply as every person capable of making an EZ mode server will.  Then the majority of the playerbase will flock over to that because "Hey free stuff" at which point the vanilla servers will have such a dwindling population that even those of us who don't want to play on Private Servers will have to if we want any human interaction.

You private server defenders keep saying no one is forcing us to play on those servers.  And yet the past has shown that that's simply not the case.  Sheer mass has forced us to join said servers.  I'd also like to note that on a personal level I saw a decrease in DayZ activity with the advent of private servers in the mod.

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I feel that too... and on the alpha, I survived for 12 + hours... since a year and a half ago... and man I can tell you finding supply's and just avoiding death at every step was extremely challenging. I haven't felt or played like that for a long time... but the lack of content further killed it for me playing.

You mean the lack of content in the current standalone build?

If so, indeed, it is a bit lacking in content. But so many people were crying 'just release what you have and we won't complain' that I think the devs felt a little pressured. If it's any consolation, I've had DayZ standalone for a very long time and can assure you that the devs put in a lot of hours and updates with new content are pretty much constant. I assume they'll come a little bigger and further between now that they don't just have the one test server to keep up to date, but there should be more or less a constant stream of new content.


My advice would be don't burn yourself out on it now before it even gets going. Take a week or two off, maybe even go back to the mod for a while, and come back to it after a few patches.

Edited by Mos1ey
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Hey community.


I'm kinda tired of reading people want private hives if u dindt know u can buy arma 2 and download a mod or play the script version of wasteland if u want to play a point and shoot game and not a totally survival game. there is also alot of possiblities about goin mod and do ur own private hive server with all the gear u want in the same area.  


So when that said. U can't ask for a private hive option u already have it just not in dayz standalone everything u ask for is on arma 2 or even try arma 3 and make new stuff stop complaining about this new refreshing game where u can play what the mod was supposed to be. 


Jesus it felt good. 


4 posts and I like you I shall return with beans.

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This forums ridiculous on the harassment to other players.. "morons" I got a picture of the dude from southpark playing WoW.. replied to me... (laughing) But like damn, U'd think people would be warned or would be told to simmer down abit by the mods... I was jumped on by like 16 people because of my thoughts... and nothing happend until I said other shit that completely was unnecessary but wasn't even near the other level of people talk... pissed them off and then mods... locked my thread. but the mods are bi-est aswell so this thread will go un warned... from me to you Etherimp. Grow the fuck up, grow a pair, and talk like a mature adult. 

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You know heres some logic if i may... If they allow privet hives and people that like that kinda stuff go there and play OUR so called Ezy mode... Then thats what we will do.. Most of those people enjoy pvp and blowing things up.... Now FOr you PvE kinda care bears that shutter at the thought of my DMG hitting you as you pick that apple up and come over and take your cookies, Wouldnt you enjoy the aspect that all the PVPers are playing EZY Mode and not on your server?  



dayz wont be changing in anytime soon, just deal with it.


Freaking cod kiddies trying to ruin a game that doesnt have 1 week yet.

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Load out options??


Are you kidding?

probably missing donations already :lol:

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This forums ridiculous on the harassment to other players.. "morons" I got a picture of the dude from southpark playing WoW.. replied to me... (laughing) But like damn, U'd think people would be warned or would be told to simmer down abit by the mods... I was jumped on by like 16 people because of my thoughts... and nothing happend until I said other shit that completely was unnecessary but wasn't even near the other level of people talk... pissed them off and then mods... locked my thread. but the mods are bi-est aswell so this thread will go un warned... from me to you Etherimp. Grow the fuck up, grow a pair, and talk like a mature adult. 


I wasn't addressing you. What faded said was moronic and anyone who calls people out for being "PVE carebears" in DayZ is obviously a fool. Sorry it ruffled your feathers. 



On another note... Anybody else noticed how incredibly active MOST of the Public hive SA servers have been? Anyone else noticed how easy it is to find a Vanilla DayZ SA server with 20+ people playing on it at all hours of the day/night? 

Yeah.. I think that alone proves that DayZ Vanilla was ruined by mods/private hive. The gaming community I play with has never been so active as it is now.. all of the old players who enjoyed DayZ as it was in it's prime have come back and started playing again.


Please do not let these EzMode COD kiddies ruin it for everyone else.

Edited by Etherimp
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This forums ridiculous on the harassment to other players.. "morons" I got a picture of the dude from southpark playing WoW.. replied to me... (laughing) But like damn, U'd think people would be warned or would be told to simmer down abit by the mods... I was jumped on by like 16 people because of my thoughts... and nothing happend until I said other shit that completely was unnecessary but wasn't even near the other level of people talk... pissed them off and then mods... locked my thread. but the mods are bi-est aswell so this thread will go un warned... from me to you Etherimp. Grow the fuck up, grow a pair, and talk like a mature adult. 


In the case of your locked topic - both parties were at fault, not just you.


Now no one has been abusive in here up until this point, so if we could keep the hostilities to a minimum, please...

Edited by Mos1ey
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In the case of your locked topic - both parties were at fault, not just you.


Now no one has been abusive in here up until this point, so if we could keep the hostilities to a minimum, please...

I'm sorry take my beans!

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