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Do i need to buy something to play this game? i downloaded the installer but it crashed several times saying a conflict with my net framework might be corrupt. SO i then uninstalled net framework 4.5 and reinstalled and tried the installer again and it didnt work. Then i downloaded the OTHER installer the dayzcommander and it said i had to buy arma2 or something. I am so confused and dont get what to do and i would love to play this mmo, i finally found a great game i think i could play for a long time and its not working </3 lol

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You need to buy Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead in order to play. DayZ is a mod for Operation Arrowhead (and OA requires the original Arma 2).

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So i download them then i add this game into the folder?? Im going to go download them now. Arnt those games army games? Isnt this a whole diff game in general?

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Read well what Inception typed. It is a modification for Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead military simulator game. Go find a tutorial on youtube how to install it.

You cant play it if you have the game bought on torrents.

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  On 11/3/2013 at 12:42 AM, Arcious0151 said:

 Arnt those games army games? Isnt this a whole diff game in general?


The DayZ mod uses the Arma engine as it is realistic (to an extent). 

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  On 11/3/2013 at 12:42 AM, Arcious0151 said:

So i download them then i add this game into the folder?? Im going to go download them now. Arnt those games army games? Isnt this a whole diff game in general?


I hope you mean buy. We don't take kindly to pirates here.


But really, do some google searching on the topic. DayZ is a modification (a modification is a free, user-made content pack designed to change the original game in some way) of a military simulator-ish game called Arma 2 Combined Operations, which you can buy off of Steam. DayZ mod is completely free, Arma 2 isn't. 


DayZ is currently being made into a new, actual, improved game. It is expected to release in a an unfinished form (called an alpha) at a reduced price sometime in the next year (there's no release date yet). For more info, just ask.

Edited by colekern

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