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Maybe next time try... "employment"?

As a note, I have a job. You got no right to critisize me. I earn 10x more than what I pay for my server from my job. But why the hell am I supposed to fund the server from my pocket for a server that I am putting my effort from my time for scripting(Not minutes, hours). The server should run itself if I am putting my effort by scripting and debuging.

At SA-MP servers the donation system is way different. You don't give people some extra stuff by logging to some sql base and edit some variables. You personally mod your script from scratch. So you put your time and effort to it. That's why people donate. You get very unique features -- which is limited with the scripter's creativity.

But, I got the reason why you hate those P2W servers. Those who own them only edit some variables and ta-da there is bour donation gift. I agree. That's infact stealing. You did not deserve that money. For yourself or the server, no matter. But we need to exclude those sservers which have custom scripts from scratch and have big effort in it. Those are the servers that should survive.

OT: Thanks for the feedback. Will decide on the gun with the feedback I got.

Edited by Yazar8

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