matt6950 11 Posted December 5, 2013 Hey everyone of Dayz. I am thinking of getting a Dayz server but would like your input. For you what makes a server great?What map's and game mods do you like? for example Origins? Yes you may see I have ran servers in the past, they had a good player base but due to funds I had to shut them down, I plan to have this new server long term but I will need your help and support. if there is not a player base then the server will be shut down, a player base to me is 10+ people. Information about the server. It would be hosted in the UK or USA, depending on what you guys want it will be a original server or have some mods added, the server will never go Pay to win. the server will have TSW Anti Hack.But as I said I would like your opinion, do you think their are enough servers? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meat pie 632 Posted December 5, 2013 do you think their are enough servers? YES! This is the bad thing about servers,all the maps people play have to many servers all the maps no one plays have to few servers because no one plays them. So you cant help unless you make namalsk,lingor or something with not many servers, but you wont get many players most likely.Just DONT make another epoch server we have to many of thouse. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weparo 613 Posted December 5, 2013 Make a vanilla server, chernaurus, day night cycle. Advertise. Many guys complain about there not beeing any. Make sure to put "Vanilla" in the server name. Weparo out 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matt6950 11 Posted December 5, 2013 Thank you for your input guys very helpful I want a community server more than a server if that makes sense. were we have regular members who get to know each other and get to trust and help each other (Don't listen to them Sith Peace is not a lie!) I have tried running a Vanilla server before but due to the lack of a player base I shut it down... I will be going for a private hive because no offense to BattleEye I want to add a custom Anti-Virus to make it hard for them script kiddies, Admin Powers: I don't think it's right for admins to have justified hacks! like with admin tools, "Special Admins" like my self will have a few things they can use to help detect hackers for example being able to spectate players. We also want to be able to give players back some of their gear if they are killed by a hacker (proof must be given to a admin) for example if your killed with a high power sniper, and have proof we will give you a lower power sniper, as a way of us saying sorry. Like I said the server will NOT be Pay to win but I do feel people who donate should get something what this something will be is still to be decided. I will also buy a cheap cell phone and give that number out to players so if there is a hacker on the server they can send me a text I'll jump on and sort it out. Going back to Admins. their will be no abusive admins, Admins will be hand picked by my self, we may recruit for them but only the best will be picked. No stupid Admin Powers, Friendly Admins, Fair bans, with a chance of being unbanned, we will give everyone a 2nd chance but never a 3rd chance, UNLESS any of the bans were in error. We won't ban people because they killed an Admin and took their gear and vehicles. Events: There may be times where we implement some from of spawning gear system into the server for certain events for example "cargo run" Admins and a few select players will get into a convoy with cargo vehicles full with common to rare weapons if you kill us you get the gear and the vehicles. We want to interactive with you guys as much as possible we want the server to be fresh, fun, back to basics and most of all we want what you want! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meat pie 632 Posted December 5, 2013 Make a vanilla server, chernaurus, day night cycle. Advertise. Many guys complain about there not beeing any. Make sure to put "Vanilla" in the server name. Weparo out^this If you do this you could get a ton of people from this site.have vanilla in the title,also if have day night cycle,and if you want say something like 100% Vanilla or classic dayz. Make sure no full moon nights no donater bonus and not many cars/helis. Then make a topic on the fourm advertising and make you servers stats be you signature so if anyone sees you posts they see your server. This could work with getting you a player base,but it has to be Vaniila no mods no self blood bag! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meat pie 632 Posted December 5, 2013 Thank you for your input guys very helpful I want a community server more than a server if that makes sense. were we have regular members who get to know each other and get to trust and help each other (Don't listen to them Sith Peace is not a lie!) I have tried running a Vanilla server before but due to the lack of a player base I shut it down... I will be going for a private hive because no offense to BattleEye I want to add a custom Anti-Virus to make it hard for them script kiddies, Admin Powers: I don't think it's right for admins to have justified hacks! like with admin tools, "Special Admins" like my self will have a few things they can use to help detect hackers for example being able to spectate players. We also want to be able to give players back some of their gear if they are killed by a hacker (proof must be given to a admin) for example if your killed with a high power sniper, and have proof we will give you a lower power sniper, as a way of us saying sorry. Like I said the server will NOT be Pay to win but I do feel people who donate should get something what this something will be is still to be decided. I will also buy a cheap cell phone and give that number out to players so if there is a hacker on the server they can send me a text I'll jump on and sort it out. Going back to Admins. their will be no abusive admins, Admins will be hand picked by my self, we may recruit for them but only the best will be picked. No stupid Admin Powers, Friendly Admins, Fair bans, with a chance of being unbanned, we will give everyone a 2nd chance but never a 3rd chance, UNLESS any of the bans were in error. We won't ban people because they killed an Admin and took their gear and vehicles. Events: There may be times where we implement some from of spawning gear system into the server for certain events for example "cargo run" Admins and a few select players will get into a convoy with cargo vehicles full with common to rare weapons if you kill us you get the gear and the vehicles. We want to interactive with you guys as much as possible we want the server to be fresh, fun, back to basics and most of all we want what you want!So much for my idea :/ well if its going to be like that try to do it on namalsk or something do not let it get eaten by the mounten of other normal chruans servers out there. i would play your server for you if it comes out just make it something new and cool like lingor or namaslk that way we will all see it because the server list is not massive Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matt6950 11 Posted December 5, 2013 So much for my idea :/This is going to be the issue, it's going to be impossible to keep everyone happy, I need to find the point at which it will keep the people who like vanilla servers happy and people who like a little bit extra. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OfficerRaymond 2064 Posted December 5, 2013 At this point in the mod, with us being so close to the Standalone I wouldn't even bother. Plus, you'll have one of two kinds of server. Either you'll own and run a good server for real DayZ players with maybe a few extra vehicles, normal loot rates, no pay to win, and maybe a few custom guns. And that server will never reach a population of over 10 people at one time. OR you'll own and run a shitty server that's 1,000 vehicles, super spawn rates, 'donate' for loadouts, extra military loot spawns, fast respawn, self bloodbag, and PvPnoscopeswag. Either way, there's no point of owning a server. Nobody will play on a server if it's vanilla like, and we have enough of those shitty PvP servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weparo 613 Posted December 5, 2013 At this point in the mod, with us being so close to the Standalone I wouldn't even bother.He has a good point actually. When alpha releases within the next couple weeks (choooo choooo) all your hardcore dayZ gamers will be in the SA unless there are massive, MASSIVE bugs. So vanilla might actually not be your best bet :'( 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matt6950 11 Posted December 5, 2013 Just done a read up on Dayz Standalone they have said they do expect major bugs and glitches upon alpha release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted December 5, 2013 Hello there Being a decent Server admin is no easy task. It takes time and effort and imagination and a keen eye. If you want to throw up a server and have lulz and expect folk to visit just because its there, then its probably best not to bother. Expect to fund it yourself. Donations are a brucey bonus and only come after one has proved to admin a safe stable environment. Prior planning is important and make a server that appeals to you. If you have good ideas then likeminded folk will gravitate towards you. Dot just go for a server that appeals to the masses, there#s already loads and many that will be doing it better than you. Unless you have something new to bring to the table that is. Dont expect instant fame, Lambo's and laydeez is the point im trying to make. Rgds LoK 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weparo 613 Posted December 5, 2013 Just done a read up on Dayz Standalone they have said they do expect major bugs and glitches upon alpha release. of course they will. I personally expect the worst. Well no actually not, i've seen the worst. (WarZ, lol). But I expect it to be very demanding, hardware and gameplay wise. Gliches, exploits, no loot, random death, maybe even hax (please no hax), connection issues, FLIPPING GLICHING ZOMBIES. But I'll still buy it the first day and test as much as I can. Because it's a great concept, and i trust Rocket. That's why I said the hardcore gamers will play/test it. The casual gamers will stay at epoch, and that's fine for me 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matt6950 11 Posted December 5, 2013 (edited) Thank you Orlok for your input some vaild points their. I know being a admin is not all fun an games, and their is the hard side of things, and hard choices involved. the cost of the server is $35 for a 40 slot server and their Anti-hack. which in my currency is £22, not a great deal, I can fund that my self. but I don't want to be funding it my self for 5-10 players, out of a 40 slot server I would be happy to fund it at a 20 player base. I won't be getting it till Tuesday, I have no money at the moment and I get Paid on Tuesday so I have a few days to think about it and get a game plan ready, I will be hosting events on the server. which will be for fun and might involve some gear for the winner. For example king of the hill, find a hill or something people battle to the top of a hill where a admin is based with a common to rare weapon who ever kills the Admin gets the weapon, this could be a good way to get gear but it could also end up losing gear for some people. Weparo I agree I will get it but I feel alot of people will return to dayz for the 1st few months until it gets better and yes Warz was a massive let down lol Edited December 5, 2013 by matt6950 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weparo 613 Posted December 5, 2013 Well, I'd bean you, but I'm all out. I hope you're successfull with your server, and thank you for the generosity of hosting a server free of charge. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites