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carbine781 (DayZ)

Quick Tips For Starter (Submit a tip if you have one)

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Hi guys. This is just something I decided to make for any new players in DayZ.


These are just some quick tips. Here are a few I came up with. Come up with some in the comments below. I will post any that I really like here (and give you credit).


Tip: Stock up on food as early as possible. Therefore, you do not need to risk your life going back into busy towns to find food.


Tip: If you are being chased by zombies, try to outrun them. Firing your weapon will only attract more. If you have a melee weapon, use that.


Tip: Try to zig zag in and out of trees and run through forests if you have zombies chasing you. If they lose sight of you for a few seconds, you have escaped successfully.


Tip: Don't use sprint (double tap W) when walking long distances. Just hold down W to lightly jog. Sprinting will tire you out after awhile, and you will end up walking slower than you would if you just kept jogging. *Note: This tip is assuming you are using the default key binds*



Get a hatchet (or machete) asap.



Practice the basic controls in Arma first if you've never played before =)



People are dicks.
Don't trust people unless you know they won't shoot you (Even then, don't fully trust a stranger).


Edited by carbine781

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NO! We shall not give new players tips!


They are to learn for themselves!

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Practice the basic controls in Arma first if you've never played before =)

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People are dicks.

Don't trust people unless you know they won't shoot you (Even then, don't fully trust a stranger).

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do not worry about getting a gun...it WILL GET YOU KILLED!!!  get a hatchet!  Guns are only for using against players.

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Don't loot cities. Seriously its just a suicide run. Unless its night and not many people are on you have a 8/10 chance of being shot. Loot barns and small homes for food and basic gear. 

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Keep any water bottles that you find, even if they are empty. You can refill them later. Just make sure the water is sterile by boiling it ;)

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Examine your environments, it may save your life by finding a fountain when you have an empty water bottle.

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Don't loot cities. Seriously its just a suicide run. Unless its night and not many people are on you have a 8/10 chance of being shot. Loot barns and small homes for food and basic gear. 




This. If there is one thing Ive learned it doesnt matter where you are or how many people are on you cannot let your guard down.

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Don't get attached to your gear.

You can't hide anything in the long run. -> Tents are being robbed, vehicles get stolen pretty soon.
If you still want to use tents, don't put in anything of value. Keep your antibiotics, favourite weapons, NVGs and so on with you as you log out. Also avoid to lay guns, backpacks and stuff to the ground. They may vanish.

Edited by Ken Bean

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Dont try to mess with Arma physics. Ever. Or they will mess you up.

Dont underestimate the zeds.

They tend to break your legs, get you infected, in pain or bleeding with first hit. And get aggroed unfairly. And blocking your way out.

Never shoot at zeds. Run or take out a hatchet. You just get them aggroed more and more. Shoot only if you have completaly no other choice.

Dont be naive.

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While Zombies are dangerous, most of the time, it's other players that get you killed. Be careful around other players.


Keep In Mind the various skins for different players.


Your Average Survivor - You can't trust them, but they may be friendly.



Bandits - People you can almost never trust. Players have to have low humanity (to get this, you must do very bad things) in order to get this skin.



Heros - People you can trust more. They have helped out other survivors.


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To the guy above.

Hero skin can be obtained by farming it with friends so I wouldnt call skin something you can rely on very well.

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If running alone the shore line it is also best practice to run in the tree line harder to be seen or shot at and less likely to get aggro, so many people just run alone the beach side easy picking for a bandit as you get to Cherno.

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Don't give up (after a few hours)!


So much "Really, no map?" "No" "How the hell do I know where to go?" "You don't at first." "Say what!?" or "Were's a car?" "Uh, yeah, isn't that easy, that's like weeks away for you" "Say what!?". So much frustration, disbelief, etc. from most folks I recommend the game. 


We talk a lot about the learning curve, but it isn't so bad except for the first few hours. Don't give up after 30 minutes thinking this game is too hard, too crazy, too boring.

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Don't give up (after a few hours)!


So much "Really, no map?" "No" "How the hell do I know where to go?" "You don't at first." "Say what!?" or "Were's a car?" "Uh, yeah, isn't that easy, that's like weeks away for you" "Say what!?". So much frustration, disbelief, etc. from most folks I recommend the game. 


We talk a lot about the learning curve, but it isn't so bad except for the first few hours. Don't give up after 30 minutes thinking this game is too hard, too crazy, too boring.






The learning curve on this game is bigger than likely any game ive ever played. The maps are so big and there are so many sight lines to die from. So many ways to f up. Knowing where to find what. Learning terrain so you dont get lost easily. So much more really.


Of course if you want to take the easy way there are things you can look up and research to help you learn quicker lol, but thats with any game.


What adds to the huge learning curve is the way the game plays. DayZ plays slow and you dont respawn back into the same situation (like most other games) in which you can try what ever you failed at directly again.


Instead you basically start the game all over from scratch and it may take ages to be in a similar situation in which you can learn from again.

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Afyer my few hours of play I decide there are only 3 things u need to survive. Eat, drink, and don't get caught by eithsr players or zombies. Period. Everything else is secondary. Patience is key. You can' simply just go from building to builxing trying to find something. Besides, there's half a chance of spmeting spawning, amd it may not be something usefull. Finding a pack, weapon or anything else than food is a bonus. But u habe to eat and drink. It's called mmo survival for a reason....

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