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It's actually quite similar to DayZ mod launch in that regard. Although with all whining back then we knew that Dean and his team doing it for free. Well, Arma 2 was required but mod itself was free. Now... let's hope that Bohemia and Rocket provide us with all needed tools without prolonged wait.

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noobacon, chauz, and whoever else thinks they are above the rest of us. long before you animals came along, gaming and their communities supported any game and the mods to go with it. Whether that be with coding, renting, websites and etc. So don't try to tell those that buy these (rent) servers for people who don't want to spend the money or dedication to run a server. Perfect example is origins and look what they got, have you seen how many servers there are.left. The Dev's need the clans and the coders and people who rent servers otherwise their games wouldn't still be running. One thing i have noticed with some of the high and mighty moderators in the dayz forums is age and or lack of respect.

 Nobody has the right to tell someone how to spend their money and that includes the Devs. Yes the Public Hives are for everyone and there should be guidelines but who do you think pays for the publics hives   public hives = money spent on buying the game.= us the people

 If you want us to fall in line and obey then put this game in console games. where every other game dies because of the classless players who play it.



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@ w3r3wolf

Just stop digging a hole ok? I host my own DayZ server yet I totally disagree with you public hives should be strict just as they are. Now will you please enjoy the game you spent money on a wait for private hives like the rest of us and you must think YOU'R above US because we're in the same boat as you but most of us are waiting patiently so please stop being a hypocrite thanks

SINCERELY -Busted <3

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Fuck everything about your post buddy, sorry.  Who the fuck are the devs to tell anyone how to run their server or what they can or can't do with it?  If the devs want everything to be so locked down, they better start shelling out some of that $5.1 mil they made the first day to buy some proper fucking servers and host the god damn game on their own.  If I rent a server I will kick whoever the fuck I want off of it and test on it how I see fit.  If that means kicking everyone off so I can actually TEST things in peace, who the fuck is anyone to tell me I'm doing something wrong?


1. It is their game and not yours to say what you can do with it.


2. You rent a server... Key word "RENT" and basically any rules that are applied to the renting of that server by the GSP or Devs of the game. Nobody is forcing you to RENT that server, you do it on your own accord. Your argument is moot.

Edited by R.Neville

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Only thing that worries me about the way servers are connected now and were in the mod is the fact that the devs didnt act on admin abuse. I havent seen 1 server get blacklisted cause of admin abuse while there were pretty clear pointers of abuse on certain servers. Imo its not vey fair for rule abiding servers if abusers get away with this.

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 noobacon, chauz, and whoever else thinks they are above the rest of us. 


Admins that lock the server are thinking they are above the rest as they are the ones locking the servers and not us.


long before you animals came along, gaming and their communities supported any game and the mods to go with it. Whether that be with coding, renting, websites and etc. So don't try to tell those that buy these (rent) servers for people who don't want to spend the money or dedication to run a server.



Trying to go personal doesn't really make a case stronger just so you know, second of all I've being hosting/renting servers for almost each game I played in so again, so please inform yourself instead of thinking you know someone.


Nobody has the right to tell someone how to spend their money and that includes the Devs. Yes the Public Hives are for everyone and there should be guidelines but who do you think pays for the publics hives   public hives = money spent on buying the game.= us the people



Game devs have all the right to tell someone how run the servers, as they have the rights to the game and not you. Again you (as you adressed me personally you feel offended by my statements) think you are above the rest and not me. Thinking you have more rights to the game then the actual devs have. They own the game and all rights coming with that. 



Going on your level: Look at me, My name is W3R3WOLF, I did read the rules of hosting a server but I don't care I have more rights to the game then the devs because I pay for a server and that is a totally legit reason.





Btw before the QQ starts agian, I would love to have full acces to the rcon and whitelist people or having reservered slots for my mates or having a private hive connected to a community hive. But I understand the devs have their priorities on fixing the game first instead of setting up and adjusting all their resources so people can have their private hives in a Alpha. 

Edited by Chauz
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noobacon, chauz, and whoever else thinks they are above the rest of us. long before you animals came along, gaming and their communities supported any game and the mods to go with it. Whether that be with coding, renting, websites and etc. So don't try to tell those that buy these (rent) servers for people who don't want to spend the money or dedication to run a server. Perfect example is origins and look what they got, have you seen how many servers there are.left. The Dev's need the clans and the coders and people who rent servers otherwise their games wouldn't still be running. One thing i have noticed with some of the high and mighty moderators in the dayz forums is age and or lack of respect.

 Nobody has the right to tell someone how to spend their money and that includes the Devs. Yes the Public Hives are for everyone and there should be guidelines but who do you think pays for the publics hives   public hives = money spent on buying the game.= us the people

 If you want us to fall in line and obey then put this game in console games. where every other game dies because of the classless players who play it.


I'm not sure where you are getting that we think we are "above you".  Perhaps my word choice would compel you to feel this way, but I assure you, I do not think I am above you.  I would however like to say some things in regards to what you have said to others and me.  I am quite certain that I was hosting and operating servers well before your time, and I am not an animal.  However, your first point makes no sense, you say, long before we came along, gaming and their communities, supported any game and the mods.  What exactly are you trying to say?  I see you are saying, they supported coding/renting/websites, and that we shouldn't tell those that rent, that they shouldn't spend their money or dedication to run a server.  Again, you are making no sense.


Perfect example is Origins?  Please do not compare this to Origins, there is a distinct reason Origins has been falling apart.  I did infact run an Origins server for quite some time, we were ranked 2nd in terms of popularity before I gave up on Origins.  The reason Origins failed is because the Developers (if you call them that) provided no support to server renters, and the server hosts didn't either because they had signed a non-disclosure agreement.  So, no one would fix anything and the server renters (you and me) couldn't fix anything either.  That wouldn't be that big of a deal if Origins wasn't based solely around progression and keeping that progression.  So, when everyone had spent countless hours building and collecting, and the server came onto "issues", you had to wipe the server and start over because no one would fix anything and you weren't allowed to.  That is what destroyed Origins, not to mention that fact that admins had full control over their server, but had no ability to actually monitor what was happening.  So you could lock/whitelist/kick/ban.  But you had no idea what was happening.  They even locked log access.  Which is fine, if someone is taking care of the hacking, which they weren't.  Hacking was rampant in Origins, and no admin could control it.  It was a guessing game, kick people you don't know until the bombing stops, then ban the last one out.


Now onto, the games "needing" the coders and clans.  I can assure you, that for every clan that dislikes what is currently allowed, there is one that is fine with it, same goes for "coders", of which they don't need.  I think you are completely missing what is going on.  There are Public servers and Private servers, private is not released yet.  YET, being the keyword.  You will get to have a private hive, where you can operate you clan and do whatever you like.  But in the realm of the public hive it is unfair to allow servers to lock themselves.  It is TOO easy to exploit this.  It wouldn't matter at all if your character didn't carry over to another server, then every server would be private.  You need to remember this is not CoD or counter strike, this is an MMO.  I'm not sure if you have played any other MMOs, but you can't let people on one server have special rules, that can then jump to another server with a different set of rules and carry over what they did on the other server.  You might as well ask for "clans" to be able to purchase gear sets from BI and be able to just load into servers with gear already in place.  Granted, not all those wanting to lock their servers want to do this, so they can loot and jump to a non-locked server and go kill, but MANY will.  This would damage the community, you CAN wait until private hives are available, then anything you do on your locked server will STAY on your locked server like it should.


Lastly, you are correct, no one has the right to tell you how to spend your money.  Only you can tell you how to spend your money.  So....?  I guess I'm not understanding what you are talking about.  That's like saying, I bought a Lambo and got a speeding ticket, this is BS.  No one FORCED you to rent a server.  What they did, was say, IF<------- You want to rent a server, HERE are the rules.  You said, OK!!  But now you say, NO, I don't agree with those rules, you can't tell me how to spend my money.  That makes absolutely no sense.  Did you know that there are TERMS OF USE when you buy a game?  They dictate HOW you can use that game and you MUST follow them.  No one said you had to buy it, YOU CHOSE to do that.


And your theory on who pays for the public hives is quite interesting.  If you use that logic, then actually the person who employs you pays for the public hive, and if you go farther, the customer of your employer pays for the hive.  I mean, how far do you want to take it?  Lets say you work at a department store, just a guess...(Arrows -> indicate money transfer)  Department Store Customer Buys Something -> Department Store Pays YOU for working -> You Pay money to rent server -> Server host pays royalty to BI -> BI pays Datacenter to run public hive.... Come to think of it, you are giving your money to rocket!  He should be answering you directly and cleaning your house for what you pay.  Seriously, come on...  


Put this on console if you want people to fall in line and obey?  I think that's what rules are for.  You must be someone who thinks they are above the rules.  You probably download bootleg movies because you don't agree that you should have to pay to see them.  Or you're the other side that gets mad when a bootleg movie comes out and it's not bluray 1080p quality and you go off and badmouth the person that provided you with it.  Instead of telling other people what to do, why do you do what most of are doing, and read the rules, then either agree and continue, or disagree and stop.


Let's not forget above all else.... THIS IS ALPHA, YOU WERE VERY CLEARLY WARNED AND YOU ARE VERY CLEARLY WARNED WHEN YOU LOG INTO THE GAME THAT IT IS NOT COMPLETE!!  Stop assuming certain aspects should be completed to cater to your needs, or else it will fail.  It will only fail if things promised aren't ever implemented.  Until it's complete, let's all just calm down and stop expecting things to be a certain way, please.

Edited by NoobAnon
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Private server options can't come soon enough. 



Agreed. But only if once private it stays private.


It would be unfair to the casual gamer if somebody joined a private server, looted the shit out of absolutely everything and then re-joined a public server.


It would harm the essence of DayZ.

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if you dont agree to the EULA that server "owners" (actually, just wallets that fund the hosting of the server... which the devs see nothing of!), dont rent a server. passwords, not allowed. locking servers is allowed but only in specific instances and for specific time frames. if you think that shelling the money out entitles you to loot up undisturbed or whatever you are after doing, think again. there will be private hives for that eventually, but for now there arent. if you think shelling the money out entitles you to something special, then you did not read the contract you agreed to abide by when you shelled that money out. your server will not be allowed to join the hive if you are caught breaking the EULA. which, if you rent a server, you have agreed to and is a legal contract. that i doubt you read. 

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What's the fun with just playing with clan mates and locking servers? That's not the game.

We rent a server.. why? So we have one server that we now play on all the time :-) no other reason than that.

Quit the moaning about not having the power! It'll come. When it does, you can enjoy your "walk around the map gearing up without firing a bullet" :-)

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Problem  anti-cheat security is at its worst for this game, you have loads of scripters,cheaters coming in with esp or other stuff. Atm you have no chance to see the server logs as well or get player's GUIDs and such. Just Because some people think they are smart and enforcing the community with lack of hosting features and admin access.


Then If you are too smart then pls do something to stop cheaters ,increase your security and host your own DAYZ SA servers as Bohemia Interactive and  admin it own your own. All clans out there and all Admins paying money for a server, paid  money for a game but they have nothnig to control or even scan. None can stop cheaters atm or even check for it, and want from us play the game , spend the money on servers .. 


I mean in a serious mind , where is the god damn proffesionalism at this? 


Now all we want from Bohemia Interactive is, man up be more proffesional , show more respect to costumers or I tell Putin to send Russian ARMY in  Czech Republic as well. Seriously, this ain't right, common sense a bit.

Edited by =1PARA=Prime=C.O=

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you make me laugh. like i said there is guidelines but when cockroaches like the hackers and trolls who come to servers creating havoc and all i have is the control to kick that is bullshit. 99% of all games have an rcon to ban this type of people and that is what i am talking about. To lock the server is save our guests profiles is something thats needs to be done. As for those who abuse their servers they need to be dealt with but to paint everybody with the same brush is bullshit also. Rcon is a must and everygame has it so get it done simple.

 perfect example our server was ranked 26th 2 weeks ago and now ranked 92nd because everyday we have cockroaches coming into our server duping and killing players from glitches and causing extreme lag. this last week everyday hackers come in and start killing all the players in the server. RCON is  a must.


as for hosting and running servers long before me my friend you were still in your dad's bag when i was looking at a 64k ibm in high school 1981, so please get off your high and mighty horse and quit defending these dev's for dragging their heels.

 If we unite together then they will move quicker and put their priorities in the right order.

As for your line of thinking about the lambo or department store, i work hard for My money  and i represent a clan who donate or pay dues and they decided as a group to have this game as a server and we wait  patiently as the updates come through but when cockroaches can come in a destroy in minutes what everybody has worked hard to collect and survive for weeks. Most players or clans have servers for the benefit of their clans or guests, yes some groups of people abuse this but to paint everyone with the same is bullshit.

 We all work hard for our money simple.

 I see in your profile your 31 so i can't call you a snot nosed kid who thinks that this world owes them something but you should know better if you been renting servers for a long time and should know that there many clans or trolls who go around creating havoc for several reasons

1. They love Chaos

2. They have no skill

3. Their server sucks so they go around and screw up other servers so that they can direct traffic back to theirs.

4. JUst because they can.

5. troll


so noobanon last thing, food for thought if devs spent some of the money they got from us on anti cheat and rcon or better yet patched the holes on these 2 things , i wouldn't be here arguing with you. i don't post much but i also know if we don't complain then the devs don't do anything.


as the saying goes the squeaky wheel gets the grease


takecare and have a great day



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Although,I agree with you both(W3r3wolf & noobanon) I have a tendency to agree more w/ the wolf on this subject.I,too,am an old school gamer.I understand more of where he is coming from and respect the fact that he is not just looking out for his server but, his CLAN'S server.I don't blame him.I do the same for my own server and understand that he doesn't appreciate folks popping onto his server everytime it restarts(whether automatic or otherwise) to loot the hotspots and leave in 15 minutes.I don't do this or utilize this kind of gameplay to other people's servers.I stay on my own "rented" server and play with folks (members & non member Regulars) that are willing to put in time on our server and not be jumpers for loot.This smash & grab tactic is not gonna be tolerated on the server that I am the administrator of. I'll put it to you like this...If you are noted to be on the server at the time it goes down or restarted then you get a free pass back on.If not then you are going to have to wait at least a good 5-10 minutes before you will be let onto the server to do your bidding.Depends on how many folks were on to begin with and if I am in a "giving" mood.

                                                                                                                           With the way that the Zeds are currently running I am quite happy to deal with them on a constant basis than to deal with monkeys running around spawnkilling/camping the hotspots and creating un-needed problems.The alpha phase is buggy enough without having to make things totally unbearable for people to come play on our server.I just refuse to allow a few jackasses to come onto the server and exploit these "bugs" that are still in place for the overall ruleset of an incomplete game.It doesn't have to be this way and it shouldn't be.And as far as I am concerned it won't be on my watch.

Edited by AdmiralBull

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