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xX_fr0st-w0lf_Xx (DayZ)

Friendlies, Friendlies everywhere.

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How great is this, I have come across 11 people in SA so far, and 9 out of the 11 were friendly, even the ones with weapons that could have easily killed me. I'm quite pleased with the community at the moment. 


Enjoy it while it lasts :)


How many friendlies have you run into? 

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Ran into two guys on my first character, we traded and helped each other out. The friend I'm playing with now met another armed guy who didn't kill him. It's rather nice.

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Ran into 6 people today. 3 were unresponsive when spoken to and pretty much ignored me, 1 killed me on sight, 1 befriended me, the other would've done the whole "unresponsive when spoken to" stuff if the newly acquired friend didn't start shooting him. This person was able to kill both of us with a single shovel, and my friend had a M4 and I had a shovel at the time. He was able to sort of glitch into my friend's character, making his character derp around and him being unable to do anything, and then he beat me in a one on one shovel match. I remember he eventually did speak on the microphone saying "you guys didnt think this through did you, this is the second group i killed with a fucking shovel."

Edited by Sterling

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