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[SOS]Special Operations Service | Epoch | 13+ | Tactical Realism |

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Special Operations Service



The Special Operations Service is Tactical Realism clan that plays DayZ and Arma 2 both. We are a clan that is dedicated to maintaining order and civilization during the apocalypse. The S.O.S is not a bandit clan nor a Hero clan we refuse to pick a side. Although we are not a bandit or a Hero clan we will do whatever it takes to preserve the clans interests.



1. Infantry - Is the most valued and most use branch of the clan, they travel in teams of 4 people. Each person side the team will have a medium - close ranged weapon. The Infantry are used for assaults on certain places and close range attacks.

2. Rangers - Rangers will travel in four man teams that consist of; Two snipers, a primary sniper and a secondry sniper. The secondary sniper would be expected to scout and spot for the primary sniper. The primary sniper will be taking most of the shots. The other members of the rangers will be more prepared for close quarters combat, consisting of a mid - long range weapon such as a M16 Acog, available to use at a mid and long range weapon, the last member will have a close quarters weapon, designed for extremely close situations.This means that this ranger squad with elite players should be prepared for every gun fight situation. There might be possible tests of ability, and other such things.


3. Air Force - Transports the other branches of the clan to different parts of the map using air vehicles. The Air Force also provides air support for the other branches as while.

Edited by Shrome
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Really a great clan with a good leader. I recommend anyone looking for a nice group to join this one. I did.

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Been a member for a while now, the clan is consistent and fun. I would recommend anyone to join, we are welcome to any age :) If no-one is on, just wait someone should be on soon. Both English and American players across different time zones, you should never go alone! 

-Dante (My ts name)

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Age: 13


Hey i'd like to join your clan as an infantry man? I have good accuracy and good at spotting enemies so if you need a secondary sniper for the ranger branch I could be that too.


Thanks :p

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I tried to add you on Skype but my Skype isn't working right now, do you have Team Speak?

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I will give it a shot. I am 14 years old and I am very experienced. What server do you guys play on. And I would like the scout role.

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Age: 13

Skype: conor.davis01


Hey bro's! Could i join your clan. As either a primary or secondary sniper or apart of the Infantry. Im good enough at DayZ and would love to join. Been looking for a clan. Thanks!!!

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I'm sick of waiting for my friends to put aside RL and play some DayZ! I've been killing zombies since the very beginning and have experience in all the popular mods. Ready for action, Sirs!

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Hey man I really want to check out your clan. I am 14 and have a ton of experience. Hit me up if you're interested. My Skype name is dominiceberle

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Considering the guy that opened this topic is banned from these forums I wouldn't expect to get a reply on here.

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