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Compress day time

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Either that, or, you know, maybe make it so that the servers obey the actual time of the place they're set in.


My gaming time, which is during full daylight here, is in pitch black darkness.


The sun starts to come up at near midnight my time.


So afternoon gaming? Pitch black darkness. How fun.


Please compress the day to 12, or even 6 hours.Give us a chance to actually play during the different times of day.


I'm all for playing at night, but it's just a chore to walk around with a flashlight.


Hell, I don't even have a flashlight on my character any more. So I guess I'm not going to be able the game this afternoon?

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I feel ya man. I played for a few hours in complete darkness with my lone flashlight. I'm on the east coast. Sun didn't start to come up in game until 3am my time... By then my ass was off to bed.

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I agree. On East Coast aswell. Remember it is in Alpha so not everything is final *cough* the game says that when it boots *cough*. Sucks that I cant actually see my character unless i'm on the loading screen as it is always pitch black.

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I personally hate 24/7 daylight servers and stuff, but I am all in for a shorter day/night cycle that allows a person to play at day and night if they are online roughly the same time every day. 12 or 8 hour days seem ideal so that everybody gets to play on day- and on nighttime.

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I don't mind night.

My only complaint is the light still kind of flashes when Its off and there should be an option to put a rag over the torch and sort of create a low light torch great for indoors when only a little light is needed, mostly for identifying items.

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I'm only able to play after work and it seems at that time it is just getting dark, wich results an evening of playing not seeing the daylight. I agree with the OP to make shorter cycles. I know it is meant to be realistic but it's also realistic that a lot of people do not hang around all day in a field trying to find supplies to survive a zombie apocolypse... We need to work ! ;)

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Then don't mix up RL with game life. The only bad thing about MMOs of any kind is that time also runs by in real time in game at least you can log out in DayZ and can't be attacked like PotBs. You can basically run in game time f.e. at 1.5x speed without having the surroundings look awkward ( 3x speed is fun but the clouds are that fast, too ) so you always have another time in game when you log on after work/school/sex.

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if they dont make a shorter day-span, people who work will resort to other methods, aka

memory writing directly to client, and all your wrapped up functions and calls will not help to avoid it  it
to FORCE it to be a daytime client side, or even better yet, full screen thermal vision... dont make it easy, but at same time dont make it overly frustrating

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Please compress the day to 12, or even 6 hours.Give us a chance to actually play during the different times of day.




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