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12/1/13 Epoch Story.

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12/1/13 Epoch Story, as requested people want me to write more stories.  :) 

     So me and my clan were on our Epoch server. We were about to head off to an AI mission. Our friend who had taken a truck back to the base had gotten out of it to come back in a plane was shot and killed by a DMR. Us in the SUV and Kemaz quickly turned around and full speeded back to the base. We had a custom hangar at our base that we donated for, we pulled into that and turned broad-sided, and got out.
      Shortly after a new mission popped up that was really close, and the couple guys in the Kemaz took off towards it. Shortly after the Kemaz pulled off, we started taking shots in the SUV. The Kemaz came back and we held out for a minute. All 7 of us were in that hangar.
     We quickly tried to find out where he was. I walked around the opposite side the shots were coming from, 5 seconds later, a shot rang out. Before I could do anything I fell over dead. I respawned in Balota and started working my way back, 2 other guys got shot soon after I died.
      There were eventually 5 left, 1 took out and ran for the woods, trying to flank them. Another shot rang out, another fellow comrade fell. At this point we're falling into a state of despair. There is now 4 left in the hangar, the cruel snipers then worked their way to the hangar. The rest of our clan cowering into the corners, completely into the state of despair. 
     One of them peaked into the hangar and killed another fellow comrade.. There is now 3, one ran out and got into our base, he got onto the top of our base where he could get a shot. He finally spotted the other guy. He rose up thinking he was still looking at the hangar. He was quickly mistaken... Another shot rang out, another comrade down.
      One of our guys made a break for the woods and made it to a safe area and waited the attack out, because we needed a looted man. The last one prepared for the worst and hoped for the best inside the blood stained hangar. He went prone in the corner, they soon had one of their guys peak in once again and finished off our last comrade at the hangar.
     After we all got back they had taken our SUV, and our Kemaz. We are currently building a perimeter around our base. We're also collecting lots of wood. WE WILL RISE! That's okay, they know who they are. They're in for an ass kicking.  :thumbsup: 

This story will count as tomorrow's, because I'm not sure if I'll be on tomorrow and be able to write one, so Just take this as tomorrow's story, and I hope you guys liked it!  :)  :D  :thumbsup: 
If you want more let me know.  :beans:

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"This story will count as tomorrow's"

....that sounds like you want to post a story everyday, I dissaprove.

The odd story(maybe every month or so) that was actually interesting was fine but these daily "We beat a group in Epoch" or "I snuck up on a poorly armed fresh spawn and shot him"filling up the new post section and DayZ General is actually getting ridiculous, all it would take is to make an "Official DayZ Stories Thread" or something of the likes, and there would be nothing to complain about why has this forum suddenly devolved into:


1)Useless shit posting?

2)Entire 'New Posts Section' filled with "300 vehicles active admins"?

3)Stories that get tiring for people who have seen like 100 of them?

4)Clusterfuck of idiocy and trolls in the Devblog threads?



There are barely any suggestions, even when there are they're mostly just plain stupid, suggested before, or pratically impossible (ties in with plain stupid)


People who come to the forum looking for help because they're new or dont know what to do being mocked by older members, this entire forums just going nasty in areas.:


Sucks to be you?

In rezponce to someone posting a problem in the troubleshoot section, why....why would you even post this?in the attempt to get a few beans from other pricks who like to make fun of newer members?as I said, going nasty in areas, it's not even the new people who are doing this too the Forum, yet people treat it like it's all the KoS kiddies fault that this community is going to shit, it's not, it's people who act like fresh faces are cancer to communities, maybe if we didnt have so many damn neegative regulars we'd have some positive newbies instead of ones who make a few posts and leave again, also this is only to some of the regulars, there are many people who regulary post who are nice (Max Plank....Planc?...Planck and all the Staff/Support people (I'm not sucking up, you're all wonderful)


(I'll probably get a suspension from Curgon seeing (bleepitybleepbloop) got one for doing something similar)


P.S: I dont mind you having stories to post, but maybe you guys could have a designated thread for it instead of filling up DayZ general with it.



(most of this might end up as its own topic, I kinda just went of on a tangent for most of this post)

Edited by RekliSnipez
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People wanted me to post a story, and I'm not sure if I could be on tomorrow, so yeah I posted it. And the forums are for posting, not staring and drooling. So until I'm told by someone who has authority, (I'm following rules) i'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. And there's nothing wrong with wanting to post a story everyday imo, if it entertains people with a story, then that's okay. Sorry for your inconvenience, but oh well. 

Edited by Zedertone

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People wanted me to post a story, and I'm not sure if I could be on tomorrow, so yeah I posted it. And the forums are for posting, not staring and drooling. So until I'm told by someone who has authority, (I'm following rules) i'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. And there's nothing wrong with wanting to post a story everyday imo, if it entertains people with a story, then that's okay. Sorry for your inconvenience, but oh well. 

oh I'm fine with you posting it, I'm just wondering i there's a chance you guys who post stories could actually just have 1 thread for all the stories so the newbies asking for help arent buried under 100 story threads that constantly get bumped.

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oh I'm fine with you posting it, I'm just wondering i there's a chance you guys who post stories could actually just have 1 thread for all the stories so the newbies asking for help arent buried under 100 story threads that constantly get bumped.

Yeah that's a good idea.

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I'm assuming third person was on? The encounter would have been entirely different if they didn't have that advantage over you.

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I'm assuming third person was on? The encounter would have been entirely different if they didn't have that advantage over you.

Yeah. :P

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Yeah. :P


Yeah so now they're not quite this awesome force they sound like right, and you're not so much the bunch of cowering noobs that you sound like. Now imagine how that scenario would have played out in first person only - I bet it would have been more tense for both sides and had a completely different outcome.

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Yeah so now they're not quite this awesome force they sound like right, and you're not so much the bunch of cowering noobs that you sound like. Now imagine how that scenario would have played out in first person only - I bet it would have been more tense for both sides and had a completely different outcome.

Definitely. Turns out they were hackers anyhow, so they're IP and GUID banned from the server. xD

Edited by Zedertone

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