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Put Fix Suggestions Here!!

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Please make this game more realistic again.... I shouldnt have to drink every 3 min... I shouldnt pass out after 30 minutes of running and die forever!?!? I know this is work in progress but I hope in the future I dont have to deal with repairing my base every day or having to eat EVERY 5 SECONDS REALLY? I pretty much continually eat and eat and drink and drink and still pass out. There is not enough loot to keep me alive out there I hate having to go in my inventory every 5 seconds to eat or drink something. I have spent and will continue to spend lots of money on bohemia products. I would like to say this is the first bohemia game I get decent FPS on!! Congrats on that one a little more client performance and i might actually not lag in the cities.... Dayz is my favorite game of all time.. Please make more realistic in any ways possible. ALSO p.S. PLEASE BRING LEADERBOARDS!! (Leaderboards for everything but especially for heros. 

Edited by Lucidreams

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IDK about you but my character doesn't need to drink every 3 min, or pass out after 30 minute. maybe you need to slow down and not run everywhere. sit and rest for like a minute. drink every once in a while, eat some food. seems to be fine to me...

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