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Roleplay Server (Looking For Help)

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Dayz Rebirth Roleplay Servers




Hi Survivors, 


Right I run my own dayz epoch server that is RP which is whitelisted here a small nasty post I did quickly: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/169018-dayz-rebirth-epoch1031103718-rp-serverai-missionschurch-healingcustom-mapwhitelisted-join-at-wwwdayzrebirthcouk/


 But now with the standalone I would like to start up a server but also have it as a Roleplay server. (Just waiting on server files my be a while)


So here's the basic idea of the server it almost the same as dayzrp for the Mod. But we want to run it differently compared to them some of the rules will be different but I suggest you check there website out as the rules will be similar so if you want to get an idea of how it is look there. Also unlike them our admins will have hardly any interaction with the players so we avoid admin abuse claims. But if admins do play it will be within there own private clan and will most likely be bandits but will always be in character and such.


The server will be a white list (if white list is not going to happen we will work something out, with a password systems which is likely) so in order to get white listed/get password you would fill in an app on our website (still being made) with a story of your character and such blah blah blah. (And for the mod servers your GUID and Player ID) (Also for epoch we do donna boxes so you can buy building supplies and skins)


I currently have all the people I need I have someone hosting (Servers are in Denmark)we have dedicated servers they are very high spec (if you want specs just send me a PM) so neither of our epoch server and  normal dayz server lag (this means standalone should be no problem to host 100 people servers) so we have increased zombies spawn to make it more about survival. I also have 2 web guys who are working hard to get website done. And 2 Programmers working on bits and bobs and currently 7 Admins 


If you have questions or want to help send me a PM or add me as a friend just post below if you are interested in joining and when it working I will send you all a PM to website :)



Cheers Mr Sheep



(Sorry for bad spellings did in hurry) 

Edited by Sheep
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I can't help with the server creation stuff, but good luck and once its up shoot me a message.  I would definitely love trying out a roleplay server, sounds like fun.

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I unfortunately have zero technical skills, but a roleplay server sounds fun.  How would it actually work?  Set missions up like there are medical supplies spotted out in some forest camp and someone needs to bring them to a survivor camp or one of the hospitals? Or have designated groups that fight for territory?

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The way how the system works for the roleplay is that you will have to create an account on our website (Being worked on as we speak) Then you will have to apply to our whitelist server. In the application for the whitelist you will need to come up with your character name (realistic name IE: John Smith). Then you will have to write a brief background story of your char (EG: How he did, Does he have children/family). Also a reason why we could use you on the server. 


But for the server you must stay in character 99.9% of the time. So there is no KOS pretty much the rules are the same as the dayzrp mod lot but we will have a few differences like more events happening creating mission (if dayz SA will allow modding, Which will prob be a while lol) Also the admin will not be playing they are there just to monitor and make sure no one breaks the rules or so. Now when rules are broken we will do 3 warning system first warning 1 day ban second 3 day third 1 week. We do not like to perm-ban but we will if we have to. (this also depends on which rule out of char not to bad but is annoying to other players. 


If you have more questions or this is unclear send me a PM or say so below 

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Interesting. I'll keep an eye on this post for updates. 

About the KOS I don't see how the playing of roles negates that entirely.  Most of the time I don't KOS, because I play as true to how I would react in a situation.  But when I see someone approaching my helicopter, truck full of my supplies, or in my camp the situation usually dictates that I open fire.  There was even one situation when someone stole my car, I tried to just shoot out the tire but it blew up the car.  I didn't want to kill him, just scare him off and keep my supplies. But he was thrown from the car and knock unconscious. Then zombies started eating him.  I could have tried to save him, but was unsure of how he would react to me almost killing him...So I just sat and watched the zombies eat him, and felt ethically torn. 

Things happen in the apocalypse, bad things happen to good people, and good people do bad things sometimes.  Sometimes inadvertently, sometimes on purpose when their character is tested or their well being is on the line. Also some people would be bandits, and dealing with that constant threat is what makes the game so exciting.

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Well if someone is going to rob somebody in the MOD it is advantageous to just open fire, especially if they attackers are out numbered.  In SA at least items are damaged if one opens fire, so that will encourage holding people up instead of just killing them. KOS doesn't kill realism as long as it is the role you play.  When everyone plays KOS style then it is immersion breaking.

If someone is stealing my car I'm not going to tell them to stop and get out. They'll almost never comply and I'll loose my shot if I wait.  But if I'm in a building and someone is walking up the stairs and I have the advantage I can open dialog while maintaining control of the encounter.  Time and place for everything. 

Edited by Lorax
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It's doubtful you will be allowed to white list a server that is connected to the public hive.  You'll have to wait until they allow modding and private hives which probably won't be until the game is completely finished

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It won't be connected to the public hive to avoid server hoping and private hive at to be released around mid alpha to beta once they have worked out away to create them without them effecting the main database. Whole point of private. also no need to mod everything is already in the game :)

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I like this whole idea and have enjoyed various RP server in other games, I for one would like to try this as well, so keep us updated! :)

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I would be interested in playing this, but I agree with Lorax about the KOS thing.


I think the best way to make it fair in the rules would ne to announce that IF your actions are very obviously of hostile intention, then getting shot on sight should be expected..


Or if you attempt to make contact and receive no response, then hostile action would be allowed.. thats how i'd do it

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Great I'm not the only one who sees the rp potential of DayZ, I'll be keeping an eye on this! Btw is it American/European/Somewhere else based? I'm european myself but if I have to I'll sacrifice some latency for a decent playerbase. Just don't go too crazy on the rules, looking at the dayzrp site I'm not fond of some of the rules they have in place... also they can be a source for drama (not the good kind) and it can take away some of those moments that make DayZ; for instance what do you do when you get yourself in a mexican standoff with a few parties? The KoS rules can prevent the unpredictability of such situations and the situation might have to be diffused always because the one firing the first shot will most likely be violating a rule.

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I played on the DayZ RP server and found it to be the most fun experience I have had in DayZ. I also have been toying around with the idea of starting a DayZ Role Playing server with similar rules and making it more story driven...basically having the Admins act as a faction and dungeon masters as it were...so I see you and I are close to the same page. Would you like to maybe team up and see what we can get going? Have a meeting of the minds sort of thing. I would rather team up with like minded people than compete against them. 

Going into this be prepared for the fact that the devs may NOT allow whitelisting, or changing the server files at all...it has not been officially said one way or another if they will allow that at all. So be prepared for either being creative at coming up with a solution, or going to do a lot of work setting up forms, a website...ect...and then having it all for nothing. 

I might be able to host the server on my remote desktop as well, and we can raise money for the server via donations. 

I really liked DayZ RP but there were A LOT of things I would like to have done differently. So what do you say? Want to have a chat and see if we can join forces? 

Server location...would probably depend on a lot of factors...mostly cost. I am in Montana but the remote server that I use for ArmA2 and ArmA3 is in Germany because the bulk of the people I play with are in the UK and Europe in my ArmA3 clan...latency has never been a major issue for me in the ArmA or DayZ games...I still kill and get killed just fine...lol

Edited by Abshire

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Hook me up, any TS for this?

shotgunroy is o the woy - ehrm - way

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I would love to play with ya, but I am done with ArmA and the mod. xD

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