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Massive Game Breaking Problem.

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Now let me spell this out for some of you people... I DID NOT INTENTIONALLY quit the game so I did not die... GET THAT THROUGH YOUR SHALLOW MINDS. I played at work and I had to leave to help a customer. Yes that is true, no reason to lie--but I still expect childish remarks. Plus I had 200 life left while I was being attacked. Since you remain in the game for 5 seconds. I still should have died.

Day before yesterday I installed the new update for DayZ. At first it worked like a charm. I was playing with another player until we were attacked by Zombies. I left the server when I got cornered. And then re joined a couple of hours later.

But, I see that I am still in my PREVIOUS body. The one that was attacked. I have broken bones, full stats are green. And I am hearing voices from Arma 2, and seeing objective icons.

When I kill myself and try to respawn, the same thing happens over and over and over. I even deleted the code, and re installed it. Still the same things. I can get into a game. But it crosses Arma 2 with the mod.

Today I installed the 1.7.5 update, and the problem still persists. I also have reports of it happening to others.

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Can't you just delete your character in the main menu and create a new one?

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Lol, he lured a bunch of zombies disconnected to save his life then his game glitched.

Poetic Justice

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I have the most recent everything... I tried killing myself in the menu, but I get transported to this open field with motionless NPC's.

But just in case; where do I download the most recent BETA thing?

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I don't mean killing yourself, I mean the menu before you get into a game at all, when you first fire ArmA2 up, there should be a option labelled "character" where you adjust your face and voice etc. You should be able to create a new character in there and delete the old one.

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Good luck, if that doesn't work, you can get the beta from here:


You will need a program like 7-zip to unzip it but the beta program will install itself once that's done. You need to make sure you run arma 2 in beta mode (there's an .exe in the folder) with the dayz code in the shortcut.

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Lol you got what was coming. Do not try to disconnect to avoid getting killed and maybe your game will not screw up...

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I just tried the new character. Did not work at all.... Also to the people saying that I just quit because I was dying: Nice job on your assumption! I was playing at work so I had no choice but to leave. Also sine your body stays in the server for 5 more seconds. I should have died by then. I was below 200.

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  'Aitloian said:

Lol' date=' he lured a bunch of zombies disconnected to save his life then his game glitched.

Poetic Justice



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Justice indeed... well deserved.

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Alas, where would game forums be without the inevitable flying cockmonkeys and their infantile yammering.

If you have the steam version, try checking the integrity of the files, possible file corruption, and ignore the littleshits on summer vacation.

Good luck.

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I'm just helping so you will get ingame so I can shoot you and take your beans.

You know, full disclosure and all that, lol.

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Lol, I will gladly bend thy knee!

Just tried it out. It said a file was missing and it was recovered. Then I logged in and nothing was fixed. When I hit respawn, I go to the debug field and no YOU DIED screen appears.

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This issue was happening to me. I found that what i had to do was install the 1.7.5 patch, The beta patch ( http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php ) And them make 100% sure the server i was joining was 1.7.5 not one labled 1.7.5 and actually runing 1.7.4 or something. (colorado 3 i am 100% sure its 1.7.5 atm )

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Thank you for posting this, I've been having this same problem for about two days, and I hope this will solve it, going to try it right now, also for the people saying "Justice", not sure if you are trolling or just REALLY stupid, but seriously, learn you some grammars.

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I'm just gonna throw some quotes out there..

Also to the people saying that I just quit because I was dying: Nice job on your assumption! I was playing at work so I had no choice but to leave.

followed by..

I was playing with another player until we were attacked by Zombies. I left the server when I got cornered.

This is a great way to ensure you don't get trolled..


People may have read the same things I read..


*facepalm* stupidity is coming...

I am slightly surprised you got one person to help with your attitude in your first post.


Thank you! Atleast one person is decent enough to help.

Now that we have that cleared up. It sounds like you have tried a lot of options, barring those I would just start with a fresh clean install. Meaning... Uninstall Amra2. Make sure to delete any DayZ files that remain. Install Arma2 and beta patch, and install DayZ. If it were me I would redownload all of those files as well. I'd bet that one or more of them were corrupted in the download.

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