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About jayhamilton96

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    United Kingdom
  1. Hey guys, I used to run a Epoch Server back when Epoch was in version I am now planning to relaunch the server and have almost forgotten everything regarding scripting/coding as it has been almost a year and I was only an amateur at coding to begin with. I have found my old missions and server pbos and If anyone has knowledge on how to update my files to the latest Epoch Version I would be happy to throw some money your way as I need it done soon. Its as simple as that. If anyone can or has knowledge how to do so, PM me here or add my skype: jayhamilton96 Would greatly appreciate any help Cheers, Hamilton
  2. Hey guys, I used to run a Epoch Server back when Epoch was in version (my forum post can be seen here) I am now planning to relaunch the server and have almost forgotten everything regarding scripting/coding as it has been almost a year and I was only an amateur at coding to begin with. I have found my old missions and server pbos and If anyone has knowledge on how to update my files to the latest Epoch Version I would be happy to throw some money your way as I need it done soon. Its as simple as that. If anyone can or has knowledge how to do so, PM me here or add my skype: jayhamilton96 Would greatly appreciate any help Cheers, Hamilton
  3. Bumping my very old thread as I am seriously considering relaunching this server, I have messaged over 800 people on enjin who were once registered to the website and have gotten a pretty good response from alot of people interested in returning seeing I do relaunch the server. However, i'm just passing on the message here trying to gather interest. Below I will copy and paste the original message I sent out to all my old players..
  4. Liquids Clan Warfare was separate my the one I ran, having only just seen your message now after almost year, I'm shocked to here what happened after I passed the reigns to him.. However, that was separate
  5. jayhamilton96

    Looking for help with Vilayer Server

    try adding me again, or PM me your skype
  6. jayhamilton96

    Looking for help with Vilayer Server

    im sure i can help, add me on skype. skype: jayhamilton96
  7. Hi there, I understand alot of you are fairly new to server hosting and customization. I have been through that myself and am pretty much self taught and have a good understanding of scripting. I run my own server with alot of addons and has grown to become very popular, i know what a server needs etc. to be a success. If you need any help with scripts and would like some scripts, add me on skype. Skype: jayhamilton96 I'll be more than willing to help Server hosts i'm familiar with: -DayZST -Vilayer -HFO ..plus some more, most are fairly similar. Scripts I can do: -Action Menu -Deploy Bike -Self Bloodbag -Watermark Name -Intro Music -Added Trader items (need PhpMyAdmin) -Loading Screen -Halo Spawn -Prison with Weapons Crate (editable loot tables) -Custom Buildings -Auto Refuel/Repair -No Plot Pole Requirement -Heli Evac -Welcome Credits -Full Moon Nights -Vehicle Lock/Unlock Sound -Campfire Dancing (your song choice) -Trader Safezones -Custom Map Markers -Suicide -Debug Monitor -No Base Maintenance -Starting Loadouts -Custom Loadouts -Added Police Cars with Sirens