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Day Z Mod Launch error.

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So to start from the beginning I guess.. I bought Arma 2 and Arma 2:Operation arrow head off of Amazon.com. I Downloaded them installed them then I went online and installed DayZ Commander Updated both Arma 2 and DayZ itself. Then according to tutorials that is all you have to do then i go to join a server and I get the following error messages. (Error messages have been attached to the post) I hit okay on the first one then it starts to load the game then bam the second error appears and boots me to the main menu of Arma.


Any help would be much appreciated!





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you need to update arma2 to version 1,11 and arma2 oa to 1.62 you can see your current versions by checking the bottom right corner in the main menu 


dayz commander only istalls the beta this will show as 1.62 but is missing a lot of the required files 

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I think you have to run both games independently first.. for example launch Arma 2 then quit the game when it gets to the menu screen, then launch Arrowhead after and quit that.


Some kinda 'Combined Operations' thingamajig.. anyways, its what worked for me. Hope it helps.


Ahh ninja'd, disregard my input... glad you got it sorted :)

Edited by NuckFuts

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guys, damn god.

I have downloaded and installed from Bohemian Interactive the ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 combined operations both STEAM versions, so i activated them on Steam and lauched them. My target was DayZ mod.

damn god.

Three days, three days trying to get it.

First i tried on Steam, i downloaded the DayZ mod from steam. First it gave me a error because of missing any content in the folder. I read some topics and fixed it. Then i opened the game and i can't connect to any damn server, because "my version it's too old", so i updated it even with dayzcomander and it cant be out of date! it is the last: 1.8 !!! 

Second, once i managed to connect to a damn server, and i spawned as a bird. I read some topics in which it said  that its spectator mode, well, i dont give a **** about spectator mode, i want to play and there was no way. So i tried to launch a lan game, on my poor own, but yeah... this didn't work as well goddamn! Nothig works! how is it possible? i got a windows 8, i bought it 1 week ago, i have 1000GB free space and 12 GB RAM, intel core i7 4700!

however, arma 2 and OA both work fine, so why do the expansions not work??????? i tried play WITHsix i tried DayZ commander, i tried everything. For three fucking days i read ten hundread topics and almost killed my computer. i even tried runing steam as admin, that doesnt fix it.

Some one who could be my last hope please help me, i don't know what to do, usually i always managed to fix things on my own, but this game keeps on giving me ten thousand bugs for every little thing.


P.s. i get no missions in my Dayz mod when i want to launch a lan game, so i cant even have missions goddamn! and in my i44 (because i also tried that) i spawn as i girl, a damn ***** girl! wihout weapons and clothes. and without landscape and soldiers around.


thanks in advance

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First off - you need calm down.


After that you need to install the latest Beta Patch. You can do that using DayZCommander where it says "ARMA 2: (Version#)".


Also, make sure to check "Launch using Steam" & "Replace original ARMA2OA files with Beta so Steam works" and then you're all set.

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Yeah, sorry, it's just that i am having problems with that game since three days, and it always doesnt fix, whatever i try.


Thanks for your information, but i can't find that "ArmA 2: (Version#)" you wrote about. When i go in DayZ commander, and i click on "install update", it only shows me "DayZ commader (up to date)"  and "ArmA 2 103718 (updated)".


I downloaded arma 2 CO package and activated it on steam, so the package also gave me ArmA operation arrowhead BETA. what do you mean with "latest beta patch"? it seems that so far on my steam eveything is up to date. Where do you mean i should go and check for updates for my beta version?


and another question, where do i find "launch using steam" and "replace original Arma 2 OA  files with beta so steam works?

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Thanks for your information, but i can't find that "ArmA 2: (Version#)" you wrote about. When i go in DayZ commander, and i click on "install update", it only shows me "DayZ commader (up to date)"  and "ArmA 2 103718 (updated)".


That IS your version-number ;)



and another question, where do i find "launch using steam" and "replace original Arma 2 OA  files with beta so steam works?


In your settings on DayZCommander.

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ah thanks man ;)

i found all the locations of those tips. 


the version is up to date, and i just checked those options in the DayZcommander.


Can i also host my own LAN game (or internet) in DayZ? because it always didn't open any mission before. I mean, in the mod there weren't missions i could select to play my own match in LAN, and i didnt manage to make it work. Do you know any solution? Is it possible to host a LAN or internet match?


Thanks very much

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