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Server Provider

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Hello Guys,

whats the way for Server Provider to get Serverfiles an selling Server ?

i see Vilayer is always starting selling server.


Any email i can send a application ?


Thanks for all Answering me :)





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Not available at the moment, they're planned for the future.

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More and more server Provider are setting up server ... but ... how is the way ... for this how can they setup server ...

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Villayer just sent me an Email stating i can buy a server from them now..... lol yeah right. #shiteprovider

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So did the companies that are hosting the current servers make some arrangement with the DayZ team? I would like to start hosting the servers from my company aswell right away actually, this way they're gonna get all the early customers :P

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Excellent! Now do some strange hosting company it when I get a server with more than 300 ping, thank you!

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Reboot if your from the Uk the only advice i will give is use GamingDeluxe.co.uk they are by far the best gaming community hosts to the uk.They are very fair with  the price and their service is second to none and i mean that. If you have a problem they will fix it.If you need help or advice they will give you neutral advice.If your anywere else just avoid the 1 that stands out the most in everygame. They have the worst service.They run a very poor cpanel in the webby that never works and it takes they very long periods to answer support tickets

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Guessing the GSP have priorities over private servers for the moment.

Hopefully someday soon we'll be able to host our own dedicated servers..

Edited by eggster

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Doesnt say much for the Standalone Server Host Providers nor a list of any(i've already seen people ask about the list and these same links were provided to them)... Already searched through the Dayz forums only seen Vilayer/Gameservers and the list that was posted was for the Dayz mod. Any help will be appreciated.

Edited by Floyd93

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