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When should we expect majority of bugs to be fixed?

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Just wondering if someone can explain,as i'm unfimiliar with alpha development generally.


For someone who is buying the game next month(month after release) can i expect that most major game-braking bugs be fixed by then? Or does it mean from now to 1 year later alpha will be buggy mess?


What would be proper development schedule for alpha? For example:


1.bug fixing

2.adding new features





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bugs are a main priority of the dev team, anything game breaking is there first concern, shortly after followed by loot balancing and things of that nature.


i remember dean saying awhile ago that when the game is released they plan to roll out content every week or so, i assume that means bug fixes with some added content to flesh out gameplay.



so in summary all major bugs will be fixed fairly fast, minor things that dont effect game play to much however may take a little longer depending on how complex the issue is.


i cant predict when the game will be out of alpha and into beta but ARMA 3 didnt take to long, and seen as DayZ now has the backing of BI i can imagine progress will be much faster than the mod, as the mod only had dedicated fans who were not being payed.

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Just wondering if someone can explain,as i'm unfimiliar with alpha development generally.


For someone who is buying the game next month(month after release) can i expect that most major game-braking bugs be fixed by then? Or does it mean from now to 1 year later alpha will be buggy mess?


What would be proper development schedule for alpha? For example:


1.bug fixing

2.adding new features




It does say that the Alpha-state is going to be lasting more than a year, which would leave us with alot of  change between patches on a regular basis.


I believe they're not planning on releasing the testbuilds to public, but be testing it before pushing it to all servers, so there's the change that you will be playing fairly uninterrupted if you don't want to be part of experimental builds. The experimental builds were being updated multiple times a day back in testing, though.


Bugs will be fixed as soon as possible and there will be tons of new updates coming soon enough, but for now I would say we all go back to enjoying the game, especially as it just came out, christmas is near - and we don't want to see Dean collapsing, as he's been working enough / too much over the past year of development. :)

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Thanks,i'll probably get the game a month from now when most of gamebraking bugs will be fixed. I don't want to ruin my experience by stupid deaths and inventory disappear caused by bug

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Yeah I would not buy the game unless A. You want to save money, and B you want to help test. Don't expect to join a server, have no issues and build up a base/camp its not going to happen right now. As far as I can tell there are no vehicles at all yet. There are many broken items/ bugs at this point that would need to be fixed before I would even consider playing hardcore trying to actually find good gear to keep. The Knock out is bugged right now I just kill myself when it happens. I think the food/thirst is also bugged as 5 seconds after you spawn in it says your thirsty, if you drink 2 seconds later I told me I was thirsty after 2 cans of soda.... Not sure if they added factors like Only water will hydrate you ect. I did see a Saline bag so this might be a thing.  This is not going to be Dayz Mod, its going to take some skill to play and solo play will be tough. It will take hours to gear up after a death and might make people think twice before trying to kill someone.

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Thanks,i'll probably get the game a month from now when most of gamebraking bugs will be fixed. I don't want to ruin my experience by stupid deaths and inventory disappear caused by bug


When dont you die a stupid death or lose your gear in dayz? Bug or not ;) *shit!missed the laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddeeeeeeerrrr *THUD**

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Thanks,i'll probably get the game a month from now when most of gamebraking bugs will be fixed. I don't want to ruin my experience by stupid deaths and inventory disappear caused by bug

This is still early in development, bugs will be fixed but new ones will be introduced.

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