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suggestions classes or skilltree and other stuff

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Ive saw devs post about classes and come up with a few suggestions for them.



30% + meat for killed game

can tame wild horses if implemented and having a saddle wich spawns at farms

easier befriendlier dogs

ability to spot game when close

is more silent when running and walking



Snipers choice?

get 3+ storage capacity in backpack - great for storing the extras mags

get 30% decreased reloading time due to military training

30% more accuracy with weapons, Sniper have less movement when aiming



Can heal himself/herself with bloodbags

30% decreased time on healing stuff like bandaging



only one that can repair chopper parts like rotor and stuff

only one that can repair engines for cars, make it so 30% of cars spawns with 50% motor health for balancing

and rest with 10% health or broken

all other repairs can be done with any other class(maybe considering dropping engine fix)

only one that can construct generators that provide lights

and as devs said vital for base construction and crafting special items and weapons for the group

(not including weapon mods as all should be able to do it)


i think classes are a great idea becouse they add to the teamwork and gameplay. ;)

just so they add cooperative status but not ruin it for the singleplayer

also make us be able to wear flaslight at the same time as a gun

like dragging a flaslight into weapon mod slot



and make duct tape as a mag so it have limited uses like 15, one inventory slot

make it rare like 0.56% spawnrate at residential, 1.45% at industry and farm as before

and removes ammo when crafting stuff,

like taping flaslight to helmet costs 2

taping mags together cost 1 ( two mags gets combined and take up two slots but have two, first the dubble mag -50% reload time, become normal mag when depleted)

taping knife or flaslight to gun cost 4 ( requires alot to keep it on the weapon becouse recoil!) drag knife or flashlight to weapon mod slot when having duct tape in inventory

making a taped bottle of water costs 3

beartrap cost 3

tripwire cost 3



Make dart gun able to find at hospitals but quite rare and exreamly rare at farms.

Make it be able to incapacitate survivors for 5 mins yeah boring but wathevs?

1 shot, op but akm anyone?

No blood damage and can help take out targets without killing them adding alot more of gameplay as friendly players getting a method wiping enimies out.

also hostile player can take you out and raid you but leave you with whatever they dident needed.

incapacitated when shot after 20-30 secs.

hostile players can take you hostage


doses on the darts can we say is already done as in real life to prevent difficulties.

if having a dart gun and shot a wild horse incapacitating them after 30-40 sec making you able to throw a harness on them, (riding set at barns)

and tame them, take 10 mins? or instanly when scrolled on horse?

Edited by Snowly10

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get 3+ storage capacity in backpack - great for storing the extras mags

get 30% decreased reloading time due to military training

30% more accuracy with weapons

IMBA as shit, instant pick.


also dean doesnt speak about "Classes", I'm pretty sure he likes the idea of a slow, progressive skill tree with tiny changes like 1% changes every (long ass time)

Edited by RekliSnipez

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I always wanted players to assign their own classes in a sort of group.

Like one guy might instantly decide to be medic and carry the majority of the groups meds around.

Another guy might decide to be the engineer because he likes driving, brake it you fix it sort of deal.

One guy might prefer sniping, another guy might like CQC so he grabs a shotgun.

If you are on your own you're probably going to struggle to medicate, and defend yourself to the maximum extent let alone being able to repair vehicles.

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"Classes" have been suggested before. They've been shoot Down every single time.


Also 30% extra accuracy...

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it could also be a talent tree but would you loose it when dead, probaly not

skilltree of what ever way you want to go can invest in all skilltrees but can only max up one for added teamplay: 1 stat for every skill


med enchanments: 30+ med speed, 30+ med speed, when shot -30% health when damaged so much,(wound healing recharges it over time) can look over gun wounds and give them 100% again


hunter enchanments: 30+ game, pickings herbs(diffrent uses maybe or only add to food when cooked for more health) lights green for easier spoting, tame (dogs should all be able to do it? probaly)

and horses(explained horses before)


assult enchanments: +20% reloadspeed, +15% accurucy with guns(easier aiming with snipers), extra stamina +1 loot spot in bag(or two, op?)


engineer enchanments: 30+ repair speed, 30+ repair speed, ability to fix choppers.


it would allow players to customize their playstyle more.

Edited by Snowly10

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Now when i think about it im in for a skilltree! :)

give something to acomplish but then you have to have seperate charathers.

like 4 characther slots

Edited by Snowly10

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Sounds too arcadey for my liking.  seem the norm in most games now and I like DayZ for the realism (Yes I said it)


Whats wrong with mastering a method or skill by playing the game and not having gained advantages built in?

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25
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achiving specefications as self training is very realistic as home made enginneer, one that have learnt the medic ways is valuable for others as you can make give blodbag to others, a stat 10, maybe first one because thats easy? i dont know if it is. One that learnt to hunt or learning to hunt upgrade the hunting skilltree, one that improving his aim upgrading the assult tree, it would make sense. More strenght increase load capacity and so on instead of giving all player to know everything, its not as real life, you learn things like taming a horse in the hunter three, maybe not add hunters eye that make spotting animlas easier becuse it wouldent add to the realism.


Have the abbility to max up two skilltrees maybe of the four then you would get plenty selftraining options maybe becoming an homemade engineer that knows medic stuff or a assult sniper that can tame horses and ride silenty in the forests? EDIT: Only the ablitlity to max up one stat for more teamplay options.


skillreset wouldt work as it would make you only playing one time to 300 stats?, not lvls to arcade yes not visible to others, and then customize to your liking with skillreset everytime you die, would only work on dead char becaouse reasons. so think carefully about spending stats or just add skillreset i dont know?


gaining stats you get from spending time in the game, yes you can leave you char in game and play other stuff but it wouldnt be any fun would it?

Edited by Snowly10

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